Show SKIRMISHES LUZON I SMALL ENGAGEMENTS I UPPER UP-PER PAT OF ISLAND During the Past Week Fortysix I Filipinos Were Killed 180 Made Prisoners and 300 RIfles Captured I Manila May 27 Scouting small engagements en-gagements and the capture of arms and prisoners continue dally In northern north-ern Luzon Last weeks operations by the Ninth Twelfth Thirtythird Thirtyfourth and Thirtysixth regiments regi-ments resulted In the killing of forty six of the enemy the taking of JSO prisoners and tho capture of 300 rifles and a quantity of ammunition I Col Edward E Gardln with three companies o tho Twentyninth regiment regi-ment and bluejackets from the gunboat Helena landed at Palonag Masbate island under the enemys fire routed tho Insurgents and after an engagement engage-ment lasting half an hour occupied the town without casualties The Insurgent commander with twenty twen-ty officers and 230 men surrendered on u ofccrs giving up 100 rifles An Im e presBlve scene occuxred on the plaa when the prisoners were disarmed and iibrtedTbO islanders jwore found suffering from a iack of food owing to the blockade and the American authorities au-thorities are endeavoring to vrelleve thorn Peace reigns and no trouble Is expected I ex-pected In Manila although the city Is I crowded with people from the provinces prov-inces who are leaving the unprotected unpro-tected hamlets In order to avoid the conscription which the Insurgent lead I conscripton robbery ers arc enforcing as well as and er outrages at the hands of roving Insurgents and bandits I InsulS investigation of the charge against BrlgGcn Funston of having summarily executed two natives In the province of Zam ales has resulted In a discontinuance of the proceedings dhconlnuancc Fun It developed the fact that Gen ston caught the natives in the alt of murdering bound Macabbcbc scouts mUld his action In view of tho commissaries being regarded as justifiable |