Show T TION 16 rats etlou of f ill ill 1 by two tro trilb x men inon ilia 1117 U 11 matt ft 1 I 1 a of 0 delve A attry far took ilal in inca bici biown l kioa I 1 WOOD caloon at 0 it ox rily a row eri Tn inga age acrive all ai 66 proprietor irot anil bar were up op for fai aa to night ge tipped into thos ihal edion mid and I 1 t ni 1 to tho the called for two to sticks they yera both perfo otty sober anil and appeared to t ime wih 1 provi lol amonoy arom their aliey li lahan for or travel ing men nod cacil cm Cil 0 to o be on the iho luka best boft IDA of erms altet P abing aying tor for alio be one of 0 tho the parly aled to the hi proprietor c or and covant to know ex hoar vre granoli ion ton will take laho to liiro hire conr bar foran for to benr our wo will not the iho liquors llila ore or cigars ira will aill I 1 reak no ao blaut april TU nil to you on 1113 now alica tile time is ii up 1 1 it yom price arico well acue is 1 too much to his hi tot kur pr brur v alha ilha ili Eill 1 each took from ill ei r liate 14 a 5 bill and put it on ilia iha countr they walked to lo the ile trout front door inroad Inri Kii the ali loy koy and adil put out tho the pi gas tb elie olor tomain c to a see loo abat mas ivea bolog to be dono udd ou in cl lenco vot ft wora vora passed between ill Ts they ballod to ili the bo bock back fint of cl the loan look cou quietly and placed thom them in ia t n thoa atal went to 0 o the birt bari called for two moro more drinks and anil thou to turned to illein tile th heavlow it blau ot of tho the two ind and kt at tho the anal ref yen ye ro go on t aboy abey quoted oft off nod and commenced pru it c ath other afir tin the won t 1 aulca I nud 1 r A the ring rillo not a a word TI oril pal Ito tween them r tharo valk x mm n a of ft that exhibition ot or temper which T attend 11 0 auen zuen prize zo fight do haste no a c to ont b both o evidently cam m for or and went about sell swett win lio lim i dhir dispanio after a marinc ur tho rho oldest and Leavi lic etil nian man of tho I 1 yo iro apparently had the th advantage ile iia lilt it u 8 op mow on lb jaw a nud u a 1 knocked nom I 1 lam to abo floor tho the little fillow revived and ng the blood thom hh moll lit lil the iho heavy mem a nosing 1 2 lett e it a the ile noat dose A tr ica il lt r ili t 1 A roun round a anil timo time given toon cla to got haslit lii to AM tho the contest ww was active on both anion and failed fort birty minutes the were severely and bida trouy i caell showing t alib I 1 id kofl oct of ilia iho light 11 lit lo in a ill altered face mid anil crim toa shirt tho the result was about eve trealy lily after the iho match bac each 11 walked to tho the liar IMF and orion oft they shook harl and allej it Ih soling the proprietor tor for iaia hi falcon debt amily toll tor i their i w to tb ibo foot I 1 of 1 l ill nil rc Z a finolia I 1 I 1 |