Show arrested for perjury general coxwell swore rut cut a co con plaint before united states comm 11 sinner pratt prat cha charging aging 4 oho L with penury abo 01 laT aits e acta out clit on JUDO IT 17 1671 that iti 4 quarter of 0 Govern government meni lazi in ID ilia iha vicinity dl the penitentiary mallog affidavit adi daTil that hit lie ha haj bad built a homo home there oa 00 alio llio he ich day of 0 angust he WL to the land ortice and lid his homestead I 1 to lo a preemption pre emption swearing ug that tb lo la ilia bid re idled upon alo L 0 and and thereupon be was allowed to q pcs a taio abo teat TV crha ilea for or it aej lis in pettit I 1 alio affidavit tillit allego iga that bo be did di il cot col live lito upon the bo local bcd dd in p g chilt lo 10 no 1 ba cl 1 re r baided bailed aroa ilia ll 11 locae inte Acad lo be ha cotar pitted sod aej wait therefore oro quilly quiley ol 01 11 a 4 iclona lie wag floated by I 1 deputy un eted stated moreal while lit at work io in LLO iho beld still when nhen the ibo warrant ws sn being teal read to lo him 1 ltv I 1 0 low with fear ina trembled liko an va P 0 0 lp loaf odit it my ili ibo 0 no an I 1 or of ilia pirt he wilt in itle J rica kioa Robi tillon which hit hii tal cigoj al on laing being taken before com combi lonnah bi sion or pratt lo ho was iclal io I 1 1000 bonds to appear on enday morn lag nt it M bolot ft fr cx ci auelua 14 sold nia to icaro pro cilto cones co una 1 I ito ilo beford leaving the be court twilit le be feared not the ibo face ol of man for he bat done nothing wrong aall aol therefore no a torness tor lie ilo to t vor pt iylo yio of I 1 tho a Is f be aird ji ila a ira gramc a ofal o nil to love this to bo be per log |