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Show Patronize a Home Industry. Salt Lake Lithographing and Publishing Co. Lithographers, Printers, Blank Books Makers, and General Stationers. Engraved Calling Cards and Wedding Invitations. WE ARE NOW IN OPERATION and ready Jot your , ' t , zz.rdtn.ZZ ' Elegant Work at Reasonable Prices, No. 11 West First South street ' ' ' . - H. H. VAN CUEF, Manager. D. Hirschlcr & Co. 13 2waia Ctrt. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL WINE, LIQUOR AND CIGAR MERCHANTS SUMMIT VINEYARD NAPA CO., CAL. . Pure California WineH and Brandies Zinfandol, Claret, Burgundy, Tort, Sherry, Angelicas, Tokay, Mount Vineyard, Malaga, Gutedel, Chassclus, Rics ling, Saviznon, Sauternc, Semillon, etc Importers of Havana and Key West Cigars. GEORGE A. LOWE, Dealer in All Kinds of Firit-Clau -Agricultural Implements SC1IUTTLER FAI'M AND FUK1GII3 WAGONS, Columbus Bi Mods and Road Carls of every ileecripUon. Steam Engines, Leffel Wheels. WAREHOUSES STATU 110AII IJHTWKEN FIKNT AM) SM'ON'D NOUT1T. - - - "" - 1 . . i.,. "t "" c! ' j M3 mJm JLi CTT Tho Frank Komi: Coal Co. arc prepared to I I f ) furnish coal on short notice for family use. Try their coal and you will have no other. 1 1 Main Offlc m South Main. O. t , BROWN. Mff. J""" Refrigerators, lino lino at 8. U Marks &Co. COHN BROS. New Fresli Goods FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY! Best Sateens at half price. Wo ofTi-r 100 piece Kngliih Cashmere I'mbre Satiwos at lfjje ptr Jifi. Tho tylc are the newct and tlm quality the tery nmt, 'i regular selling prii e of this Hutrru wait 73 piece wide corded ChalKm at SJo per yard. Thl I th toft UrgBt in Cliallies we have offered thit i u.vn. . ii'Z Inch Hiitecng in good Firnch drsigtii, at 1 la p r yard; our regnlat 13o Sateen. Summer Silks. Our entire Atork of this sfamti' importation of Canton, Khanghal nd Jap. nnese Lyoim Printed Silk i now offered at a reduction of 24 pf cmuU' " Our 1 quiUitU-s at 75c. -: :- Our f 1.33 qulltiHl. Parasols. We offer a largo lot of Colored Moire Parasol at oo rb; thebott Farasai for the money Iu thin country. 100 Black Oloria Silk ai-lndi, gold-tipped Paranoia at t.23. Vfi hv already al-ready sold ovrr 600 of this style, and thl i the Jat lt w aliaJl offer this eaon. Alo l t Colored Twilled Surah l'uroli at I 1 . A lot of It uid and Striped Hurah Silk Tara! at 13; harked down from fi Hosiery at half Price. 100 down Mi, Fast Black tiAwA lltwe, 8 pair for Z"r. A lot of Miwe' German Black Ingrain Jtiblwd How. at 2e; reduced from Ladies' very flue French frrptitilj Unio Ifo, blak (iaiur with tmmj colored top, thl raon't hwt tyle, at 50c; were 75c. Men British Sock, 8 pair for "c Men's (teruin Sin k, In Modi and Twin, 3 pir for 50.. Men French lSalbrlgaii lndrelilrt and Drawer at ?Wt: pTMjit, French Sateen Blouse Waists At1.2' audtl.-Xf. Suiniuor Outing Flannel HUtma WaisH t U.S., li, 7 and ft. Strii4."l Silk Bioiio Wawtit at 1. Ladle' White Derby Wit at II .", wrrntt'J pfrf-tt ia fit o 8ai.li, Ladies' White llmym at ;, It 21, J. 3, 2 2. U73, and I3.W. Our entire itock of Ldi' and Miaa' Jeneyi Int a tu uked rJows ft less thn cost. Laces and Embroideries. We offer about 130 piec very choice Torrhon Laew, in width from f to t Inches, at 5c, 7c and l-c per yard mark! down ooe ttird. Embroidery Flouncings. I Vtncb India Linen Flouncing, deep faein-titchtxi border, line Embroidery, at 83c, 1 1, and f !.4U per yard. Bathing Suits. We are showing a full tek of Bathing suit Th- line of ' are earn plete. and prke reatonablc. COHEEOS. I Lace and silk curtain at S, It. Marki ; & Co. Ura. Whitoaf Burbur't ! Dental parlor next to Cullen hotel. The large! display of vegetables U j the city atC. B. Durxt'i. ! Miu Hat. At Mr. Bromstceles, 109 E. Second South street. Just the thing to go to (iarticld Beach in. , . . . Parlor unit, largest stock, at S. B. Mark & Co. Fine line of carpet at ,v R. M.rk & j Co. ! |