Show DEET MINING in giroir ed cam a b 0 0 V 01 iladio the infirm r one 0 it S sake la in r she hroar cost tog 0 attoa this jola nil S N W bif r L the connection reported in the ii ilass auf of yesterday between the ills 1100 and foot lerchl of mhd mice aioo Is u mutter matter or of much imbor tance to lo not only ball on bat the iho imperial mino none but bat the abo miners ian cid realist tile terrible that hit ht have ito to la be ani whit tho the long loo slow tow koj gild todio i procoaio aso RIO bio through broach abono A faint aint iio idom bs ba conceived of the unberto king when it ll ft cnown that in tho the 0 I 1 the ual be lion mine it was wa rank mitt drift 1 feet eel fa the faithe foi abe ot l red bcd peno irita t a 0 earth a 1 ilia doph depth of 1850 loot foot below llie ila and ilia whole of wh which ich led to 10 lie bo rno rna with wih tho ilia small email breath of I 1 in a to lo tho the facson ilia drift from tint point it ii was KM loode to ito luila ila 10 lct feet in ia to lo diedt a aj 00 with wilh to de lidz irom from the 1401 foot fool level evil tho the total length or of ibn ibis upraise and sir warn hen connected is lee fee up wd bad down dowd cli tia the workmen were to 10 climb in ia catlin g to sod from their wo ito it k A lona this Up riso and nil through them fall of 61 the feet of drift 1 aba stood sus daily fit at iy ay carr af cg raps rr t abon ait s 0 duly ymell hardon cd to allala could it 4 abele is d lining ing tills hir jot most moat 01 soma kind ol of labor la in tho the firt first twenty tour four ticora cartre sifter otter the witla with the ibe opened moro more than heir its lill ti ilia aitio thermometer tell felt arom rom to US de decree destreel a bf do frees boil od is ij aill failing fali og in HIO bo im inolia chib morning the th beoo aeril facial jai e effect be begin ill a T to to bo felt an aal I 1 the re Is but atte doubt that I 1 io vary tory low oar hours houri more the iho be ril reduced 1 cly bodies jhn deacons 1 i 1 to lo ilia opinion pit of it met oo on ibo lou 1016 11 A hl had thit m alen lou tho ivita lil it there 14 ha court cf alo doai 1 l bo be jow a tle ilu D allion shift and up through that ot of I 1 idt he 1 ally lit tile tic laretia iotis thi crati ol of tr r proving ID 10 ivery every pit pani loular ti oular ili ibo 0 ar 10 nna firms urbis u aig views of ell en it n il III bod CIA sub 4 esz baaun afan in ill iho working of a aside birom 1 aiom the in flu iu galef coif afro iro mcp MCA oin oat no cordith Dord er it ith e so lhnn eil pir borm la Iii addition 16 lottia lot thill tho the billit 41 strait raft of wf sit will cool ibo sides tj t ilio drifts and so that iri id ther alic ourse of timo thi lower loiter jeveli it I bliar alize almott is blaed 14 in ie 09 on ito ibo carl ctrl atio |