Show IX IN birau andor tho trilling of for tho the year 11 tho suit sall like tin IM lately published a series borim oti all arti articled clee which to ro aloot great credit upon tho the on of that hint journal the marv marcellous marvellous ellous of abdi 1 I minor aimor AL is ii too well known to mho make it rice r UY iry to re reat hero tin the statements is ii to it 2 but u it is 11 interesting la in tho the ht glitt il do too to note uia the pro rJ made during boft bialy Y two lo 10 years la IQ t abo 0 election of smelling smelting Sm elting and mating raft ting works bad in tile borc oc vie baj bullion shipped during the lint acar at there aro ro now twenty will oili he IQ 10 tile torr tom I 1 to lory thirty six blast blat faza cand cibil six it aud nd having ft or of tons of oro la in tw twenty aVri four hours tauro rhe roaro aro UTO live two tiro of which have steam stacil rind nod ft a callao apao ny ity of tons per day 1 lie others inv dinv forty ano ikan routing mr lor buu ac to aad a capacity of seven tyline tons per fit dy day one faro kelco is to la tho the course colunio of action tallo works and nd mills thore is ono one Pepi ratin and works iu in the territory th tho a I 1 latter a ater is in do as a very completa com plute find and wu was fini finished shod only A low loir wee its ago alatha process 1 is employed for tho the a I 1 of f I 1 abo lt 0 0 liver aud and title tile array of thirty six and MIX with ft a of tone per day IS IR it a very cry imp oinK coo lut but the ithol ai production of oi ay 53 S tons of bullion to which bo be added iloilo tho the works work have h ito lately brought up doii does not speak well wall for the gene tat success of ill alin 0 sm smelling smelting elting bas triest la in tile iho Bari iima keway way it tip tint in delit relit ot alm lerao num IKI of in the ton oi of lead end nj silver ore estimated v the Tai autz t AS worth only 70 per inn should have been permitted to lie lup pid d for treatment aliu A hero 0 o aro are aware in part pan 01 uio the put year tho the bolting molting mol ting gorksi at home have to a great extent from their pro viona inactivity but thoro there is in evidently no DO sign tot vit of ebat spirit among tho the sam fi molton tero which would lot an ounce ol at ore go out of tho the territory to ba treated but would employ aja means meana to compete with works what vital I 1 reasons ara for this state of al liters 1 7 it cannot bo be fur ho at or mooting melding worl for those now in existence can treat over toni tom of oro per jkr yar at neither can it ila bo the price prica of labor for chilt u nol r M ON cacan I 1 in a utah italia As in the 15 tt 19 33 be mid flu auit and fael aro are t x ire anely juab tso iso tile arc but U taftt at thov not too flugt high fur choso erkd adlich bich aio aro running nii inin alre remains riu fiina only ono one other real rca son on which may loay bo 1 bro brought light for ard thin is I 1 the lit want of metallurgical talo failure to smelt alho few works kept running havo mostly chodo lying adlo han 0 not utah hm has advanced liar her mining in wrests luring during the bo lost year lat but the work nork lit far from completo complete ter smolders can double the be nallis no far secured to her po population rIa tion by allowing bel crice to work han liana iii i heinn A with ill pr so tice and to 0 o guide it la in technical matt mattina ro wo we still till pao MO too often in western papers tho the triumphant that such finch and such borla aro are a great a perfect success they h havo Q in ann m I 1 lung li g a c L a n clues la of orca A and too f re hii 0 ut y i id d th i g a n n 0 u n 0 c ment follow bl in tho brief a few M 0 1 by 0 ther ono one that ahr saran I 1 nork 1 1 aLavo 1 ay sto aped tile alio simple reason is iii ill that at ducro acro soothing of materials 16 i not 1 luoc caa to make inako it such buch tho the total amount of useful metals must bo be obtained out of the raw rast erial so as our present maag tand nd chemical lav renders this ahi pit bible and aad tan extraction must bo be accomplished ai wo lout popi blo ex pento thia wo we are sorry to bay li is not yet dono done in the majority of elf utah metallurgical establish mental find and not dot even in the greater number of those which aro are unit step to occure real success to it tile tho koeling of full accounts in la regard baregard to tho raw materials expensed pen hud and results of acry process pro ocas and this is only Ivo by means of daily essays assays and frequent quent an alysea only tile tho who f has his hid bu bubl biness ness in all its ib clearly lim lam irk in figures is able to correct and utah has bu the iho chanco chance of mail lor her mini g industry beyond previous cx reri relience ence in other and territories bile has icil unbounded mineral wealth and tho the conditions for utilizing it aro are in every way anore fai orallo than those of hor her neighbor noigh bors laro bare loon been be before fore may tho the good amno of her in ili habitants habit babiL Anti lead them to place lur great la in in chargo charge of these who tire aro neither pretentious quacks nor ignorant plunderers blunderers ers they cork can obtain skilled labor and if they use it utah ww mark tho dawning of a new day iu in our mining ED and mining journal |