Show FIRST NATIONAL BANK or OF UTAH AXT A XA 1333 ST designated and lY nanch A agent 9 cal of the anaed I 1 wait A eugio arft godf Cs ca lr jar 0 I 1 an CArl fht SOO I 1 raid Pit lIOI op I 1 r barola EA rola DIVIDEND IN 1871 1471 go CO reb bettt tT tt oldest banking in utah GEN rIZAL BUSINESS transacted agencies la in colorado and montana collections PROMPTLY te if inderst I on tit its deposits 10 NEW TO taya anch itell maker next door to palace babias coro core algoet DOLPH nO IIII almand c unit ciolfi afon cry doi rl pilots can ianke nu IA A CAper or tile mateli complete nod god J Knup wi any lany lolli m of principal cipaL alace alace ol 01 franciaco col locution c or ulah tou ton francisco jn jan 24 lari notice la Is hereby given that nt at it a meeting of lie directors elroc ora itch on ill tho january tats 1873 ti da of ten cents cent per share tiar vi wbk levied upon the ibe capital tock or tile corporation po ration payable immediately in united ciol is to tile secretary at the or flea 0 01 tit alo company io aal 35 merchants california street street sin frathel Fr atiel Cali califern forn any stol k upon which this m remain on the alio zd cly of february w will I 1 bo deemed dolln quant bent and a cd for kalo at public auction nud and unless payment la Is mado beaure u mill III bo be mid ou oil the loth eity cay ot of pay tile the together with come coa or of advertis n g and expenses of orbilio sale CLI ASSIf 8 heraly LY beare Y office no 83 Ifer chants int exchange ban cal jut line WANTED A FIRST CLASS darber to la take th alin it shop hop sit the ton iskend houpe apply at tile the omco emco LECTURE ily 0 W WANDELL arx ratio 4 me court for 1 itie lie territory or of iteli bithe J THE mountain meadows massacre AT till THE LIBERAL INSTITUTE ettie cc lir nl at 7 SYNOPSIS s PART JL till the lecturer I leaves leave ban in 1 francisco for silt salt lilo city cily la IQ Noi lember cwi start startling of lui mord moni of tho the Mase excitement at t fort tho unica kot I 1 at t the L I 1 ho he desert kooij tho this emigrants fort the alio fistal ital IW tito aeno of t tho the MO Mii Lacro cro radt II 11 the Aska Emig nabi their jon jourden I 1 south from lale tho ave aall ii do de non watercourse tho a tie indiana tho drive brato woman homad I 1 it I 1 t keg beg UTO anil nil positive th ll lit allej 11 tho the three bilicki two of tho the emigrants killed od tho th T rona A cb th tho th tho teca a alt of trudo T tho h hg r j tile lian acro the tho aa I 1 ph 0 0 o 0 oual aall P I 1 IU U the of the tile children Child renTi tha tho meeting mccan or ol tho the governor and cho chief dem lies of the Mas massabro sacro tho foist cents J tfx at PROF SHELDONS ha 0 I 1 1 datoc ACADEMY 1 I 1 second south barbet one oils doer debt of ff aadla brothers GENTS muti mckisi Is ONI 1 AND ladles and children on wednesday and saturday Batur day volree ortry saturday eve mr tr tf W as ALE OR LEASE S firt clin building often NR A IT mil ila kan 8 bleher a benal also alao ong ill uio aaril applys lyus 1 kr I 1 I 1 IP I 1 nam mr jr littier a ilencik Ilen cit BUSINESS CARDS FOOR POOR 0 MANS ANS FRIEND FRIEN D STORE ASH paid for ludlow end C CASH mens cast cant and for all kinds of wearing apparel up parel also jail elry colb alls ul aud and diamonds em by A c acis imo 4 7 north of emco omco JOHN via V FAGAN 1111 ikker AN an F HOE MAHER counrel COll COU NCR Nril MAIN T adles knit anil we toots loots and phaotis made in the latest lashkow and a III dt cuaran ta agn if 11 11 B S T TJ KTE aj 11 11 11 ll late or of fagin faala A hum posted it now 01 AL li stable table in 1 pro rr J wall upon n for arit clou S tare lioon anil in d bisom ti boisi A booti n ni t r barlin teed or on an 1 nille I 6 dlo 1 0 rim root hoot anil tie KO 60 FIRST south STREET chece doors door west of kimball Lawren laurences lawrences ces rit fit enin l 01 done wall and ilia patch JH lm ain H JAMESON r TAILOR abreo doors door south of white house a fine arian mores and testing to laake inako up lo 10 or der on tho the ertest notice A and fit guaranteed Clo Lhing clea cleaties tied and repaired r in the labit man manocc ocr alid upon terms agent for cross fasti lons dov PERSONAL mining aftin oyent K mrs mra kretman tree uKU mineral and Irlo yant CUB can locate and rive definite do de or of anti ledges from samples of 0 rock as to quan quantity nod anti quality of oro ore dovi li of etc abo can CAD bo be at her r roc roond iram lott tho the oreal great hestera 1 chiou guar guaranteed guaran cd DAI naly daily ly nelle iliyof Ili yol C lj din SIM mrs A johnson johnron holds heals by magnetic touch oil all delvous and ciroula dacas describe friends at nay day and ese reads ads their mind given advice in love and buld ness tells name frit ft londi inda ete cc fees J ri ladled fl OU western ly THE COST IS NEVER FELT FE ITI ll etal el title lad and educational work the works of shak shakespeare es peare byron moore hogarth teran ancient masters ac ac j VAX VAN BE ni I 1 i T r ca 9 I 1 Th chender ender ff ri cue call and examine jalim PUBLIC READING ROOM AN abid D free circulating library AT T athis fb X KA allies illes li Sl hrnry A dooni no 0 H V over J 1100 bank open every wee week day from 6 to to lu p rn jn nud and sunday from I 1 to 0 0 p rn UI all are welborn wel romo a specially cavilee caviled Ca viled U tr HEMATITE IRON DUE ron IOB Sm sheltina Smelt eltina inc furnaces THE a dinv inv ft timi roo all 0 JL fur ethl lur ilia wyoming lle clematito matito iron ore cuned as A flux aro now prepared to 10 furneis the nimo on euort W cau call on or address GORDON dt A anit lit ian ky v half meek south of depot bull ja lako lake lity JV julf PARIS confectionery south sonah st sf three doors coet of LL Is alst ime of I 1 reach ll anti candles mado iad fresh every cry day WEDDING AND SOCIAL PARTIES SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE CAKES AND PASTRY eam ELEGANTLY GANTLY ornamented TO ORDER largo large of FOR THE HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS lIl I A line no of of likes suitable for anti and new mew I 1 cura cars ALL boods WARP hinted U TED ruita cyst D y dr arbogast darbogast I 1 griller IY bitted 1 da arr er schoolbooks SCHOOL BOOKS AV ALI AT TO I 1 T nit trio poor door Fir stall or of J jl 1 zw aw SCOTT DUNHAM CO gronli iron steel I 1 iron pipe and pipe fittings brax 4 antil and alcum goods MINERS TOOLS carpenters f abuls U U hardware hardware hardware lford aro l edware HARDWARE 1 hardware Hanl ware nAnU VYAnt ardward ard wara Ilard wAro hardware Ilar lliran dware arc wit CO S MANILLA ROPE OPE SCALES BLOWERS FIRE PROOF SAFES HOOKER PUMPS POWDER etc for the nikl avid ski nl of roller by y theall lip inn francisco jo jn Fu MEN ATTENTION A XO NO 1 SCOTT DUNHAM COMPANY ARX FOR yon GOLDEN CITY FIRE BRICK I 1 are equal if not superior to lo the abo beat t listi will sell bolt nt lit tile alio lowest market prim price special ratio riven by the carload nf aa t tf r HOTELS A BOARDING HOUSES WALKER HOUSE EAST TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH VOUSE HOUSE IS AND THIS A beat in utah Jorri tory unit bud jim accommodation for three hundred and filfly cora cars and caff loges connect with tho the white dolphur vatta benom containing from all ints balha DaLh silar bar new and raTh ea ac I 1 tand hand to lo tho the I 1 louse H S GREELEY CO nov is ey 20 tf cosmopolitan HOTEL 1 MAIN STREET SALT LARE CITY a lo 10 a conflicted on file lie TE jl european n r p pea n goott for boar ders s anil guests opposite Or walker home old tt A LEVY proprietor 1 washington HOUSE third south st HI east of K w acx cdx W mr a board and da I pr per week 6 foert and Loil ging rr per day dry day board per Wt Week tk I 1 single spring red per ik r meek a 2 per alghi 30 ingals 21 nl tf white house borei Hoir FL A main llo Fer fervier viet silt salt lake city utah IA rea afo md and wi well furnished noma moms and all the delicacies of the iho amadon I 1 boatin per dy day to per beek III the eulsee leave tho the howl eve ry mo taing for all too mining campe and C tho he train alezi tf GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE rian PLAN F CLASS accommodation tor for fin faint UCB lies and TraT elors saoi 75 1 per day and under the man bomont of SI 51 IT 11 beardsley late lt or the iho ii HOUKS sod Tit olinor house HOUKS Ll DOoIn oya N nob arre TO THE board per ww week H 7 atolls connected with the hotal Hl flAZE pta sia VALLEY HOUSE RA HALT LT LA K E CITY ua A H one OD bicok arth sad west of the post poet omo gino the bedr are clenn clean and well table Jed BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS rion noted ind and tood ging M P to 10 ito 10 PC exir r wee beok L board and Lo loaring dring lao to lo 13 per day ar day dar doard Itil 11 per for tunic um jr CHAS fema LELANDS yew HOTEL sturtevant HOUSED HOUSE U H sl it 0 A U D IV W A JL Vs V 11 ach th aad 01 ol Stan st N K T y american plan per day L G M 0 LA il fl ayr HOUSE cornor comer made locust street eti amil for camilea YF slop js 0 o an mx KB tea OR fa AT greatly rie duee till 31 AT attus TUX commercial COMMER GIAL LODGING LOBBING ROOMS RODDIS I 1 43 1 I STREET JU aili C acs M W clean 11 ln a l to 50 toots iter cr slight ill hi to lo SOO por week CALL AND bee U Q all tf MARGE SALOON rp cf TIFF in ollic holl liona if r rall call for w lio enjoy if linns or BEIR BEER ALE OR PORTER av AT i lie MODERATE PRICE OF 10 CENTS II 11 lackl I r hii lm ins AUCTION I 1 AUCTION I 1 0 O alic T ile sei property properly will basold at public Ato auction tion without ro hirvo bt at tile office vf of the tl 1 in special Inc indian livin swanney Act cy ward verli near dour lornor corner nc if second nod end third booth streets thursday jan jannary Ja unary 0 0 c A it I 1 ia nann rill n n Va billable marston hor 1 I A b a irv var ri alist I 1 lito 1 I 1 ce binks oinks I 1 ollice latil I 1 ollive oval I 1 fiur colial ilustr it a ollice fht e niss thad antle atlo takes place to clow up the lh or of tile thou U H M tip eclid indian aptacy of thin whirls ben been Ter Alam calif nt at time orsala jio w R limit axa palt felt lake city C lly jau jan 17 ir i 0 LIQUOR DEALE 1181 tac Y l IT pa cutter I 1 I 1 M io 1 f I at 0 I 1 1 4 I 1 al 11 do I 1 EXTRA ETRA 0 OLD 0 gour boura W WHISKY ISKY 0 the sale I 1 above brands WILLE MILLERS rt a r I 1 OLD BOURBON and nal nfl J p OLD BOUR BOURBO BOf Hta b 11 mabll s boa their fain fame as ai bell bel boot boat ind and only the market tho the agents for foi utah territory dently recommend commend ic these the bra br 0 the trade and public N E I 1 I 1 solo sole atoian for utah mm DUDLER 11 6 co CONCE NC eft R Woodman woodmansee s baudi a eatn t myie tia rill lone J bounce that thab ray nobu bait be aph clr bean on allm igind QI pear dig itly until further boll ce his levessie lEv essis MONDAY JANUARY MI HOITZ tH its ing lalni chancier ter I 1 HISS va the I 1 ine inc comic ringer lad Dano tinge lilt it II II 11 artnak conceded cinc Jl i ib icefine efine baritone oleo on jib h choit thohas tl SG I 1 th lh pion CIO clia dancer jonny 00 it IN to b Is A jig jl fil IT 0 and AND AN LAST BUT SOT NOT rea LEA mill BROWS the nauji I 1 I 1 doors door G opo op ya ra o bt at 0 p m m perform rr tonn att 7 tw of at I or of nn an to ro 1 apply to lo DICK jjck 1411 OU I 1 scandinavian SAL SA L 11 41 commercial street 7 REST BEST OF BEER BEBB ALE axll I 1 ot 01 II lulad lili 1 11 SWAN co c 0 IDOV 6 5 amo 14 T r E r B ZAP aits francisco ewt I 1 WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOU I 1 zabriskie fa r 0 now op a wines and liau orders ordan Si lleW sod aa t r satisfaction GUARA grabar main street two doors doof 8 well bargo COL co SOLE AGENTS FOR TO STRAIGHT WE the finest bar in thi th I 1 I 1 connected with alth tho mje l W A ca 3 EN E BOTTLED beera ALE AND POE 10 at iho ill i rates pit fill dell shortest notice leave your jw oric depot ol of tho the california BREW second currier ja ENGLEB englebrecht C retail 1111 dwanis K AND DOMESTIC AND CICAR alcay second south street ulf sill lusio A P HOTALING A til jock jack ton bon street ban F bell 14 or of fine fin win JL nore DOM offa r to the trade lit a 00 paid W 1 I 1 J H MARTELLE i I 1 BONOIT T frerer ana k OTARD DUPUY COL co 3 HOLLAND GIN JAMAICA RUMs BUM I 1 SHERRY ard FORT SCOTCH IRISH and ana KEH a sh 11 solo tbt for tile th pacific C oi 1 leb rated I 1 I 1 J H M CUTTER I 1 is old bourbon 11 alis I 1 hp a N sit 1 4 a solo agents for 1 i P P HOTALING ai t dic L L |