Show MINING i rii jeMs editor salt tale lake triune tribune A of artices upon the above subject albach havo in our journal jo urail impre aes the convict conviction la 1 tint that tho ilia lila overlooked ono one im alli r t feature la in the ilo mining flitalo of way hay cuili 1872 ym viz the distinction set ct up and thereby between locci located prior rod and them I 1 localos to laid act tho the act p rovell that such inch arlor io location cAllon 4 shill shall be governed as to knath along the lode by tho the customs regulations and I 1 laws aws in force at t thi the dato ate of acir location wl and tho ilia excels alto id fully bogran to graak t for such ach previously located ledes for sl ibo dziob r of artt in ID the location loca the same be found a holly within or partly with out oot tho the vertical plan bounding Lou tho the strip of 0 surface ground described by met i and bounds in thu the pan it or in kotlic r bortl vor or dd tl thorin iary lodo lode named in the may bu be foll uLd both bolh upon its tip dip and course for the num dumber her of fut fokd la in llio aho grul any ADV secondary lodo loda the tup ip or six of vil roty may bo be donnil to lo liu lie within the patented pat calud ground tho file reunions pati atao hr has A right to work ork rad follow on OB iu its dip but not on its coin CoD rike x the ill at 11 tills this is in armis ly tho the construction giam the law by tho the authorities it at washington Wh ington am 11 mil he by examining tho the conditions to 10 in tho the granting clanry of tit alio fell nl in quite ly by the ge r luid office for abt locations vl vla now kow know yo that tho visited of america ila ia consideration of uio ilia pre and to la conformity with willi said havo have lavo and grink 1 anday and by tano do 0 and aulo 1 1 to the ud filid and tand to lit lne lit hi its ir idd I 1 g ns the said eid mining pr tallace giuin befaro oil as aarvig no ao i ith tho file exclusive right of possession pour wion and ent of ill all the abo laud land tho ilia ister for lusts of said aid survey Burrt riot herein ex ci arces from obese and of linear intone feet of tho ilia sil voin lode lodge or ute uie tel hillh inn atje fora ore described its nitai depth a ni 1 dougli it may eader uie file land imd and ilea also of nil all othar lodes ledges or ilo do posits throughout their entire depth the lope ur or of 0 which ho icaco abo bon boundary lioci lines of said mid survey at tho ilia surface ex ci ased ladd doT nir ver lacally although tinch finch bems lod bodom or deposits n dean ward waid courso course may inay so 0 for fir debt from a dicalan ILS as to extend tho the vertical side no holes of hf said haill harvcy tie t to 0 o may lot 11 II must bo be specially lorna home lo in mind that tho lonn form ot of is only in alt tug lodes located prior to may 10 ina locators calora lo kro are in their patents to tho the land embraced by vertical planes bounding their survey as made upon the surface alloco ar loco lii bb rond 0 nd which planes ilia right is ill only given ty by al 11 liw w to follow the lodo lode upon its lt dip ij n not of upon lu its course courm or cr strike and to the COT adil t eliat lat loca ton told my L uio mora bertalin talin to cover their lode or oro ore body in ID locating their rut cr latitudes lati tajo of is u allowed the statute autho authorizing the iho of kay any district to so 0 ch loga their aes or ill rid to permit surface width of sit lit hundred feet to in bd fill which la iii certainly liberal and ought to bo be a a margin to secure this iho locator piot against ai probability of the lode lit io iu its free rancon ding outside tho the surface gr which ii if fre antly the ease herit ilia allowed ly by locel rates in id it a harrow strip of bt fifty tu to one hati dired fact AJ ad it is 1 quite unit that much of the ho doubt lind and uncertainty which to tint exist among omu dome of tho the miners of utah may be to a or of tho the fact that hot uio ilia two biam of ic locations to be cred upon i a basla tho ilia fore gouig coull may m bo be of cion III berst to lo lind find a 06 I 1 place Ideel la ayour your columna coleman 0 SAN baa january 21 1673 |