Show I CLIFFDWELLERS RUINS t Senor Batrcs a Mexican Scientist Talks ora Recent Visit Durans9 Cplo Sept 25 Lcopoldo I Batret a scientist representing the Government of Mexico is In Durango on his iay to Mexico from a visit to the cllffdwellers ruins of the Mancos canyon 4 Senor Batres has fully satisfied him fcelfthat the Inhabitants of the cliffs were of AIatlc origin as he found many baskets ahd other trinkets otA ot-A IO le and Jupaese design but how many thousands of years ago they came to this country he Is unable to even make a guess 4He thinks the moundbuilders and cliffdwellers two distinct races The cllfttlwcllers after leaving this section 1 sec-tion migrated to Mexico going through Arizona where indications of their stoppage en Toute are found In Mexico they comprised the original Tollcca and l lniiL dUe That this Is sols l verlfipd byV legends und t lncrlptlons Senor I Batrcs fmind on the walls of some nt the rooruF 1 tSoyor Batrcs iys the United States Government should take Htcps to pre sbrve HA ruln6 and cave them from vandals land tourists jis they form a wonderful link to a prehistoric race The ruins are being destroyea by visitors andmo time should bs lost In taking steps to preserve them 4 |