Show NO rm 11 0 it 91 find the heirs heir of TO tj neely johnson you me are hereby hereby doll tied iliac tharo Is now coir due the burn 0 or fifty donars each for assessments an your interest in ID the mine in dis tract Beaver county utah ulah which you are arc trIA hert hereby L y noti notified fled to pay immediately or your in Inter cut la sal J be hold aj diorec m to pay such nuch ali ajl pori peri BOO or anre 0 we r n A held la laprest Arest until it in havo been paid in full Ll alti TI to NOLLEY jacj atta manager LEGAL NOTICES eren nul and cm 41 no at ining bae paiit y Luca timi of 01 work altu t elf chiy LUU territory notice lii is hereby KIT 11 MAC A tit at 11 me ting of tho the lacart or of 1 rm C or of bild 2 PUDY held on md monday ay J january eirl tin ngew me acal or of civo arma T pir ed abaro to W levla d upon tho the eipl fat at tel of mald Uuro pany na daubl reb roary iriti I 1 li 11 la to auhl ll 11 bid vo if coin to tho the po c ji yo al 1 iho afi on of ibe 10 company 0 1 1 no 1 1 31 vera n FA mn or MUA california 1 1 1 1 1 ree amoo calborn Cal lorn A any block upon 1 said calil am erdl alil on ilia altti day ciar 4 4 f li r 1 r r 2 ills r sa shall bri bo bloomed did I 1 q u fr t im e tl T will I 1 11 IO bo 10 d iola 1 v for halo 1 til p pabloc C A 0 nna T balou shall b rit uti act ci r da will 1 fl bo be bold 1 I j on thu t h 11 1 1 alny of at ian to ibo h a de 1 fort n me ammor alzo or allu m ct c of and of f sale ale 8 11 rALY domce no 3 i Merc binti exchange inn 11 lawla A N ler lf h prince A A UZI 01 p c no butlo licit taftt I 1 abor n her 11 hafl II no been done on 93 ilia AMIr AlIta columbia Colum blA district utah IT tab territory find and you and each of you suit are ar hereby notified unless your portion of tho the Off lount is t paid within data from data dafo of this botler tour jetro i will bo be sold eod la ibo lat ector coopet coop rt A landas per portion Is to 41 N alms eikill it ch cb prince it A 4 6 to 67 aa V pleidas Vl elila IMPO C Kc lie brato bullo J U N buor orl J T mallor 1 tze U 1 2 l 1 lood N this court condit for tit hie ill IH I 1 IN of utah in the watt bala ter adix in to t tho a fro crol diton Con of the above named bankrupts la to give yon oil notice lant at A ciurus ciu rul 0 of t tho a C I 1 lots of fald id bankrupts will be beld before wm P 11 ap r in itry it hk bin onico lieby no bl al E eaas t temple street vau lake cua L lah territory on oil the iho fisl tiny day or of Janu january arys A D 1 at 13 3 tit 10 a rn I 1 notice lit Is further given that I 1 bavo fit fulcd ed my una accounts or paid mill castilo cs tiLo ft annj 1 hat nl at ald said tImo anyplace And place I 1 shall apply t to an for born n settlement of my said account and for it from nil all habil H llyl ajax m much assi ariett in accordi accor clinco fica with tah the pro of the abo twenty section of manhal IW jolln JOHN ibok anisia neo salt bait lako lake cuy city jau jan etli zi lot 14 COROI fl PL T L nelson I 1 bad and ward mill hill le take notice that work he hm been done elcano y ilia under undersigner undersigned signed to lite amount 0 of I 1 ano hundred bundred and MU whirly by the deep cited tunnel company ilk IH dry canyon I 1 1 county uta tand aou ou are hereby Do tilled that thai unless your our loralou lor llou or atti Is paid I 1 to ninety day ilahi front from into of on I 1 your ater ats will lo 10 a sold bold la in mith the late ank act of bongren on gren 11 ll I 1 IZO bos 14 W nt 1 ill I 1 41 trustee tc it acler L IT etc it t SAML kiac december mh wt lul aia 1 KOTI tF 0 in reIn tion to tho the liberal lusti tute W will find anil mr li arrison nl at bin lil temporary donee at mr Jona anone ont one bl block 0 e k r buat asly W V B S Os on tho he othir a ido 0 t nay vs ol 01 tt 11 NOTICE alli H t par power er of attorney arnn felt l by tow to T W li da ill id U duel loki ana 1 I C for the sale ralo of our nur ono olio half ink of tho summit coal mine situated jn in coal villo blumit cou county n tj vanh tah li 18 bertby bergby withdrawal a JOHN X 1 1014 MAILY L 11 rn r CHARLES WIL nells utah ulah jan alo biot LI boal NOTI or j li its hereby lvin elvell bizat a j i huiard jalace W kennedy nod J U G are tho atatim ayau by dobaso do hundred laj 0 cuoc re la a l hy y bundred burx Jred aw sect feet la in width an 1 wr r eagle lodo bolog a allt vcr VOW of rock in place and ami the lad la d nad and a A 1 1 I ff to aid lalie al all I 1 situated la in the th auff 1 n pork fork district county of baig ako or utah and ud territory of utah ulal tabu location aul and extent thereof bring beld moro fully fu uy described as follows follow to wit at discovery dle covery stake and rod shaft of the war ivor bagio mine ounce N JO 30 deg 40 win E leot thence N it ll deir derfl 43 min I 1 inu 1110 8 48 deg U min K E IW ibo feet to 0 post poet nol no 1 N 20 30 deg OCR 40 mn min B E feet to post no 8 2 N 41 deg 42 3 into F 11 10 feet to post no 8 3 thence N 43 48 deg 14 min 2 h JO foot feet to post N ko 4 thence 8 41 dg 44 wint W 1110 feet to wt post no 6 5 thence 8 aj deg 40 min feet to pot no t fc S 13 43 dog deg 1 13 1 min B X am M feet to pot post no ko 1 I tit bo place of containing 7 96 acne among the adjoining claims are the war LP ablo and the ad fatu aitu oa uhl american fork mining districts salt lako cokoly lifto ct forth inobe in abo dla gram and we do hereby give further no lice that we have filed Is the a copy of the plat or survey of the same and the ilio hold burvett gilb lib and evid obea showing the origin slid raid right ot of their poss aslon aud and tho the babis of a k to a aad boano ajeo proofs of the post ing 0 l oa abo bat day no we tem i bor of a copy py of amid plat pl C together with a notice of fill ir to apply for boloca as vi oil as proofs p roof of theia bobala with the joea I 1 rules of miners suit with the mining laiva jaws of con gram and igo of having expended in actual a tho amount not less lead than vivo hued rod doil dollar at this low actual 0 o Poi of cot mallis pro that wo we hav bavo a applied fre nil plat of sad premise a pt P t for or abo cents amo under the actor act of va carr igoe an act bot to top promote tb ch level adval phalti tida of the united taci xa approved pro red blay luth 13 A bud aadal all other ir lawa iowa W I 1 t ou r bands and 1104 day ot of january 16 estt J C 0 11 cj by his atty attly lu in fee add V jimca 11 me a W kennedy james en IV ke kennedy an edys J JOHm 0 faull ey ov by his atty irk fir fact james W kennedi 1 at test id J dwile 1 U V M B BUll MID nia a C solicitor eivir awas SILT bill lux jn jan 1 61 I 1 certify that the datovo notion and a dix da gram fram oft of iho he said mining claim was this day it led IQ in this abin officer tog othor with a colico or of to apply for a surrey bud plat thoro there of from be burve UC DOrali anda patent kalont from the of the united B fil atoe M provided m all act of t titled i tic I 1 AG act to promote the development or of the abo min I 1 air resource dof cho united stata approved slay may loth hub 1873 and all allot other bor exist lull woo I 1 dinoi 0 fujii o duhoo to ba printed in abo salt baleo pal lobed the ibo loca joce lon of the on cenlin in I 1 10 law m GEU U MA kwall tor ra NOTICED otiela larby elt that C 0 Hu fifer duj s W J 0 un hut my fey M y and jana it palt who are aro citi acas of tho the siance in III and locaL loor buted 1 loi tut in length by three nil ith ju in width on the lode beit as aft vor tor roost rook ta in places place kau hou uli 0 L d J oud and lri e 6 br to sall atma big sit nt in a the kurk 1 mining district couitt of t utah location and extent thereof wag being more mon tully As bollons jol lons to wit at tho 0 abaft a 8 60 caff if am t to of t c oliam to and running on center of claim N EO 60 jag W to west cud of olila running b 10 dac V act to pot a 1 ti ki UD dog B E FOO feet to test lost l ost no 2 thence N X ja 10 tier deg B R feet to IV 0 post no J to point of commencement tho the center stake on off center acu ecu tor of claim bt at its northern extremity thence N 10 deff B IW feet to ost no 4 theodo 8 E to 10 IV 0 at and find roa ran ibis abr further tho the adjoin claun claims an AM tho and watoru of the aff and add wa war r tsirle oil B l aka all lii in american Amori cwi fork l oric mining ia lake or utah boualy uati territory Torri tory as aa set forth to lu the diao train fram rod and wo we do b lr albat fort further or abat it 0 0 have hao lu in ibis onico a copy 0 ot 1 lh tho 0 ab plat lt of surveyor survoy of tho the ams wj copa 1 0 I 1 uch such sui vedro with a sworn aud record evi dumich allowing the origin bad right of their anti ana the basis of A u claim to tou a and albot albo proofs of tho on bald on the t day of wv vr t a copy or of plat wit will I 1 it notton of t tholf inua tiou to apply y fur for it ft parent palpal as M well irell frooks proofs appl of t tbell air com in behalf w nub t th the local ru ruin lesof of majors end ami with wilb the mining laws law of Couff rca and also of baling A pendell la IQ labor and improvements an amount not abot lud than lavo huud bund broil and having at this time PC ord d loina w property ill that two wo have alvo applied for a a 1 lied plat 0 ol 01 mid bald prin pron doss and a patent for abo I 1 enri me un ua act to promote I 1 be dot of the tb mining ru ro bour at the jhb united sit may lb slid all existing linia laws w duj kills this of 1873 a 0 a ollow now IVY by fill amity alty la in fact jam VV liel loody jaw jauier W kennedy Kau df J 01 if WS Y dy BY bis fatt y lu in tuat james lv at arel ily hy lor her aaby la in pact james jemc i W kennady Kon Ken BOily nody M J e F fig M billings U torge C ilak 14 solicitor stated 14 41 office triet lake city utah jan I 1 certify that abo above ditlea and a tita i gram os of tho on BA id chalm wa waa ibis jr day mol to in this together with a dulce of intent oo to apply lot for a survay and plat pint hereof irma from iho anil a patent arcio ali ito government of th tb 0 united that am provided to ta an act of co green J au act to Proul oto the do of life raining roo ottom 9 of tb abo a united sta tet al oved kay 10 Vs 1672 and 11 II liaw I 1 frold to bo be printed lu in tho the aalt aiato iato Trl buDO R per neu rest the of in IL MAVELL MA VELL JIG bamm jamm LEGAL NOTICES na a not ot known akeo iv I 1 1 Itin two the iha under mW ILS leavo e done w work ork for or y you a to diw jadon the ibo amount of atno I 1 collm 1011 and 1 I tva 1 4 11 1 t rt att duj 10 ou ui IRA 1 1 ty tri itah tah terri mid d you or etro 0 belly noti and to p any abo ada in I 1 within ninny d aib from daled of ed n hotl it r ia it 1 r kantt cat 0 I 1 ill il 1 1111 1 bellr b if wib li iolli Ill laj li J 1 ottlo jt jo W D im john ratto jolin L y It ital bl nit W T Croin cr U D L davis butk aalt LAKI CITY VAO ino I 1 12 boid NOTICE 3 el abol r vio C 1 f lr arly lur T ly K kl 0 1 itrice n tb 1 i I 1 aply I fur ft 1 oa a that certain or portico oil oV f lb be j jo MON 18 loda lod vera ird ed by lb atia ia 1 alov dl ai ail 9 Coin iroy of war ilar za chisa said lodo 1 a tested I 1 la the tb finite lil aing blet rit joel county 1 dab terri lory fand i of record t the lb said alil r t a on cn tho booke of lh of mid district al ak bacr bof of ln allter city feet on mid MI mae kt al ft 6 point three bind band rod fast from di svery stake fitak runt mut running muning ning blok thence boodry and fifty C WAI file sough it dog choo nl filly ilio 23 dg vast a ol al bundred IJU IJ U rt rest I 1 lee la 11 n R eidth so the cast side of the tb contre aioo too of ala 14 lode of eighty goll 07 67 feet mod on the aba wt wet aid ida 16 vol width it of forty five 46 99 9 9 the th told mid thirteen hundred ft arm rr bounded off fo the tb north ty by the tb claim ol of t ui a JOB jo dowers BOT silver idin log C company P yo oo DO tit lr onto dy by the iho claim of f the th diamond silver mining company on oa the ilia aaa baet by th allter lou L loaft ou RB so oa tho wet elaby ba ibo tho bilec ard bitda sad aad silver 01 olac ca JAM ES lif WAYNE claimant poo 7 tm dl dla am DIVi or frilly heretofore elint tim A ink ing between the undersigned undersigner under signed out IM Alla kerm in inh klit lake city 1 tole day tit solved nol voil CW C 1011 ision asti hll all ties find coll colleen CetA fit til dru debts duo due the late C W J Q I 1 I 1 N SON 11 ha nr 30 adrick pa 0 pir henriotta green nil and her r 1 aai ngoat nt samuel gro now dow lu in salt halt liiko lake C CHyl fly on tire beneby notified that there I 1 now due abo auto of live hundred anti sixty four dollars antl and fifty six cents for ments on your interest la in the ilio CAle doula tri like la in little cottonwood t which you tire hertl to y iram 0 r y 0 U rin awill be 01 ol ax V ibe ina c to par pay buell 0 L men all persons kro are warnet against puri chong beeca 10 fail JOHN caledonia M inton to lo alaxa I 1 file 1 salt lako CU ue wa latal L gat elsm NO I 1 I 1 I 1 F talt take lako City Jan ath 1973 1873 T 1 VE hereby ik gill ell that stephno 0 oa a W how oland land T via nv joseph vincent W VU villain Ilam S david ap P B thurmand Thur mant jobah knur Thurman Joseph F l it W cat al of I 1 abu b a united unit l beatt 6 and owners by location callon jo and by purchase ur chase do claim two thousand and two hundred foot in length by two hundred leet leat lu in width 00 oo ilia bijoor cloud mown 01 clalia 1 n ond null la ve nia site lie being a silver arm r S vela of 0 rocil la chaka aud and the ibo land bud promises to bald mine udd and live 6 5 acres of lud for a mill sit IL situated ln the ibo came floyd mining dist mistrot Ui of county of goolo sted territory Torn tory of stags the bo location naif line extent thereof belog iuorio fully tie 0 bribed as aa lol iol iowah 00 9 fit t taos be 8 wymor or of said fall alfill 9 claim at pent no 1 from which to the abo illif of said mine bearing N 81 dog 15 mal 1 7 lent thence running N 1 I deg VV 20 feet to 0 ft a dont no ap 2 four trot fee 9 W no roje r of claim thence 14 ba is feet to poet NO J jit at N aco B coraor of majl claim B 1 dag E ao ft t to io thos ibo d bjorner the it to R posts thasco 8 6 rodelf K der W 2 OJ foot ot 10 atio of ten tea find one 1014 10 14 1 4 notes acres laid null ato la is bounded as follows follo wo beginning at tho B K corner 07 abo cloud and running south 43 dbr 30 min FIX FI X bundred OLIO feet to a yeti I 1 hence 47 deg 30 min W three ihre hundred rod and sixty tt feet to post no 3 at 5 W carnor thence v 43 log 31 win w six to af 4 do aln H mind waty thres feet to the place of bo be contA laloff VIVO 6 5 ROMS as met IMI forth r in the iho bald diagram and wo we do hanby honby ino further noua that chati having occupied find and improved the sold lodo lode mid and prom gics according to tho the local customs and rule 6 of in wd kald mining district find and has balof ing expended la in actual labor jabor and thereon th creon an amount not ON F aan D DuL LAUy aud and having at AL this lium ftc an of mild mining prop orty ony will apply tur for a survey find and pin pint t of agid premises aud a for tho the same on dor entitled aa an act granting the right of way to ditch and cattail 0 none ever the jbv public liml and for othor je amendAtory act ampro approved od july vill line IKO slid and tb aba act approved V a a way MAY loth ibal to promote th tb deve development D t ot of the mining reou reea ot 01 tho united stat states daame our bands bi int and aniam acala ala this d day 0 of iti J ir acu ideall astl joust JOD NY mAjr lal DT iburg all itell by leach ikach 11 thurman ih urman hu his lu in lat NV V u X ismali L P i acala 1 I WU local josefit gozony dy by win 1 vincent his atty in fact LL kisr by wm win T VIDe ent hla his ahtty in fact JOS LIll Vl Ctr irr az by win J r vincent his bla atty in ID fact kidell by A Godt ata atty tyla in fact attert LAND orrica salt bako city U ulab tab january alth I 1 certify that the bore above notice wn |