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Show PIANOS "CHEAP. . One U. S. Piano - . worth 500 for 8276. One I Iardman Piano - worth 560 for S250. One Hale Piano - - worth 450 for 8200. One R aven & Hacon Piano worth $400 for 8150 All tho above instruments will be sold for $25 Caslj ai)cl $1.0 per rqoril For rl en days we will sell line Cabinet Grand' Upright Pianos for 8250 and upward and on Easv Terms. one desirous of yinq; a fine Piano will find It to their interest to call and examine our large and well selected stock at once, while the Assortment is IarQC. F. E. WARREN Mercantile Co., No. 10 East, Second South Street. , s t W.ntml. All kinds of second hand household goods at Ktchison & Webbers, 107 S. First East street. t tah Loan aud tiulldlny Auuolatloo. . Subscriptions aro now being taken and stock issued in new lerles (No. 0.) Address A. Hanaikk, Jr., Secy. Ollieo McCoruick's bank. ; . . . " 1 . . , . '. i i JibaGraJ , Cmzlia Eeb. B. F. Rtimta, Stlt Lilt C tj. Jolin Grant &, Co., CONTUACT0H8 VOll: STREET AND SIDEWALK PAVEMENTS; AN O Ifc.ALKWM IN Cements; Trinidad Asphaltum for Streets: SSago'ithic and Granth olithic Lr Sidewalks, Basements, Floors, etc. The Host flrauds of Portland and American Omen tit. Crushed SUg for Cementing for Sal to Contractors. Estimates furnished on ill kinds of Cement Work, CtmeollDj, etc. Ill fork daunted OjJIre S. Maitt St. Cmlir at llaRtlrgir' Warn f prUi Telephone 411, Cor Third H at amt St(h Aorth. THE MULE FOllMY WW H.tCIIIAE C031PAXY !? a. mm m Tflfbne31i; : : 421 flEVT FIRST MJITH, : : r.O.BoiJSS, EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN- Lots will be sold iu El Dorado for a short timo on installments of ." aud 110 per month. Cius. H. Wilkes. Dr. Tillman's dental parlors, HKMaln street. Consultation free. 15aby carriages at cost at S. K Marks &Co. Don't forget that wo hat e removed to 57 Eat Second South Mrcet. A. .J. Wiiitk, Heal Kotate Co. TMK HASHON PKOIH CK CO., Cunmi'Miou Marclianti, BH M. WMt Trni! Mtrcxl. Hutter, egirn. cheese and fruits. Western West-ern agents for Iho Diamond, Diadem. Ayrshire, cascade creamery's A. A. & II. I'. Co. print. Car load wool and hair mattresses at S. It. Marks & Co. Call and see my new lino of Spring Suiting worsted pantaloouings, etc. W. A. Taylor, 45 K. Second South. Cheapest carpet, wall paper and furniture fur-niture at S. R. Murks & Co. ThB Variety Hall, M West Second South, kfcp everything you want. F1 Dorado can boaet of a larger population pop-ulation than any oiher subtirh. CrtAS. h. WlLKtl. Sole Agents for Jamss Means' $3.00 SIlOCS. Spencer & Kimball, 160 Main Street. Utah Title Insurance & Trust Co. C Went 2nd South St., Salt Lake CItj, Utah. , Officer n I tttocktiolUerw John E. Dooley, President 1 a HUla, Vice-Prwident " A. I Thomaa Secretary. I ncorponitor F H Artftsvii U-rtttTi ; W. s. Mcroainrm CatLkm. j.h J. Imi r ciii!ii-. jmxt aar, L'ti mcnl . j. r. i4t i f hri t a wkitii. t'ifa.hir-f i.-Mf K.m,r. a tlB '.CHa,l''r Ari L. T.i ttoraraorvf L. IUi4j ii Itmttr VtkUil Bsitk. J H. M ai kin, I'nuai SlUmi Hal. JuBX A. MA.MiJ, JTvt6 4oUt J T. U. W Buirt. Z. C. Ji. i. Attorny, John A. Marshall. W |