Show I 1 PEO PEOPLES afes EMPORIUMS EMPORIUM 1 X I 1 to 1 I 1 ir 11 Is II 11 f v I 1 k h 1 I 1 AI ESTREET fir AL I 1 vt it 7 1 I I 1 L if I 1 I 1 14 1 4 I 1 r i I 1 it spon T and well r of f 11 a I 1 FALL AND WINTER GOODS Is I 1 now arriving land nl we ra can offer sG GREAT REAT inducements I 1 I 1 TO WHOLESALE AND D RETAIL buyers OF DRY GOOW GOODS FANCY GOODS MIL GOODS LADIES ali AND D SHOES AND HATS haia READY BEADY MADE SHAWLS CLOAKS LADIES UNDERWEAR GENUM ALEXANDRE AND SUPERIOR DOLLAR BIDS F LOWERS AND FEAT FEATHERS I 1 X M ETC I 1 L I 1 1 t 4 vl V ia iv 41 A k is r s t r I 1 I 1 AND A BOYS CLOTHING MINERS HEAVY AND 71 T FISE FINE BOOTS RUBBER BOOTS AND A COATS hits HATS A CAPS CENTS GOODS OT SUPERIOR QUALITY so I 1 I 1 BLANKETS WHITE AND ABD CASSIMERE SHIRTS gai BUNKS A I 1 6 VALISES 3 j etli I 1 Tt li aw t ETC C 1 rt al its 1 r 7 1 10 i T w I 1 4 I 1 ra A I 1 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 1 I Z i 1 I 4 A 4 J UC 7 1 are i r A yat pia 1 11 aa a i WALL NY WIH ain 46 2 1 I 1 A 1 v I 1 q 1 I 7 ETC 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ballor over waiters bros jewelry store i alf air a ir tr 1 INSURANCE COMPANIES I 1 IMPERIAL M P E R I 1 A L i 4 alre 01 0 LONDON al FIREMANS FUND I 1 I 1 i 1 C e I 1 INSURANCE ay OF SAN SAM first clan risks solicited for the above tell rell bl appy to kimball a lawrence agents eyia tt ST PAUL FAUL fire insurance co coa ST PAUI paid up capital K sullus chicago losses paid in m full C 13 BIGELOW secretary J C M BURBANK 11 resident H R MANN DIANN agent SAL SALT T LAKE CITY office house hoa of A W white co P F 06 box ML mryl tm lim UNION INSURANCE CO BAN FRANCISCO I the bievere nand and FIKE THIS OLD ANDREL TATtI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HAVE REPAIRED REPAIR D THEIR ae jam w aaa S B I 1 to the original ald and all d are dow bow pre larn I 1 p 9 a I 1 1 laroen RATES WALKER BROS I 1 ociell agents for dab H R MANN co Ivi call A du tf Advent aing Is 1 abo th 0 oil ill 1 holcli wise me nian n put FUI la in their icum modern proverb 1 I 1 r i k i L P FISHIER FISHER Is advertising A D V E R T US I 1 N G AG AGENT E N T room SO st A 21 21 merchants cata STR SAN FRANCISCO california advertisements anil and subscriptions lor iorli the SALT BALT LAKE DAILY WEEKLY MUNE mm and for pope published in ore or roa and i ovada utah idaho 1012 fontana lon tana colorado Colo rudo Ali alizene Zens still nd adjacent TeI ban bandovich divich lland islands tho the british Pessin alons blex ican porta antilde tilbe ad new kw aco land an australian colonies the ausa uc lifeless and europe nai hits led toomy ft a new buhina bu hint ha 11 cOl arged many an old bu ALOAS has haji revived many a lull dull li liina inc HM has tree lied many P boat ness 11 aaa U buxin iss jr li dadlin C crin 11 an p n ed cd lanny 2 K lareo forgo busila bUt lueM cria in I 1 businesses id d inure insures success mt any ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS KEEP youa Y OUR SAME NAME E TITIE PUBLIO PUBLIC will 10 lo 1 fortune ir 1 IA AS A advento DI sk J if Busil leas is brisk advertise I 1 W bartl ta p man who in silver llsup into atti 1 ta th ha mhd hm put inne A bev kerut an ion tb ill does doe th iott Is d v e 1 11 DX I 1 I 1 r occidental FOUNDRY ud rift first street ban 80 francisco EHA BOLAND LANU ito if of all at I 1 JL bort nollee AlLor all orders ilera punctually ex muted la in almo on per nicular atton tion aoa paid to making milliliter hueca and bles among the special CaA calt tinK of title uil bound 1 aundry aro ibo well known dun all grula rate curot apu fpu e fur for burning screen in I 1 glib fo E 1 I or art 1 I hurels aws ai ku sizes be PC flog p L and effective r a alimi lt cast cal st as u ill g tend and I 1 i to an anil ake kellam atles mid A gr great 1 va WIT ol of I 1 0 t her and oil ell er let am df BOLAND crople ata fal cleef ft a deland are the solo kilo era er c ol 01 bitet the ROVED ra c having haling BU all the ilo Irn dunrov provo meats mati to hioko obo pua ore are ul 4 tile iho occidental foundry Fou abdiu ab liu icons A ahr be F I 1 to 0 do deliver 1 era nil I 1 pours an and 05 parts thereof with for formally form nalty Lly lu its tile beat styles and at the tb loaft cowit price im iru Is tin 8 fur r in a e anuk a with r fit on for t 0 n afi all it e na erso n I 1 1 makant k n sell cloux st or ug 6 I 1 0 c t ahr 0 tire ali Author kirI agen and a ct it vl ter A tied and f I 1 aho a ell 1 foundry ry s r wini I 1 I 1 if ri ij ass toi DESERET STE STEAM BLOCK tire are manufacturing every variety V of CRACKERS of superior perlor tu quality which we after nt at rat C lis Klio toulo and retail recall are re quested to our gooda salt bait lake city november 15 1872 kirtser A PITT novis lt rout a I 1 CATARRH I 1 E 1 if no disease snore prove ift T I lic I 1 lent e nt than n mady who aro are H M jib it la in its lt first stages do not know ll it and those with whom tho the line become seated fio attl having spent larre large guens with doctors sell serious terns re given apall up nil belog cured the only sure curo cure ever disco vercil Is dr evors diamond catarrh remedy those who have base tried trial ll it tay gay that it is 1 wonderful wood oud erful how quick it completes complete a cure have called doctor to congratulator him ciui upon the very of this remeda A P ORY A co 00 solo Pro oni no ito 7 rott fereol ft B S VW gobba dc loi hole bole agents for rinh riah territory i THE SALT LAME LAKE CITY DIRECTORY RT BE ISSUED ON THE INSTANT sa NO tore more or office hr ba jilt hout a copy jil tm ini 4 M M M 2 0 OWE W E I 1 W 0 MACHINES anesi SALESROOM riest SOUTH ST I 1 WEST or TUK to OP THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE As A perfected by ELIAS HOWE JR of machine BEST IN THE W WOLD ORLD THE HOWE SEWING MACHINES are re unequalled unequal led for branly beauty Excel excellence dence stud nud durability attic eat rance of work of which this di y zia la Is callable list it simplicity of con COM twit anil lu its durability make ft THE VERY BEST MACHINE IN TORE TIU COO manufactured DAILY OVER SOLD IN 6 YEARS that ELIAS HOWE J JK R jw wax tile tal alt arsho anil and tho principle by him NEVER HAS BEEN BEEH IMPROVED OX ON call gold examine our oat styles nod and HALI 4 room fint keulh street a few want or of C coop co op male lit Part apartment ment A 4 iiii irn tzi tz fy l agents salt lake iron go co CHAS president HENRY J DAVISON secretary manufacturers MANUFACTURE WS OP OF ipox y ENGINES AND BOILERS MADE AND REPAIRED TO ORDER akos AW L avis in alar promptly ex 1 chilled in a 4 net iron gross U vialet at the market price L V sutherland manager 0 block oath of r 0 boi MO EPIZOOTIC I 1 EPIZOOTIC I EPIZOOTIC I 1 EPIZOOTIC I 0 O great discovery in veterinary medicine ronnel at X theat 6 A SPECIFIC for the HORSE EPIDEMIC cure effected ellec ted in from three to four doses PRICE sl si oo 00 per bottle wholesale 10 00 per dozsa dozen aible for SALE and aff RETAIL by 0 F CULMER CO esbeck I 1 block salt lako lake city utah front n distance by leitt r or nil hlll I 1 creel e 0 ly JO jjr tf lf I 1 tt BROS CUIN A CO 77 tta 1 alker 33 BROTHERS 00 Who losalo and retail dealer la in WINES LIQUORS CIGARS 0 O HATE A SPLENDID STOCK or OF foreign domestic wines brandies gins ac BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES and MI an immense quantity of case liquors and bitters AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS 0 4 rent tin nn liquor and keeping tire hie largest stock block ever lh ld la in utah we birr I 1 SPECIAL inducements inducement S TO THE TRADES TRADE ili sale bole arent la in utah for J IT 31 CUTTERS naul bin S T COI CO S celebrated kentucky WnM KIES WALKER BROS CO COST it 3 andoor tn door ernstof 1011 an EP th am IWER RY lamb LA mb cunnington CO I 1 U X M 1 I AX AL WW W wholesale and retail grocers is have la in store a new stock Bult ault ablo to the tha season including Inc lading rine now RAISINS 9 CURRANTS APPLES CITRON AND LEMON PEEL FIGS CANDIES 9 SPICES ANCHOVIES 9 CAPERS ENGLISH PICKLES 9 CHOICE GREEN AND JAPAN TEAS mocha gavra aud and rio COMO Joff I 1 ces AND everything ELSE TO MAKE UP A complete grocery store camuy V 0 aders filled at Whole wholesale salo rates and goods delivered at residence FREE OF I 1 CUNNIN CATON CO fotr it KIMBALL 6 LAWRENCE are just j in receipt of a full and complete stock stor k of FANCY I en STAPLE GROCERIES arim acabie CANDIED CITRONs CITRON AND ORANGE PEEL ZANTE TS GERMAN TURKEY and BE NC pruned PUN LAGAR SEEDLESS a and ld LIANA RAISINS DRIED PEACHES FEARS BLAK blackberries BERRIES I 1 raspberries RASP BERRIES PIT PITTED TED CHERRIES CANNED arid and BOTTLED FRUITS and vegetables FULL assortment 0 OYSTERS S SARDINE and alid SAUCES SPICES and and MACCARONI vermicelli HOMINY COARSE aud add FINE WHITE BEANS BOGE BEANS SPLIT PEAS SAGE TAPIOCA PEARL YEARL BARLEY TWIN BROS YEAST CAKE SUGARS COCOA CHOCOLATE HYSON GUNPOWDER IMPERIAL AND OUR celebrated u of L JAPAN JL II 11 X W KIMBALL LAWRENCE iia i 1111 ir |