Show LEGAL NOTICES t oly eften tunnel sonnet nud no L lj pa piedt location of of bokas A all ty little cottons t atal territory t Y 1 nolle I 1 b clvin abat of f abo otichi otic hoard fI d of f till Triin Uca of bald 1 1 cop 71 h halil e I 1 lt on is N monday january 1 r LI 14 7 3 ftfe in nal men L or of aday alvo iv y lixta 0 per abare to 1 upon ali 0 1 I or of said bald C a a ill february lantry Fai alock 3 J in vol ird I rd cel n to botho 1 I rl r p ft nt t tho the office 1 th con noa a fir ll 11 a D ill 0 W california 1 I a street san francl aco Call frim is a any ny k upon a a which isai said d pl pit re brak a unpaid 11 00 t alio I 1 1 laili to tiny bihy of 0 r ls khali bo deemed ad vr afe c quant acid rj will ta bo d doly al y 1 for nolo Q ae 61 pucho g oll on nul ua al pa rt qa allt bo rondo oi b before till kit III be bortold in alio 11 lh chiky no of 1 1 to ariy riy I 1 ali d 11 starch rv g cost of it 0 OD ui IHUS HAR 8 UK A IY secretary no 3 aj exchange jun jan l lawty sw NoI NOTICE N ler I 1 j 11 glare A aba t i nilda i will ill pleam 1 tiko take bouc D ilc axi ilist itkor bar baa heart done dnn on ilia auuusta mines columbia district Cou utah territory nod you jou a aul eh each 0 of you aro nr be it tn pea wass your you ra 11 of f tho a mount to 1 paid within ul only days daya from dato a of f this your u r I 1 at acot will all bo be old held in no corda ci with atio h to act 0 conant cont cong nn Nt A Lan landela dila ajo lon lidd to ta N Imm lord to 41 C cb Is r I 1 aia L 2 A 1 V fridi fial L as i in iffla nt J M U miller J T mallor MI U VL j l atod Q 0 etite O alio llio t a iti ourt for tho lift daft ivi IN tri elt n nl I 1 laub IQ the ter dank r ulel s lit in i etc y to tho the 4 of th tho abobo her n ned abla Illi alsto la 1 nellte of tho h of raid will be held buforo win pap I 1 p by luRl nt r tit in tit nl hw hla omo omen yn plo ba M limb U complo aalt lk lAho gilly cUy utah tc on tho the att duy of january D hgr at I 1 10 0 ot ock a m not j la f further rt c r ivan I 1 bare in my until final accounts oc count As wasano assignee or of paid cs estate tate and that apply to wild paid Itea lalit biter tvr forts for a sell settlement 4 onas silt of ct toy ray an aid ad accorn ac countR I 1 a and adil for a libi charge from nil all label try diw 1 I rim in alcor danco with lah t iho a pr 0 I 1 one of tho I 1 twenty 0 t lit Is lection of wo ibo I 1 ankro 1 at act of f clr march sd I 1 itce 30 JOHN IN I 1 1 I U 0 A digneo I 1 I 1 ml it ltulio ko city it jin 1 n uth dili avs J ajl 1101 iol 11 N or ICE ILS F S aone JONES 4 1 51 I I 1 allou sad caward will will beabe tako notice that work has been don dona ey ly the iho to tile thu amount of tw two hundred and shirly by tire the deep beep cited li lInIng booi lo county Utu itoh band ond you tire bro hereby notified that annle aci r your or portion of paid amount li Is paid w I 1 thin ninety ilay R from duto data of tills ads your interests will to be sold bold la in accordance with the late act of Cong relsa K SOS TONI aa N il bell albertson ALbERT bON 1 ati bear e K december d dl lia L NOTICE RIO in relation to 1130 liberal institute will nod mr 11 nt at hla hill temporary r erml dances bonco assir rt mr Jonesi 1 lebars I bacoch ono block pant W Y S God godbois bos on oa the a the tide side of tho the way ol tf X lill cina C I district jan I 1 isa M sir III pleno take notice ik 1 that wo we the hirvo have done work oil L do to lo the amount of ocolo one hundred dollars for you bald lodo situated in ill tho the star dl ir mini mining nit lustrick lU strict acair licay cir county utah territory and aou oa aro are hereby dollzell Dol lAell to pay tile ilia within ninety W days day from date dat of this 4 other otherwise witto your tour la in crest will bo be sold bold in accordance the late lale net of congress T F shiaw 13 niomia I 1 nf AS G UM V LEGAL Cr T c r if hereby fric age NO IN R dumcy U 0 o y cacace IV nod lied J 0 chumey who aro are citizens ot at the ibo united st states 8 1 ao 10 by lissis do chatal attain hundred lat 1 1 js fact puril in a ahw by y tarco hundred 30 feet in hi width ou on tle WT r baglo io being a ell vor tola ot of rock la in place and the land nod and premises to tuil told miles all situated ith la Amo Amoric ricAn sin fork oric mining milling county of bait lako or butek and ati of utah the I location cation and extent thereof being more full fully y described as foll follow to wit beginning at the covery stake and abaft of the war wa r carlu thence ta N a SO deg 40 min H thouron N 41 into H N 11 10 feet cretu rising to discovery abaft thence B 48 deg 14 into K P fe i to edrit NI no 1 thence N 30 deg 49 40 min 13 L SW kloct to post mo ISO acl r N 41 daw 42 min E fot to post poat N no 3 t benco N 4 49 S ivis dg liias IJ m in A 40 4 0 feet to post poet no 4 thence if di dc g 44 min IV W 2110 1110 feet to post no mo 6 5 thence 3 8 so 3 J deg 40 MILL IV SW toot foot to post no a 0 darf IS anlu if ajo foot topeat to pct act 14 no 1 I the place placa of TW 7 acres aulont tho the adjoining claims are the ibo war baglo aadil the ibo Pitta burgo all situ bitu abed abdou on pittsburg till american rork milling districts district sait lako or L tab comaty utah territory 6 0 pet kt K t forth jo in the forc lomg diagram and wo we do hereby falvo ill rt her tio that WO filed 10 this office a copy of the plat of survey of tho the aam not of husli survey with Is sworn statement and d record vj docco the aud and right of pour and tile tae blau of a to a poll anz end 1090 of the isom mid autho on ha nol no r of a copy of said eald plot together with ellb a notion of their Jil loution to lo apply for the aclo as B well its BB proofs of their ID its abts st tho local culva of miners and dd selth the laws of lou gr aint WOO aleo of having in clial NO 1 a d aa amount oot dot ks s and having at this timo actual peaceable K po eoln lod 01 of bad property text wo we lavo have applied for fra a a barvey avey and plat of said udd and ft A patent for the same under tile act of con e n 1 11 bod AU an act to pro blote Ittle lh covol dovel asp of ibo be ball it of the beati approved may I 1 hh lj other lemd iiii our ou r hands tied gaj cicali this lith day of january 13 C 0 hofsly ey his atty in G jamia w klondy Kc ondy dy almed tv hildned hill ned L J 0 r ey y ble ha a auy t ty t y tn in fa fact of james W K conedy ottest 4 M 1 i olac ax georgo C ilabee solicitor SoU eltor STAIRS layo LAND orric LA LAKI as jou jail it zi S 3 I 1 certify that the ibo nuovo notice and a dixe grem gram of f iho he said mining claim olai moa was this dy day iliad anth la together with a ol 01 of it Jai cuLon DO 00 appy apply for a su BU hrvoj arvoy rod and plat thereof from the und ana a patent ill from the ibo of 0 tho the united sa provided in IA au an act of 1 comarco Coo 0 0 arco re eo tied AO an act to promote th ho d i 0 of too the mining ol of the united stava may luiba 1 aad is all ellior flother exit lug 14 laws a I 1 dinces mid jd nut colo to bo be frioud tu ili on m lis I 1 a poll ilbe klucar cot ibo h 0 toc aIon loll 1011 I 1 of it abo 11 cola in jio lacta GW 0 L MAXWELL allt aa OTICE P J in yby y by cis tit that C G NOTICE carota sy ki J a bui u u wy ky and it put pet r who bo a aru re of f t the h e U sifted by p i r b slid and location do claim eight lundri bunar I 1 oc at to lo by torto hundred X sta i feci lt 11 width on in ff abo buil r jojn of rock lu ili and I 1 L sl lahu aud and tile ui to ull id wino AU ali in the abo leark valuing county of brict alsko or U tah t 0 cocat ou end extent 1 lipf buoo fully US to wit at the discovery chaft thrifts thence 0 90 0 G E 00 ACL to 10 af f nusim returning tj ll 11 duo vory aft arid jil running on oil couter COD tor rf of claim N bo os 1 W I ft 10 lo wrist ecat MCI of 0 running a B feet to pos sica 1 tot nee is IQ deir 1 ao toot to I 1 dicaino cat no thence N nit 19 1 9 acs b m ft to W C poa no 3 to point of the ibo writer stake atako 00 orator of fit ai its northern nor thero extremity N JO beff JOO feet toosi no 4 8 60 80 deg E feet to 10 IV 0 no 8 and nod lied it impracticable to ran this line further fur there ahn aro are the nud and Is of rho ft and iva r eagly ill lt lodes nil all la in american Amor leka fork salt aft lake or utah county utah territory asset forth 10 lo abo hi grum and wedo ijen ly give louco ahat t 0 o it b ave ulel tiled in ili this lilloo oil co a copy of the plat ot of surveyor survey of tho the SM D d the bold notes doug os of such aulvey 1 I a sworn arid record re co eho Joff the th end right of their poucE Soa nad and the basis ot of a clui to a and also proofs proof of onnald ju the slat at duy of november ibbs ut of itcy plat together ellb it a of ef their Ints Cloa to a apply for a stoat tilam for as 09 wali im ad iroff of aply their in ia thus behalf with the rn liioi minora and with tho the laws law or of and also of iliff aumai ibor and improvements lu amount bol iball lcm than IWO buu bull d red and having time actual ot of add J ranking that wo inso bo a ris irvey aud ul plat pint ot of said eam a patent fortie 15 anict site on dc r the act of COllim ful an act accio actio to the min ingre ro ioulia of tile jolted piror cl may lot colb hr abr 1872 and all other if finca IV our band also ali scala ibb lith day 1873 py er big atly aly ill fact m cohu jarries ji sa W Y dimna W J a aiu cufr ay by it is at I 1 y ill lac jigio 1 r 11 0 re W ii Ce mody ny her bar aly la in 1 ut jamie W Kau neily At tefil fil li l J I Ilo lallio klic 8 S fil Ul bullings lings cooil C daft solicitor IliO go C TAT its lapin optics soft loko lake CIL 1 il utah joe jao liehs I 1 certify the nuovo notice and ft A dla dia kram of t iha he bad claim was this der day atod lu thI allois SOLLON witha vuu a bollog of tu ion to adaly for it tied plat thereof from ihu aej a patent I 1 hartford I 1 arni refit thu trillion t of the tha united bt bito atria out pro ids d in ID an act of cou con areas efm entitled an act aatlo 10 tho the do of lio of n tho the mallol ata a A cd may mii 10 li 11 MA rull all other existing r lini 8 I 1 jadlot Jd lot said to to be printed lu in tile tho call iao tribune a or ties rv t tho the Iso caton ot of ali claim 0 III 11 MAXWELL j I 1 C I 1 a i wit I 1 LEGAL NOTICES I 1 a is naino not e known AV V la a lri notice I 1 thai b of we tf tho under undersigner undersigned signed hi haive tvr jon work lor jor ifo oa a to do and nd a abo a 0 of 1 isloel afar liln 11 taa tho bricq 1 3 E anglo 9 10 adjo bloc in D ty I 1 11 on I 1 you dro re hereby to any II abo b 0 amount st 1 aln dininny do IM train late of ii 11 I 1 n ni I 1 of ball 1 aak alliy allm I 1 I 1 bf ron is lly 1 wll all griir J P 1 rent kunlo willi 1 john jwj FIA P abt bo ltv A T P I 1 L D layl avia infalt al r lahs l tty 1 pon li d hilll 12 artl ta NOLICE T M W boynt y n 1 t it alv V 0 1 beha hl 1 i I 1 b 1 0 a 1 I 1 rw lot rig ft 1 0 on n of he h joe bod wo sta el 4 by the th indigo fco 1 r you pADy tr t r stir mir 1 f 0 o 1 ald W d lo 10 I 1 1 I 1 in the jacq adal count ulah 1 I 1 to ali t district is I 1 lory 4 ajaj 4 I 1 la of jacod rford D ild acord c 0 T d 1 tbt on 1 1 1 abo bocook book oft of th h 6 f of 0 I 1 6 i 11 d 1 r t al lili of 1 ftc fic 1 in 1 I 1 city D ia IT I 1 amm 1 i in L 1 r fret on ld loila inning at tt a point three bon lived drol ja fofo alb from discovery pink etab run can a alax I 1 5 no b d nd a Q arty r 3 had am tl fot fh bj eda aln t t lh c abr b d od d 6 09 me 11 last a toul total ofa h 44 rt IT far I 1 atlo claim n R fd t bon the east old of I 1 h rit lioa a of 0 uld id loj of 97 foot fool atad on 0 lb the west aid ido is laih 1 th ul 1 forty five av 45 1 lt 11 1 th ili paid ild teem 0 0 I 11 fi 11 4 1 4 CD 00 th abo north no rl 1 ty b Y ibo of 1 lh aco c 8 alvr jaia in ca pany on the south by the claim of the tb r ca by the sili cpr ld eloiie BO 8 ea a the east ct ty by the ibo balver prid nod mad ce lode J A al WAYNE claim I dd dee toc 7 16 daft kiil N 0 ff I 1 E Q A la jing old nold unit MRS mr her r fro interest in this ihu next door to tile city liall hall hereby tenders her thanks is to tile public for pal patronage and sol lelta ill tho the hands of her irl endri a or 01 tho the hudac but be to her JOUN A miau aaa aarni fit E FV mrs green tirca i and her to JL agent areen now lu in anh aake I uko cj citer ty I 1 on are hereby that there Is 18 now duo dot tho the lona of ofilio five hundred ed and daiy sixty four dollon dollars find and sixty FIX cents for or aarnes moats ou on your interest in the baledon caledon a mine la in little Dis distal trl c I 1 hion youarn hereby notified loJ to imy ima amroe ivi di ally or our interest its said mine will bo be fobil ILI as tho iho law directs direct to pay duct I 1 hentsi all persona anro warned 1 pur claing been nettled lu a f oil full JOHN cunnington CUNNIN OTON president caledonia mining filling to co AT A r jlyo ailt lahe chiy january ath bif sn latin LAwo Orri cr isalt fait rake Cly clejan Jan jtb IM I 1 that haho N oa ea IV liow land william T VIc vincents cents joseph william 9 8 golden david P wheadon leahti 1 B I abu reaal john ss thu r frauds ac of aliu umed buttes and abl owners ty by location find and by purchase do claim two and two bundred feet in length by two hundred teet iet la in width on the baisor cloud mining claim and mill rater bolog a silver dearing bearing vein of rocc in places flaco and the load and to held 1 alno I and ad distill flau 5 alore 1 of I land lot for a will mill 61 teall situated in ilia ibo crimp camp flo j d U loin ff districts county of and territory of U bw cho bo lo boilen ilen and oklan extent being bulo moro more fully as follows io rommen at too tao 8 W comer of eald mining claims alfoot al jfoss no mol 19 from froan whuell to tile half ot of said mines hearing beAr luff N id it aa min aln I 1 E 7 7 ai feet thence running N 1 deg hajj 21 feet to ft a booc no zi four fee I 1 VY corner of clano claim N ba h ba toot to poet bottno no 3 lit at N 2 cornor career of fold wilful theodo 8 I 1 dog clog E ac tort toot to the I 1 Poor cor thereof to a floats no 4 thence if 0 deg W iw feet act to mo cho place of beginning containing ton teu and ono 10 1014 14 1 4 boroo bald mill aito la bounded illif aa follows ollove 1119 8 at the is h k corner corus of the aller cloud mine mia nod md running south 13 43 deg 3 34 min aln em eix bull hundred wa feet to a toot thence 47 dog J W till roo h nod red aud od algay th ace wi 36 1 act to post no al 3 at 8 W olinor 14 13 43 deg to post no 4 tronco N it i dog W 0 mill K F ha ed fatto fc atto beginning besta 1 sta aias alre W orra asset forth in ib the ibo said laid diagram and we vo do hereby rito ciro further that having occupied and it improved the sak mid lodo lode mid and too ites according to tho the local customs and rules ruin of minors la baid mining dist clot and having expended la in actual lull labor ao an amount dot less than OINE TILOU SAND rt thin linn actual peaceable or said nall lag prop art cartri y will apis apply it for a go rs ey and I hiim lut or of said Prom bics mid a ft a sor for the iho adino DU congress an au all act the right of way W and aad canal owners ever the cubilo land rod I 1 for or other V oil july glitis I 1 ciul la 14 ad 04 the apri act a t approved auty july jtb mill and too any I 1 luib to promote th devo of the aitio mining of the united trtat C 6 handiii this thia day of Oo larj leacer V P sala 1821 JOHN joan leal l alj dy by leach U thuma his atty la in in im I 1 sol dy lct h n Thurm u BO tilt hie eltty atty la in fuel fact X 0 L calls SOIL DAVID P laeal wit I 1 1 eala ocala sukru joriu ia all dy win T Vla coal bla antly la in fact wiser BY win T IrIn coot bill act jr in fact laral TIT dy wro wm T vincent his blatty atty I 1 lu u fact oy dy A Oc alloo lib his atty afy ta in tal fact A attal ft cat UNITED starra laird orrica I 1 salt lako lake city U utah tab january I 1 certify that taftt the iho above was |