Show CI = = = I STATE NEWS oIL oI-L VERY SAD DEATH Daughter Stricken Down Whllo oil Way to Her Sick Mother t TRIBUNE SPECIAL PrIce May 27 Mrs C C Johnson liii John-son of the ninemile section about thirty flve miles east nnd north of here nnd the wife of one of tho prominent ranchmen d ranch-men nnd oldest settlers there died under very peculiar and distressing circumstances circum-stances yesterday 3Itl Last Friday a telephono message was Etui from hcie telling Mr Johnson that her mother Mrs John Patton residing ait Mnntl was at th < point of death A vjcon wns liltched up and she with her tin started to Price lo lake Hie train lull some miles from home Mrs John roii complalntd of not fev > lnjj well Slut snokf of a dlzzlncw and inter got out of the ohlcle and walked several hundred llflII s o became worse nnd her son alarmed nt her condition drovi oft the main rotte some > two mllpx to where u family nam < Hl Smith rrld d and upon reaching th homo his mother knew nothing that was colnt on about her Mr IX H Elliott in tho absence of a pfixslelan hero wax sent for from Price n Arriving at the scene she ndmlnlslerrU OB hcsr Hlu could to the womans relief ncndlnK the arrival of Dr Allen of Provo ffi EI1I6U IK a mldUfo and Dr Allen FaH she did as much In tlc CHJ < O L Itu 1 could have clone Mrs Johnson expired last night At tho house where she was tnktn the I Tw oplo were verypoor and had not ao muni as a cup out of which to give medicine med-icine and such remedfV KnS WtHo given rro from tin pan The woman or the hnufM wia heraelf In bed from a sevens attack of rheumatism and in not expect id to live Mrs Johnsons death Is as crlbd to acute kidney disease The body will lx tak n to Manti for burial |