Show RESOURCES OF UTAH statistics OF PROGRESS FOR THE YEAR 1872 Nna tier SONE OF till THE PRINCIPAL MIMA 4 r F i 1 JI rii a the abo ain Is ij situated la in little cottonwood canyon formerly it portion ortho of alio lake latko mining bi bistrica strict it wu wait tho the lint first fully devel 0 ped mine in tho the the results at ob wood in ID ICA gave ilia Ins lictus to wining rador this mine stands it at tile tho bladl of too list lor lousowy of oro oil and divorl botio upon jt it the ilo first great dait cc m was WAB modo mail tn in I 1 iwa W when the tori ford it at a doplh of 01 feet a lode 0 cral OL 01 vast extent which dif a profit poll of 1 pir ton ca oil t bip ship manta cf tm tile ore or to lo in wilf wales la in be mettr of 70 a half interest in this minoru offered and could have ur C based from tho the discover eve for or lew less in atio be month of my bray ml 1670 tile firm arm of walk rr of salt bait lika lalo city purchased a one inith interest for fj OOOO latho la summer of 1871 a lulf in abo mino kab soil to now lork ork capitalists for oft la in cho lid inter of leill 2 the alio emma silver mullo company Coni pany of oc utah was and alao 1 upon the london markot market at 1004 sterling fifty thousand of 20 odell diore ero twenty nto thousand of them were immediately I 1 I 1 ken up and the re rc twenty civis thousand aclo ro re talked cy uy tho the tenders of tile alio mino mine k jho direction sad ui management Is located as follows follow fl chairman george aderson esq U m r vice Chin chinnell noll E it jel esq mr superintendent bilu bilia williams wiliam esq secretary la in landon Lo nilon NY 11 tooke ea en the quantity of oro ore taken out ont of alio bibo during the your 1171 wait tons ton sad tile value was baji about 10 per ton makinda col avaloo of tho pro proportion r vt 0 bilar r was iraa ounces to aljo he too ton or of oro 00 r anil and 45 per acot of lead q annn stan ity of oro ore when corking is about sixty tons tand 1 but tons toni can lo be got ont waca tuo the inan aldo to 11 worked to full opacity capacity connected with tho cho mine is a itte am ho lating tho the cis lacity of which is ii tons ton TX pi r day 4 Doid ends livo lava boell declared and pail paid monthly at tho 1110 rate ralo of ono and ono linof ix ier t cont on the be capital la in the spring prine of 1872 the iho mine milito wait flooded W wit aa quito quite new la in the of the mine and which caught tb abo 0 company for tuch such a two largo knoire Knour Kno iri ts broam pumps have hat been since and they aro are of capac ity to keep the mine mina dry ouch occur I 1 soma new deir liar baro tw Q mado duijn abo poat car ba 0 been sank bark below 0 tin previous lowest loftt work 1 I 1 laif B gs what has dovil a largo vein cin of brej v very try rah ili adver a ope cloten of which weighing bing IW Ina indo by asay 1123 67 one ouica tit in silver lihte to tho the ton I 1 the for winter we very complete lin dingis are of ft a very tory substantial character A aad com mo mathous bouso has baa been construct ed cd also A tramway for conveying waste macj diat 1 tr from tho the mint mine the new in the mino mine I 1 ii a first brit dies piece of it workmanship and strong ilse I 1 nine of cottonwood canyon in n english company and ass as in land n in No 1671 2671 milli mill a ca aiji it til a I 1 of the property properly include es uio the sig ng fair mine mil and extensive furnaces tile mine at the time mr maxwell oil od on it for or tho the directors lil had to in rever vit ajo tons tona of fit are ro blocked out by shafts adil la antl vilim tho the work of has had been ollit increasing and at tho the present timo bows lo 10 reserved of oro to bo be ngow tons tona vt which lich result has haa been arrived at after a caro tul III examination liy by mr maxwell and cart goldsworthy Oolda worthy the tha foreman basman at tile tho mine during the year wl the about tons of oro ore bitty eighty tons tona is ia being raked daily billich CA can ta bo toiuo tons without oscr corking nor king or injuring tho the mine tho the oro la is sent rent down dawn frola froia tile tho tunnel to tit alio oro ore house on an buchno in summer and ui in alone boats in ia winter tho the latter working much tho the lest beat and carr ingi down twice tho the quantity of oro eiro in half tho the time limo the mino mine la is under tho the management of captain goldsworthy who has bia bail bad I 1 bit it acara core cark cato in kad itak I 1 minca i in add fingland lin gland and r ia fully calel tl of managing all tho the under ground wor corlinga cal Linga 1 ings of this thin extensive property the furnaces which aro are situated at tho ilia in mouth ill of tile canyon aro three in number acou ODO lle hot and two ISO cold llast blast furnaces and or aro a co pablo of sm smelling smelting elting 75 15 tons toni of oro ore I 1 daily abich well maln malcie 25 tons tonk of bullion valued at wl PC per r too ton 55 cf which is ili gold IV 70 oz ot silver ou 50 per cent ceal bead lead oz gold coq m 40 11 14 11 the hot blast furnace tho the only ono in the T 0 norka very sum fully saying ezily u charcoal slid aud logun no DO load juad the aroma by water pori tho the company h it A tile full fall water privilege r of tho the un ty cottonwood Cotto ton nood 1 creek the we aio under tho the ablo able matlage acut out of L M cuella cus llA this company li ii bibs very any worked and a to lu ltd its and from dicent indications mill mil coin for years to como come W ekr cent pre pr annum annual or at rr per cent per month aro are paid A having already ant y been paid in dividends tile a hole is under tho the of mr N 31 marv ell the ainor alo or almi sillier siller mines of little Cotton cottonwood nood district cc dull tho kimt chance montezuma Mont czuma me and lo lodo dessere consolidated september 12 1172 and aro are owned anil and controlled by in utah michigan sad and new york binco line abr property was as consolidated tho the a aird lave marketed marL tl about 50 tons tona tit of oro ore at an average selling value of SW per ton ihu ibis property is i now being only worked on ore tho in thu the bottom of tho the last chance and kanago botica loboa asro aro yielding ding flea fino oro assaying trum from SIGO to ssie 1 per ton and carry from 31 34 to lier cent of load lead tho iho of tile tho last chanco Cl ustice shaft ta is fx fu t depth of haft va ft length of tun iscis on tho the property ro ty aw I 1 foot feet depth a th of savage vage and ith alvut a a baft ft fit tho he COLD company any have hate erected alieu no bordui r gho g ho ore lasso and 0 thor other b buildings i 11 to nomi C all handle t c ir aty during dunall DI anter and halo haio it t tha I 1 all inua 0 to thor mines by cross arc track to tho cho maul tramway sad aad are ro pre partA to mine bunc and laup oro to good advantage during tho the present q alio lie station amount t of oro now in right night IQ ia ilia MOD mino carried ft a faco face three ft feet wido tile antiro of tho the tho the last I nat chanco chance neill is id eighteen inches inched cluck tile tho T ill tile ha daae age a and d the adago lucov havo a title nuo body of oro morn averaging Qui from 7 indic to 31 bichet in ili ila hiawathia indian lucli iio I a good show of mineral it naira length thin property attro ris favorably with any any property on ammo ps aill 11 lithco ter for or quality of ltd its oro at t the same dop and outlay for corli iloco ilia nicolis is under tile abonce of mr j C 1 1 hie Is 31 allne lise this mine id fit located near the bead of american I 1 ark canyon on what is id kanovi n 04 aatlo he middio mountain tile lodo lode occurs at be point of contact of tho the limestone lim cilono a and n d quartz lartz ito tho the oro ore 1 is anti boidy carbonato opt of I 1 cad carrying and gold gr and lit m a very free ami buus ore 1 ho he iio at the pr CIK 1 it WOO timo id fit being prospect edu n ith a view to next stal sons work alas mine Is owned by tile tho miller mining and ti company of now yorka fork branc 6 kiddy li uon lots LI clovd 0 T d alpio wall chairman of executive COIN 1 I 1 ij I filhes Wil lc general manag manazir ma cr the miller oro is at abo sultana furnace naco two lod and ono distant altu abal lit in Anio ricAn I 1 ork canyon blui ana ahme tit consist of three haft abaft furna furn cej acell of a capacity of seventy tons of ore per day 7 1 ho he borki aro are comp completo loto in overy abo blowing evaa of a hu 10 tint blower driven by a 2 as horm pow IT er abo la burnt bu u cho ground 0 unit ilia company dy has bating 1118 fifteen kilus for uio purdom 1 lifo ila aro with tile tho by a trual tram road delivering tho coal immediately at the furnace month to this is id intended to run acio foi k railroad abo grading id now coin pew l I 1 lie movie mine Wl ille lee in dry canyon 0 hir li ill owned by movers GL oborn L A utah lakat caa on ilia extraordinary nhuc of or its ores has been beco referred to on oil we II 11 under of ado of the lb may bo be of so tile omo interest llo 1 lie lomolino aban is if ilona del is sua foci feet starting from a point 10 flot from tho the bottom of in clico piltro tb ro tire aro bra criffis run on oil tho LLO nit I 1 tt and on tho ilia right of the ibo ilia atuaia t haft 1 I ilia bo vein of oro ore which has bad alio app taranco m an cc of a truo true aver averaged ageo shoot two fe feet et about birco U a inches of it aro are paid mid to be bohomic hot r adver a ind n re black I 1 tie lio vein feln run cuir rut east and nj wot wea and nj pitches cah lica to the ahn north at in inelo of twenty rm n alno larko a oro house a alo a a il citing clUng house office an and blacksmith shop th tho 0 owners confident IY y klieve thuy they have As a good a mining property al any in the territory the briare of tit nip asset list delpe situated la in silver fork big Cotton cottonwood canyon Is ill for its atil vein of oro ore which can bo be traced on tho the our two faco for ft a distance of five rost fc the averages assay ay value exceeds MW per ton the mine him bas been worked more inore than two yam r ti ind ft A largo larg 0 a v t of t labor labor po performed r formed oare on it t including 8 act c I 1 or of ti in oling shafting boil drift log the iho course of tio tile aln abtin followed ihu whole di tin the tigre grotie iro or of cineas Situa iLd on lion arill opler district this tile tiger balver chhn veils abd it these mines wore discovered in tile tall of 1370 they dro are idl all being vigor gusty iho ibis loubat are ara to the iho lueth of feet the extent i of ten 0 cling and lone dono in tilla taco a mines ician ici ln my other in tile tho territory it aggregating 2 2530 SU feat between three ind and lour thousand tons tona of oro havo loco been taken out tt of tile tho mine ilia average value being about fla lr pr per ton somo lava as ai ligh aa 1000 per too ton A D Is EN iho of the iho following follo ios mines mined bat ano 0 boon acon furnished since tile tho di a of I 1 ili tho a districts was vail to la typo type american fork district the th waterloo lodo 10 lo cho same a as 03 iho tho Millir it 16 is in tile same canyon an aad 4 directly c ilio illo tho ilia miller A neily fitt dup hu has been biank a vein of 0 high goulo oro I 1 ilo he nt 41 kor lodo lode hu has also i a shall haft ninety nine ty fact deep and bu a quantity of fine oro on the dump other mines minea of cotrit nuy may bo be among them tre are the Chol chooses ses tho the champion and amoline Lm oline all promising and well defined lodas 1 I on oil hill ophir district ni rl l tile tho monarch and tho cm bracing the Virgi lizzie M C I 1 Iti symond ymond mats of maisie dudley ory gray join jells bay libato and others 1 lio lie chert cr of ores orca is strictly mining tho the silver lit in tho furm form of chlorides and sulphides atle former fredom slating A arata mays of the oro ran from 0 to as high as aa to the iho ton ion ilond district tho 1110 cemp douglas laa ban a aban fe aci I 1 in depth md and two olen cots con tho the star of the wot owned and u ill b a new abow york company la 13 dv cIopA by open cuu cuts and tho allord Is A artin it is ii I ling corked by open live 4 onto boil it tunnel fifty f fiot in len vl iho 1110 barrie staale adjoins this thia mino mine nd ls 11 the bilica bilitt ciralo wg lug day boy logil tender milver star klar americ amelca 4 and nd lono 0 are ro all 1 and nl tit woh tho the general morrow b hall a abaft fifty civo fitl deep and nd is viry promising tho the ankle M 0 has a shaft davra btu said mid wt deep AIKO lio in an open cut it ax feet wille wido imd and ton ten deep the oro is of good quality from nil all theato mines ml lod sayi high |