Show BOY SUICIDES AT IrAYF1ELD WilHo Anderson Hanged Himself No Cause Known orJDeed Mnritl April SO Word reached hero from MayflolU this aftcrnoou that Ras njij Anlltreon upon going to Oio stable onSaturday Tound hIS thirteenyearold Mn WJIIleJiwigliiK there did Justice Hyrum Olsenhcld an JnmicsL a nural r of wttneat0 worp e > amlnodand ft TbHurorfl decided that the boy died from inning and thai death was sclflnfllcted Tb > lad ficcomptnictl his father to the nlll during tP afternoon and returned bcmonbour oclock This wns the last rttn of him until his1 tnthor fQund him hanging Til tilt sUnWe t L Icojile cannot accountTor the strange tct Tho body lftrorno evidences of foul i play |