Show V VV V = STYLISH NEW EQUIPAGES Thomas Kearns and David Keith Bring Four Handsome Carnages Y and Five Blooded Horses from the East r t n 4 < > i I E VV V I I Thomas Kearns and David Keith returned re-turned from Chicago yesterday and I brought with them a carload of handsome I hand-some carriages and horses In point of style and beauty they rank among the best In the city Mr Kearns purchased pur-chased two carriages a Victoria and brougham Both are of the latest style V of their kind J In make and finish They are lined throughout with silk and siilin Mr Kearns could not remember tlast evening just what they cost but I good judges of such things say that from S1SOO to 2000 each Is not far out of the way V I Two handsome dark bay carriage horses with 0 splendid set of mono I VV VV V c 1 > VWI I grammed goldmounted harness Complete I Com-plete Mr Koarnss outfit which for tho I Iresent Is housed at the Grant livery V I stables In charge of Capt Paul Mr Keith brought In three horses a carriage team and a family driving horse ThOy are not so large as those purchased by Mr Kearns but resem ble them In colbr and build Mr Keiths carriages are very handsome V affairs a Victoria and a family carriage car-riage of the very latest design and UI todate finish V V Mr Keiths harness is monogrammed and silvermounted The horses did not cost less than 500 I each Mr Keith took his horses and carriages to his new residence where they were housed In the handsome new I barn recently finished and put In order for their reception V |