Show NOME or OF tilt till I M S 16 or col vic the mona iriti itou 31 in situated on tile summit of lion hill 1111 r eat t canyon ildr Diet net la a the alio fall for i lh I 1 alno in principal owner ivana is amri armull fiatal of aar adr 3 ibia hill mule muio lie hm been bicell oplies mule copido to prow iti b extent blui ul for the lic 01 ol of ore while much dead work law kt a duno on 01 ui at co conict of bho he took up locations fload amon in hen H the lio ilia of tile ho jirol arty via ilia loro owye ibi 0 o imet i act nycie cut cali fluff dilot tie el have LULU limit made and im of oro ore exposed nod sold HUM slid nil tho hufcut fawk cifu b n that HIM inano liu into a ili feel anti anil C table title and will mil vi bliku liku fur burthol thol I 1 indu binic in tile I 1 kiuly leil lity 0 aich pro coaled ou on the Ori cor f ji Kin it can A I 1 rosily trace tile die V I 1 on ning tin ah T in 11 thi atin of in support of the tb i aaltio of the promptly wo we ro cre credibly ably informed that ono one of the locators veli oli to mr unions mitt half fatt in abo fall of 1971 for tho uni 0 30 20 gold coin alto also that in the ali month of bt VI aaril 1371 1871 mr marq Q A then of the UMA S co bought and it 20 ton lorn or of fro from tho the owner of tills m no to swan iiii l 1 I 1 g 1 a for f which tho the owners dit t 1 looi nult athla ig wait KU at that time considered a mr fair average of alio of thearo tha oro tho the average of if the vein is 1 intimated nt at about wit it fact and tho average altia nay 7 is in about per ton ilso also ox ays were given all in borgh high AS auw to tho the ton ion I 1 pockets of lioni r kilar 1 1 L A lccy diet t etli 1 t ll 11 in t alio 1 0 cou roura r p a of 0 f d ev clo p k n g alio alto cutin mino e it 1 g in i a 0 0 ll 11 i t 1 er arl 1 that no MO far ax wor Loit tho ilia mw muto haa its pil for half tho the a to of tho aroi ire 14 carbonates and sulphur ets alth A very small per mv cLi aligo of lead th tho miners or the lh blue none re idol loll 1011 located oo on ophir III afu ran of tho fol loning of inanc not itsuo mon ster tho tha oldee title 0 nos o I 1 01 aad ol 2 bilgor shield and Voca ullo tho the blue monster WM was discovered rod cuir ith 1570 clio miners delight july it aa nil a ch tho st dates tho the mines are owned and ArOb lire ving worded byan hy au company Comp toy of ilia resident nt manager esq an dated much march isa 1873 worth of ore wall then in blehl value or of tile tho gorou Haia la ilir it per cent 0 f anil 03 of gold parton T thu e r of tile tho are or ib t it II cm can to irit houi anil worked with little or I 1 benth while dc doping tho the silver shield sad bijil no f ocl pot 10 ft abc I 1 doting tons ton were HE ex anti sold which M in ia lliter and tal 45 gocr cost lead to the ton n thare are r five altu tunnels bi five bharti mil au marous drift oi which cassing as an they chov tie do oat nl longi tudin aly through uio the vein tein would if ina ID contin I 1 too extend over ton ten thousand linear fout fait thra thiro is 11 on tho the dum clump of the mines about four aim drons ton or of ore OK which is bang hold until ill alio llio a erection of patent designed anil and n pon by capt alwyn R N it ia that hat batho ia tho spring achito mil commence to dovi lopo thu thin valuable property its tho lie obstacles acles that have heretofore the nork iro in a fair way to bo be re the panacea it II la in mineral rori cig big cottonwood Colt onwood aiding abiding DIdAri ct and is ii at present receiving much attention it to la on tho the ridge or oc d divido lac between tiron nor and mineral fork and I 1 jn opened by a pilaf on ilia ridge and a tunnel on oa ido of abo w which the vein and photos a sectional width edth of big grado mineral Eil Doral four file axil lo in w tan Is tom tein to traceable on tho the surface up and abd d down own tho the lull hall fur for a distance of fifteen hundred foot winch which it to bo be a almoro vein by triangular calculations from workings on tho the veto where exposed it il is ia estimated Ut atod that SM WO boo of oro ore is ready for extraction tho the owner kro are perfecting for active operations in ia ilia spring the Chi chicallo calro alln Is I 1 soro hill ury day canyon lanyor Lany oD odbur district it at an ot of nim felt abono ilia iho iati of tile tho see work on this mine commenced io in the sum nm tho the ammo til LT tam B the iq of tilt LAW laho city 1 the ho extent of the aluta is 2000 duct Th tho ornain bochno is u down 20 iet at the depth of fact artt two drifts 60 feet in ia length have bean run rua at al right ang lea with tho the incline the pitch ditch of tho the incline li is about 40 d I 1 ia a direction I 1 no 11 3 r au 80 feet deap having an astl arango a angle of from 40 degroes to ia 45 degrees lero cj n and is id connected with ho clio mala main inchuk at that depth kochno no 1 lj 30 to 35 feet deep it biu alio llio amo e ASNO aino 3 and etith it t iho antoro named ill pt h I 1 ocl too no to or to 11 ambler Is 40 ind and 44 feet dap but bat in not tt it dv connected ith all ilia oro ore all I A these develt doT clup manti arc of tho the maia lie la elk cleoo go no I 1 is about 20 to ful deep incline clintono cli noNo no 2 launy is down bout about tho saime depth longer oro acro lacco oat of ilia iho mina during tho yur year wi tho the bear valno M 20 oz in silver idd to io per coat the id limestone in strains between winch which tile tho voin occurs tho the character of oro ore 1 is carbonates of lead mixed with cilina galiz pi lina la tile tem ai crazes I 1 m 5 to 25 2 feet in thickness the works eu it buildings buil dinga connected with tho the mine mido are very exten siro and will arranged fur for duing a busin ivis they consist of a largo dump house uio tho wall troll of which is hf of dry rock 75 ft long by 25 tl ft high affording dump room of tho the opacity of is x z 50 tho ilia aad coar nt at tho the mouth of xo no 1 thoro there la Is a 6 tone powder house log bitable with BIX all attila aa nollice room cook slid I 1 largo I 1 log fur uio of fo n ur union r nion the tha Is foot fait long loo IS inches high and in a foot wide made of 0 two inch humbur and lined with heavy theft sheet iron the oro ore from the mine down the abate into a lug log oro ore house capable of holding two han ban arod tons tona with tho the present appliances thirty tonj iona of I 1 tiro ore cam bo taken out of the 1 I arr in otery twenty four hours houn A ft a quarter of ft a milo mile in la length tho clio with tho alio of july tramway the tunnel mining Compe ayd location 6 ow owned nod by acl soy oy h carman ud H N york capitalists in canyon are situated on OD tho the I 1 0 ago as 11 abo auitt aioo d 0 ly 2 lut th entrom tho cl clima r a 1 tito site and ten daluz lie era or reg mAing ever twenty than n I 1 tact t of IlIg ground sherely the RelY tall hm I 1 acca r rua luto into tho the bua base of tho the ridge for the alI 1211 co of abroe hundred and feel cutting choai tiro iwo cry Tery largo luge yet no of mill minrel ral tho the acta upon tuo IN inamura nine i me is ia located undoubtedly runs iun i un through the ridge penetrated pencil tied by this ud and it a in u bili believed eved by tho the that they will bats biTO but little further to io run their heir tunnel cannel before thoy they will tip tap that great mineral win vein the railroad runs two tao hundred feet of tho the faco face of this tunnel The Nevor york tunnel owned by hairs beast kelsey S shearman will topi taps very largo bultot ekit of known mineral veins at great dt and tarnish a constant drui cago to ft a laro large amount of vt tiry ry valuable hewing ground ubo tho mouth of th tunnel is within nyo live hundred of tho the uno una of the railroad in fulgham cyon ridd and Is in of cry aan by a good rond road already made clalra ci alRa alfar robley kalcy sm idio alao own sli b tn parallel veins on this lill bill at tho the bond of bork of chion distant one anti ono one half vides from the imo of tho like rual road thit this group of mines lainca aggregate awit forty thou amt of ground roudil rou uil the V ce pasian mino abe middle tun of ilia group lo 10 alio depth of foot developing a lino line lyof body of mineral that in aay value fla 14 to bior ocr 1000 per ton in silver slid and from tort ten pcr cut cent to cownty per in it lead ad T abib gr mineral yun vun bu baa been opened ly by of cf limited derth tor f esou fita along tho the surface lur thawing showing aa anti outcrop out crop of bt three feet lu in thick new clean about Abou torio otio bundred toni of u on the damp of 0 this thi nation that will iu araga near ono one bundred dollars r ton in aliver and aud twenty per cent la ia lead the nine owned by denra kelsey shearman gobba 1 I charlson to 1 a very moo bno A fifteen bitet in depth li ban abeen mink on ili tho 1 0 alii n three ilot ibo lualla lubot f I 1 filice fili ct with ore it 9 33 r n la in lend and por per ton in a silver liver be b nen of tho the viiu being filled ciui till quartz 1260 1250 tou ton in belyer this thi valuable pro u bitu atod hinr the divide J erbio I 1 atla wood fork of ding hain canyon hod head of county and AM billa by OD road Mus nors J shear josm aw also alto own many U chief of which Trl ilch are ru tho the anti dd james in crr carr fork ilia coil cloud la in the vicinity of yosemite mine the black jack gulch caleb tile C A dana near tho the AS tio tho loonry clem vlod mj and frendon gulob 11 loll 1011 and tile ella at t the head of all of cf a fifth yield nry flao our lar taco we |