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Show I.KAU ANO BT1.VEK. Among the influences which are promoting pro-moting the prosperity of the eutiro west, there are none more potent than the recent appreciation in the prices of silver and lead, caused by the decision of cougress on the Mexican ore question and the anticipation of favorable silver legislation. Jt was simply an act of justice and a tardy one at that to givo to the lead producing states and territories tho same protection against the product of cheap labor in ore as is; afforded tho manufacturer who sells them all their supplies used in working the mines. If ever there was a more inconsistent, in-consistent, unequal or shameful ruling ou tho tariff question, than that of Secretary Sec-retary Sherman, which was afterwards sustained by Secretary Windom, we do not happon to know when it was. Iu that ruling all the arguments and theories of high tariff advocates have been disregarded, disre-garded, aud the great treasury department depart-ment of the United States hasleen used in unholy commerco by a gigantic trust. When it Is known that the most able and honorable members of the republican parly havo cither be-como be-como blinded by its sophistries or corrupted cor-rupted by its money, the power of this great monopoly can, to a limited extent, ex-tent, be understood. Whatever may bo tho action of the senate in its deliberations delibera-tions on the lead schedule, ono thing is certain, the party now controlling both branches of congress is on trial before the people on ono of its inost vital principles protection to home iudus-trios. iudus-trios. , Tho recent advances in the price of silver has awakened tho eutiro mining region from tho lethargy into which it was thrown' when ' tho white metal was degraded and dethroued from its proud estate as money and made a mere merchantable commodity,, aud tossed about like a shuttle-cock at tho whim of the money changers of the cast. An advance of 25 per cent in tho price of silver and lead moans much to such camps as Leadyille.'Bingham, the San Juan region, and other districts where the ore is low grade. It means a fair margin of profit, while, ou the other hand, it would mean an absolute loss to work the mines. Tho advanco means that more mines will be worked and more men employed. : A greater demand de-mand for miners means better wages foi them; it means more wealtii aud comfort tor the eutire people, whether engaged in mining, agriculture or trade. . Congressman Bolfoid of Colorado, who is generally accredited with a great deal more than average shrewdness, was not guilty of a throat, when a few years ago on the floor of the house, ho exclaimed: "We of the west, have scarcely auy interest in a tariff except what little protection it gives our lead at that time thero was very little imported im-ported or our wool and those we can do without, but wc demand, uot alone in the name of Colorado and tho west, but of the whole people, peo-ple, the common people, the people who toil and spin ill the heat of the day, that you New Englanders do ua but the tardy justice of restoring silver to the proud position which it has occupied for centuries as the money of ths masses. If yon dou't do this, tho time will as surely come when tho people of the west, who have ooen smitten on one cheek, instead of turning the other, will retaliate and destroy the tariff on which you fellows have fattened for a quarter of a century at our expense." ! This mi not a threat, but! it was a prophetic warning, j It pointed out the dangerous shoals to- j wards whiHi they were drifting, ll i was au invocation to them lo at least j try and follow the precepts uiid ti-ach-! itigs of the golden rule. |