Show KILLED IN A ItUNAWAY Ducan STcArthur Loses His Life Near Mt Pleasant ML Plcnsant April 30A horrible and fatal accidents occurred just west ot ie n here lust evening about 7 oclock ittrcliy a rnnn lost his life and liquor ns the cause Duncan McArthur who P Ere on the river about two miles west cltOAn had spent tho afternoon here and iWcd for home about 1 oclock some ihil under the Influence of liquor Tho ittn from some cause became unman araUs and ran away throwing Mr JJcAnhur out and the wag6nran over Mm breaking three ribs and his back fljrd ho died before a physician could foch him A stepdaughter about 12 jcpra of Rge who was with him was also thrown cut of the wagon and an ankle dislocated and otherwise badly bruised Sir McArthur wns about DO years of age and loaves a widow and several sev-eral email children State Briefs t > i W H MclniOHh died In Junction Pluto county on Sunday f Lcucr Clirlstcnscn aged IB Is reported lost In the mountains out from Emory riigan scHool estimates < cnoral mainj Wnnnc 1540511 Interest on bonds fcVla Unking Lund 770 total 211111I I sarah MMcis Harding wife of Edward Ed-ward G Har lnK died at Provo la 4t < night aged Ct She leaves a husband four sons five daughters and thirty yranJchlJdrcn The suit at Logan John L Wright and Joseph howell vs Hyrum Electric Judge hart flnd for Keity J2racson trM to swing himself on i the Rio Grando Western train at Provo last night and missing hla Mop was thrown under two of the passenger cars wheels passing over Ills left leg Fred lord pulled Jameson out and saved his iCe Jamesons leg was amputated and hf was brtullt up to St Marks Hos pital last nlcht Jameson lives In Span alt Fork and Is about LJ ycanj old > |