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Show THIS DAtE IN HISTORY-- JUKE I I. 1800 Napoleon defeats the Austrians at Marengo after crossing the Alps. By a treaty signed the following day Bonaparte outlined twelre strong fortresses and the control of Italy; Marshal Ifcjasaix killed at Marengo. 1801 Death of Benedict Arnold, aged 01. 1807 Battle of Friodland; Napoleon defeats the Russians nd Prussians. The peace of Tilsit followed, by which Prussia was obliged to surrender nearly half her domutfobs. (812 Harriet Brecher Stowa born; author of "TJnele Tom's Cabin." IBS Stuart's ride around HcClellan's army; destroys de-stroys stores at White Hojse. 1864 (Irani crosses tho Janiea river. Va. 1H88 Death of Emtio te Munpaz, French states man; born 1818. 1889-Th Samoan treaty sigu-.d Li Byhu. ! |