Show LOSS OF THE ISLANDER Sensational Evidence Brought Out at Inquiry in Seattle Victoria B C Sept 23EvIdcnce of rather sensational character was brought out at the Inquiry Into the loss of the steamer Islander which was continued this afternoon Dr A W Phillips who lost his wife and daughter In the disaster disas-ter said ho could find no life preservers In his stateroom and l when ho did find them In the cabin there was nobody to assist or Instruct them how to put them onW W G Preston also of Seattle testified testi-fied that tho boat In which he loft thy ship only contained fourteen persons ono of whom was a fireman They did not pick up others as their boat was leaking and they were not oarsmen The only indication that the captain was Intoxicated Intoxi-cated was his action In naving a farewell fare-well to sOme friends on the wharf at Skaguay with his hands and his actions In an argument Ho heard a man at the Inquest at Juneau give evidence to tho effect that the pilot was drunk and hln wife remarked aa ha came aboard tim ship at Skaguay that ho looked as though ho had been drinking Mrs Preston tea tilled that the captain looked an though hu had been drinking Maco Green of Tacoma swore positively that the captain and pilot were drunk The captain was at the bar for two hours and ho had seen him take two drinks |