Show SLAUGHTERED CINCINNATI Pittsburg Pounded Queen City Outfit Out-fit All Over tho Lot Cincinnati May 27 Pltlsburg slaughtered Phillips in the first inning today and Breltensteln had to lea In the fifth Hahn pitched the last four Innings and allowed one srratch hit Waddell wns very effective At tendance3000 SCORE R H E Cincinnati 2 7 PIttsburg 10 1U 1 1 Battcrlc PhlJHpH I3rcllensteln IJahn and Swartwood Peltz Yaddcll and Xlmner Umpire American League I STANDING OF CLUBS P W L PC I Indianapolis 26 1S s W2 j Milwaukee 31 I 1 2r1 l I Chicago 31 17 11 I 5IS I I Cleveland 27 1 11 MR Kansas City Z2 11 in KOO I I Minneapolis TJ in 17 iO II Detroit 2S 10 3S r 7 Buffalo 25 S 21 2S3 YESTRRDAYS GAMES DetroitCleveland postponed rain ChicagoKansas city pnetponoil r ruin I Milwaukee 0 Mlnncnjiolls a TODAYS GAMES Cleveland at Buanlo Detroit at Indluiuipolht Kansas City TndhulJol Minneapolis at Milwaukee Montana State League YESTERDAYS GAMES Anacondn 10 Butte G |