Show st 31 marks arkis school the tha tooth tenth opens monday augustah August 28 Sh b with witt atho atio earns carpi cf cloven teak liars Q a last year yea ilka cole continues iq hi chirgo charge of the iha miry and illde and misi via Ilon Batker tross of the iho grammar grami air department the whole school will havo the ot of urs mrs effect iyo los trao find alia in vocal ensio I 1 in IQ 1 ilo classical department boy josf 0 ard aro ff rounded ia litia and greek anil arp for 11 tap is faiai hoj with a gymnasium and AF ao liddi nl lr anal room roam weil ventilated a 44 ton con lout imo boa bee been milled up for the ibe grammar pupils firme desiring to enter apply to ilia lii ly Q aj P B miller I 1 holl nit ampler jeter of I 1 pire clors lil 1 rev bar D 8 tuttle Tu P 11 rev G GR I 1 B miller na bev R bl WILY clit cla amilton li lani ilton armble am bl vl pin J 0 fog esq writ U H shear nian dian GOO Y wallace Walli oo goo aeo rl fen r |