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Show NOTICE OF HEARING UPON APPLICATION FOR i WITHDRAWAL No. 119319 In the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah , In the Matter of the Voluntary Withdrawal from the State of Utah of LIBERTY EXPLORATION EXPLOR-ATION COMPANY, a corporation corpo-ration of the State of Texas. Notice is hereby given that the - application of LIBERTY EXPLORATION EX-PLORATION COMPANY, a corporation cor-poration of the State of Texas, for voluntary withdrawal of said corporation from the State of Utah, as presented to the District i Court of the Third Judical Dis-! Dis-! trict in and for Salt Lake County, Coun-ty, State of Utah, now on file 'i with the Clerk thereof, will be h heard on the 18th day of Febru-! Febru-! ary, 1959, at 2:30 P.M. of said ; day or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard in the Court-' Court-' room of Division No. 1 of the i above entitled court in the City and County Building at Salt Lake City, Utah. WITNESS the hand of the Clerk and official seal of said Court this 2nd day of January, 1959 ALVIN KEDDINGTON, Clerk (Seal) By Jacob Weiler, Deputy Critchlow, Watson & Warnock, Attorneys for Petitioner (1-9 2-6) |