Show NEVER LOWER THAT FLAG Utterance of President at Tuscumbia Loudly Cheered At Tus umb1 the crowd crOr abput the Presidents car was so dense that by Mr McKlnleys direction several of the children who were in danger of being crushed were lifted over the rail to the platform Many of the old Confederate veterans fought for the honor of grasping the Presidents ofgmaplns hand As Presldeuts the President was about thePresldent to begin Ills begin remarks there were crief of put the flags down referring to the ul Put flags I gs held by tlgs children chldrcn who were near the car at which the President exclaimed Never lower that flag When the cheering had subsided he said SHOWERED WITH KINDNESS My FellowCitizens canifot find ca words in fnd which to express the eXJJCS9 feelings of my heart for this feclnrs heart U1s more than kindly i welcome on the part of the people of I this city In all our traveling the South ul ou rovllng through I we have been showered with kindness and we have been wih feel every hour of the day that if there was ever any doubt in the past there is no doubtnot now that we are one peo ple one in hope one in sentiment in senLment purpose and undying devotion to our country and its standard and the Got ernment rests upon the people for they are sovereign WC are your agents but the President and the Congress are the representatives of the public will and ho Jong as the people publc peoplt aye united so long ns their homes are 3re tuous so long l as the public schools fre of our country continue to educate the children in the paths of patriotism find loyalty and Intelligence and ttII ndl aWI morality so Jong will this great Government rest securely and advance triumphantly to its liighest destiny lIunl hantl SECRETARY WILSON SPEAKS The President then Introduced Sec retary Wilson who spoke of thcagri cultural progress of the lheagri aroused enthusiasm when hespoke of the fact that two shears ago when tho cotton crop was short and w worth millions people of the South wanted know I and the Administration nOt nOl tied the people so that the foreign speculator did not gel the millions but niton9but you did v |