Show INTEREST IN I BELGIAN HARES I is Increasing Very Past in Utah Another Establishment Interest in the Belgian hare business Is I increasing very fast In this State 1 The organization of the State Association Associa-tion of Belgian HnreBreedera lust week developed tho fact that some lit ty or sixty pfcople have boon engaged In the business to a greatcror lose extent ex-tent In this State for a year or more The large returns on a small Investment Invest-ment Jgwhlt i makes the business go attractive V One of the jnoflt extensive establishments establish-ments of the kind in tho State is owned by tho Salt Lake Belgian Hare company I hi I located at 13 South I Third East street M1U Lena Warmer I and Mr Claud II Goodaoll eomprlfe the membership of th omi > an > Mr I IIl rlqntly 1111 u lit J to L H I J Xncel to pit hc Ht i urd n II J I lit foand tnat rcsudint yf Ihc alU i j i I I nla city ond in the atfgivgate about 30000 liar s ho eviHMlenued great dllll I culty In making purchttrfei at any price Most of the hares raised in Los I Anglcx arv from Imported English stol and the demand Is so extensive that breeders arc able to get their own figures for all nnlmnlsthey have for sale V V V V saleMr Mr Goodsull purchased several fine bucks and does ranging price from I 550 to 150 uJMh The company had about thirty very fine hares at their V I rabbitry and several more art to come from Los Angeles soon after the 1st of I June Mr Goodscll said that In talk ing with bidders Jn California he found that tin price had steadily in l creased since the huslness uas first I established there about ilvi years a lAt l-At llrst young hares Hold at from 5 V to 10 each and now the average figure i for standardbred hares Is 20 to 523 each He met on man who went into I the business three years ago on a large scale and had cleared over 35000 to date A widow whose husband died two years ago leaving her with no I money and a mortgage of 20CO on her home had raised Belgian hares and 1 I sold them until she had paid off tIll I mortgage made several costly Improvements Im-provements on her home built a fine rabbi try and had money In the bank I Mr Goodscll says that the family In Los Angeles that does not own a few I Belgians Is the exception This Salt Lokf company has erected a new V I building especially for their hares It Is about V twenty feet wide and thirty feet long with a ventilated roof There I V i Is a passageway about six feet wide through the crntor and each side Is V I divided Into pens two and onehalf feet wide V and seven feN long The pens arc partitioned with chicken wire I and floored The rabbltry Is perfectly clean and wholesome there Is no disagreeable disa-greeable smell of any kind l Miss Wag I ner has charge of the place and looks 1 after the hares In the main She is I able to give them all the attention they icqulrc before going to her work In the I morning she Is I cashier for L A I Cohn with a few minutes additional I at noon and In the evening The com pany intends to Invest several 1 hun I dred dollars more In the business thIs I season and enlarge their building besides I be-sides Importing quite a number more of fine animals TIme company has not I sold any of their stock nor do they I I intend to until they have several hun I dred on hand Miss Wagner said yesterday yes-terday that she was perfectly satisfied I I with her investment and while there I had been no returns up lo date she I i did not worry about the outcome because be-cause if she had been so minded she could have sold several hundred dollars I dol-lars worth which is very probable as 35 each has been refused for young I hares only I to months old 1 |