Show 1 I 1 orel OPENING NING THE ei RECORDS A short story of a penitent how he ha served the kindom 10 f god in earnest and was afterwards hafed over to the Buffet irli of I 1 c atall r I 1 J IL YOu W IW of 0 the astl I 1 i ell u artiola wilh kith ito bading h ding Oa right at atlle lloil lB ica cne aron MY T chirl clr I 1 bit n 0 o in ili 1 alit liattia ad 0 light be bc arbo rora JUa public pu lilio xo Kwi x O wiss iba your you lovo va 1 ct I 1 2 sm bin oi YOU jou wll vill ertl live 1110 a butla lit apato to correct t tha mf in ilia lie ID u rit rinju ju tj to get low 1 ii ft 1041 Teti been mada llo ILO ol for confidence mil atil also aleo to show the ba which ilia everlasting ario priest it land alek to baiel up the lingi oci or of god goa en cia the iho earth afler giving ur my oira gro bt lf la cuir to many points is ii IAO tivit lat at 0 hundreds alio ito have ciara gath gathered ored to 10 zion I 1 bleill willingly abi abila ia the be verdict oi that choit arbiter publio und nod lopo hope to TO ro lain fain ilia be good will ol al base wh know mo me lest best I 1 lien acan IRO 1 I beard aud ua embraced alio llio be to ia Koala nJ still li liko 0 o thousands of rejoiced lint bod ad hail had col 1401 UP lip nis ia in I 1 iff if tle letter laller ilme never mora to be thrown down load of be anul coc omett fao 1 dope pert lerl please pleasa oath U filst I 1 wag by the servants ol of god t bat I 1 must chor lhor to kion to do the will of god ls as it should bo be majo made known know through lla his ear vant ilia hie dont spot pel it profit I 1 broke up and left a lutt tivo fua Jurod lindred lids lias pud find main til sil lj alo 0 o fyer es to quinea 1 aired of ti me DIB to lo comply anth thew alo wila ill of 0 god ani gather with ln cboaz in 10 lo valleys of the fihs woun calro tafoi hero let mo me explain tile las ail and preached la in b u cot be same off id that hit practiced ja butth dud aud la ia the ibo tabernacle of this ibis heavenly zion la a the copl wo a ambro ibero hero wua wag no DO linol atonement at nil insidious no to lo the inal dulig ol of 11 crime stained krutol pir I 1 cetto looi od 1 true the theair thoi ol of VO 10 flygare y WAS hold held up tip to our admi riol gag ga as 59 a divino divine institution for the tha if mankind we wa could hot cot hero piat br the cl cr amples of alla foli alty i iia do no hero here too MO by aboa a bilto live up op tel their logee lupjo arriving in utah 1 I iu aln atilo of zion soil anil tried to do im mt duty so IB a kiihl stint saint niever never dl dremin ing of ilia trouble Iroil blo into iata which thit mib taLon notion of 0 duty would lelej mo after r rending hero a aloi loit I 1 time limo I 1 I 1 wag waited upon by a ortho of ibo lord which the ibo same sama wn was THE OP tars awl bo be inform int orinel ed me abot I 1 ai to 0 a g 50 0 ta t the oln ol 01 0 I 1 IT wo V 0 eca N c a I 1 to a S anu al c lnla L k a ca cily ly 0 oo 00 0 for cr ilia iho kingdom ling dom I 1 I 1 in what illy iho business was and lie a told me that E must matt to ro to the be silt salt liko house and rei on to a mighty dian of god tamea IlAm plou ard acil la fa boull tell loll mo me what I 1 do ill all cot in ali ir LOU men amot I 1 met title iho aoi aheu the ibo aa dazilo brig ina die I 1 to 0 the city hall where I 1 was to lo the second man iron rout clad ilia ali ono 1 yoi pirate of the Wasil loh tile myor mayor of silt toll mi me zion was being dualist ed ti bib waiting and amr tile 7 were jai reducing olvil 91 liaa tig iho S aitta 1 I 1 aoi ajl aad I 1 a iti tit twin relic 1 can I ft alio f i oiled 4 doto clovo of tle be ditlea defir 4 V ba abom aboia in ia alio alo ryes eyes ot of alto WON 1 T was wa a von pondering dering how bow it VM that thel 0 cilia cila being iott the ibo malro milro lir were nol gabled gu Ll bled ail tut but bofo boffo 0 o I 1 I 1 could could fr CE p 8 my augi ate 1113 geltl pirl anto to toll I 1 mo ina the of 0 the ilia kingdom could be bilter tn ali by abating these ceilio fact TIMY COULD lr EE aps vps PROFI profitable rABLE 10 then the ibo baturo of at the isi service required ired ol of mr me was SM 11 id obtain evidence the ungodly intruders that hey bo be made to lo tso the cx ex ieuse of running this m lit la in an 1111 guarded moment I 1 yielded j it 0 a bo be my religious duty to 1 do dj eo tho the of 0 my labors was via that tre baloon keepers and awo rolled foiled doves dacci were hanily faced for or alobe abo benefit of this alij clorious clor ioui liing Jou the tha pirate conducted me ma to th tha ted donto ot of our oar beloved profit to obtain fir birther ther directions direct iona re rola liyo to my lay duties I 1 WM wao to ta ia ia gratia to al ai well as I 1 could lota ot of governor goolt Vo olt lind and to ira I eri ra what were tho the ree figa ol of eod and 10 lo 10 other fiderio cers tho leaders of this people and the line of policy they were 0 anh regard to lo this langdom Liag ling doia dom and when to fully folly report 1 I WAS I 1 TO 10 TIIE and loma of alij friends and wm wag cor car dully roce ivol and 01 ol treated by them tout but by this ilia time lime I 1 wg was 0 80 wilb the low ot or my lay employers hat I 1 had resolved to wasti wasil m my v lits or of alio llio Laja aiB I 1 talca the 1 10 ot of affairs to ila I 1 ba governor and told lim bibi vy aby by I 1 lod bad been tout to him ant anil ol of my disgust at tho the basc rieu alich tile lie design tho the booted tail u avry kindly and sympathized atti ia the tha an a Otna out alous loo loit lo ioa in which y T w wo a placed I 1 believe WO booja will al test tle 10 lo froth of 0 this ascuan an as ai I 1 began to realia tho the bleclic 9 degrading im posed upon me I 1 left it in disgust file thima and remorse ov creamo ray my religious roli ciani aal W thenceforth I 1 thought ley kf Di dijou jeU dic tilba end and a roe mio mae it I 1 republics era ungrateful thice ratios arc ro this fact I 1 was luan mido ado lo id ri aliz aa A a reword for or loty past e when I 1 off abo at acko of of the bo an would no longcr r ba their subservient atooli tool I 1 wilt carefully oare lolly delivered over to the tha buff iliDa ot of batall Us maj mil acety wag overcrowded tan contract coul riot to the kairit y brethren con coa I 1 hito been wali nub uy my chart ch elor wait wa illy aal assailed ailed until 1 iam driven to lo desperation and fini I 1 to a top it il A t sit all hazards I 1 son ili t oat omo ol of my trad Irada cort acers to wake them I 1 offset leae exo IX I 1 wi was pill into jail ened heavily and ana una r heads tio ails I 1 to lo etab un in busi s ond nal nfl leave this ilia lovely aloo tut there t anere twill 0 a few buffets boll ota left tho saitom X L bud sold oi out ont was broken into a law nights cizo a n a of the block arill antl pro prop p erty wantonly destroyed upon a 2 ground lei suspicion empi cion I 1 was waa wo n arrel n arrested ted and imprisoned inaptly oded as AI being t the tha ir tot of 0 iho OUt tagO upon U a I 1 trial rial ol of the charge I 1 was calv acquitted i kiil it applause at dividing Iw dine liia attorney D rd D Itle bards macd all 11 im his legal acumen to iu lay conviction ian upon this I 1 way may observe illa an ia the coite of Apo apotala vitlo rich ards oration ou on tho the ol of july T a fili fil til I dy days af tartas lm family h haa bell bought out oot the alio star slur saloom from broin ilia iu na le la ex ho led the lio mg mon or of wool to keep the iho WORD 01 oy nl ina ail to keep sw way av from aillar corl billiard hello 1 abi TUB s via I 1 att tint that Lif Ecial waro he be in ia view of 0 and tato largest na running then ogden 1 I he ha more oro pious 0 or saloon brethren ju in were an abil I 1 it ilia ibo tn sapE oled that alicy I 1 ey it ij more or of adopted a practical upon the llie boys boy the pro ho be briety of ct coo I 1 woula here cipran to thouc gen who have been roy my friell frie frien nl dIr and who liivi by me ma through all 11 my cai my heartfelt t ili hooks aolia I 1 kava to express my lay borrow and regret lor for it tho ia injury done tl tj those alio lie aeto made loade to 0 o puffer through roy add lor for those holy mon moa of 0 gail tho the b ical ell lebal and nd b woody daiy alo b were cit t tan real otise otiose 0 of my f faly ly and add trouble Iro ull I 1 citi can oaly my contempt rod dd I 1 have b beta con thus exploit lit liopiros 9 that others may iny profit proult by bv my experience and phalle Bl ili oil the iho iscra 0 ot t ol a 0 oruil rut 1 t and 1 u d blo 1 idy P tic s il y d t PO t ti in 1 to 0 p a r t a ko 0 ol 01 1 til ilia a 1 c bf c g J 0 or freedom cad liberty J J E EJAN EAN JAN aug |