Show boic EASTERN dispatches idill NV romi parle filhe bennier 10 ill lo ra for D hl il I 1 0 of n ma aln live coarl jul ge lit in 1011 1021 over tike like EIRK note oe 10 Ita liftin N Y ZI this orocio nil toaty were I 1 two wo aul and a quarter millions the steamer moro cantle Cai itlo or of atlantic matt mail lino 1100 wu deiml on her br arrival from this morning moni lug lor for debt of this line uro are still under acl zuro A coroners coron Lra jaa jarr today to day guio ao a verdict against N ahon lion tor for shoot big charles 1101 fer WOO wm ja n of marino marina court dim died thin morning I 1 alio llio I 1 i a heralds london special pays thoro thora la is nine much 11 lusen siness in of it abo hero FAK lih noto to tho on tho ILA boundary question in central s in ilia settlement of the relations relation between tho the two powers a few 3 care ago on tho the ro fora lu england englana oil onty no y required I 1 is to abstain from invasion of afghanistan but tho ilia I 1 oun dary of that ans u 1 left bindo n Q ald kincid tho present noto note dam doc farca m th tho a dortly 0 r ta i celli ra of afghanistan com commener at liiko lake sirl barf kal to la the an nl I 1 thence follows the ho OIDA to Sn lili and front taht point ve stward to tho the persian frontier tho the noto nolo inthir states ditc that england liu but inform Informed cid ho this emir of tint ho he may fight ilia lluMi ioni it if they trade 11 this lino line riu Pusi alii alss reply declares diciro to main aga maln good relations with england but retakes to tho the boundary ll it includes some countries countr lc which nover isomer belong nl ml to afghanistan but v ore always dent lual object in aking in tp to deponai to hold bold and nd mccu acu the thou vi kola holo valley of tho the exna oio england sy balm s this athla lino line to with R an I 1 pur r POSO red and to enable tho the former ponca potter th we ur to hold find and in hinder tiller busin corneer a base 0 of defense n nhan lic a the lie day of lighting fighting comes washington credit washington 25 in tho the roland poland lare lion lioa Com committee mitko ames stated that lo be thought he be promised in the litter latter part of october 1807 1867 to lot persona havo stock mock the stock block assigned him by the company wan au to carry out made ila iio thought he bo had promised to some omo ron in flomen in congress Congre 8 stock prior to 1 icem r 1367 oj ad ho he had been trying to pil persons interested in tho the union pacific rood road and crud it Mo bUier bilter llo ito had sacrificed some rome or his bills own stock la in order to fulfill engagements lie ho had bad previously made and bots ho found lie ho could get moro stock from tuo the company to fulfill the thaw ho he did so BO ho could dob if holis ho had dany adt con COD with colfax in to letting him havo have credit mo bilier stock prior to do dif cember 1667 anti and did not cot think ho he imal any conversation irith wilson Wil flon patterson reou said ho he had W spoken to wilson asly but witness could not remember llo Ilo thought ho he had finds a conver conversation pation with bingham rind kut but did not remember na ad to garneld garfield and kelly judge roland poland 1 I understand mr air ames ton on havo somo further furher papers which pad pa d to between yourself I 1 lod Pati troon amm hato ames then read tho following receipts juno auto beech ed of oakes amo ales ight eight e hundred dol liked on account of divide ridd received by hum him a as trustee trun toOt on stock held for my amount account bignel big ned J W PArr tall you law BW him sign it amas 1 I roto the receipt and ho be signed it amu then read the following boston Donton may My ath M I 1 1871 r 1 received of oakes amos amm two tiro hundred shares of union railroad stock and hundred d and nd lifty maroo and twenty four dollars in cub account credit stock ther e Is ia still lite duo on credit 10 thirty sh or c a in tho the credit Mold lier of america and two thousand dol lira larj in gincomo bonds of tho the union pacific 1 I JE 11 signed J IV W patterson dimesa Wi triLlis thia was in hi his hand but b n cpatterson tP atterson signed it to m his prea once hero handed a letter to him by no received which bo destroyed this thia letter was waa face this investigation commoner commenced 11 a 0 wanted mo me to make my testimony alimony limony conform to it I 1 bad lots of conversation with A ith patterson tho the iwer I 1 read as follows fol lowa jan ath 1873 oakes A abc in if sir the facts in sl regard to the credit I 1 t Alo bilier u far ax as an I 1 had bad any connection m fill it wiro ill as fulloni a loss oa came to m ilia one day knowing that the out of means was TVIS a chronic evil with mo me slid add said I 1 Tatt rat temon oraon if you like ako I 1 can lot let you lava hato thirty stock in credit I 1 think niu mill bo boa a prod prot ciMo leable and loa a good thing for you my rep reply in bit at wu wall that at I 1 if you had AD gm chich ch I 1 could uld ay properly iy in y est in an out OR t of 0 which hick w I 1 could coul niblo some flomo money I 1 vituld be aglid to tako take it bat that I 1 bad W not money at that timo time and must ftfe aifer r until I 1 could got get it your reply il wu was that you von 1 c acied that I 1 could lava it later when it 11 would ile u id bo be convenient yon yoa it as a tit that timo time ion I 1 off did not could not that you should ask lurther further legislation from con gre gram as in fee respect ct to tho the road you nei conr r did except 1 when acir it was forced upon open you by tho the secretary afar this ilia conversation vi with ith mo me you may havo I 1 had in an that I 1 should tako stock some time but for some reason or cr c r lhor chor perhaps for of fill X took any stock if I 1 never had any stock block in tho UI oa I 1 ud slid not havo have dividends it if pressed d to know if I 1 purchased at any timo it in a any bonds or stock block of roads I 1 I 1 you 11 aln kay I 1 dil did at tho the timo time they attempt to cm barram you when li hen tho ilia value of block waa tl aini I 1 paid you tho the full as t valuator is it I 1 paid dollars for stock block and bonds tho ilia stock I 1 put into tho lite linds of morton immediately to bell fig fie moon 8 00 n an it 0 it I 1 t krould go up reasonably in the 50 marlie market t lie ho did di I 1 bair va w morton on my way W y through lie ho said bo be hud had never held beld any ally stock tock in credit Alo bilier for any ono but ho he did no not t wish to ism a but bm name brought into ibo if it could bo avoid xi ism I 1 aai going to wife ohio and nill soo aco you on my return pull uon on t fait fail to correct your voter original uial autu outu mena before abo committie commit com mittic it must pot bo be reported M it now ery caci signed J IV N attic atan a hinted in filly to a question idail abat there mere no bo menion Men Munt ibn sra of congress t lio ito already testified to except logan llo ila did not him liu baji no not t it a member of the house amm ama I 1 I 1 adt to say further to uio ilia committee commit tco that bit I 1 havo have been aked why I 1 LIM held this stock fand an 11 why I 1 did not glio it to the ibo femurs teem th ne silvid the reason was wait that credit crt dit mob mobilia ilif r block itself was not t dividend ube tha stock was waa hold held by trust and 1 I having hating signed a contract making ID nl belt ic responds bio a lot woj was the only who could draw tude dende d aidt wad then about t the and sioux city rodd road named lit 40 it iio HO that he knew of no of received stock in tho the road as ft a gilt gift there WM was nothing core corrupt elpIs in ilia of the road john job if aucy alley was wad called and corroborated this thia adjourned till fill Tuce dav WESTERN dispatches california balloon ban francisco Fran cinco 25 lay ind and cot coe md and mr hall of tho the bulletin made ft a balloon ascension from la in tho the piraneo of about this afternoon rt A ben last heard treat too tho aero aeronauts had bad land cd ad la in the title lido marshes ct call of city mortal orlney toy of tho city ity aln avio dentley in this city during daring to week john stock it alio lie was BO be badly injured by a horbin a few lays day since died to luy lay reduction graph rule Il nl the western union colon telegraph comrey company that ou on and add slur Is idt 1 tho the 1 I 1 charro charge for ten tea word messages between of its ita in america will tie bo two dollar and aej fifty in important redaction to ito patrons tho arnst fred rick Mirio tk of the ho now news letter lor for li beling GT wad dismissed today I 1 1 tic ll 11 docy active attivo I 1 not 10 lo Is adt aulta alie till fill arrive amre thu bottlers of hot bot hiering I 1 lloy alley fear a upon them Indi issis wilts have beeco friendly lire ro wide nd 1 I ro reported to bavo joined captain jicka ban 1 basita barbara 25 statis Is fg aclo graded northward to keep paco with tho the man flow and substantial buildings build loB going goin up tip on all indess aides good progress la Is being mulo made in III the v work ork of bru blog pure mountain watce into the town weather clear aud and baem coruto 25 TIAO lla ago of OZZIO adaina er md and 1 anon by wis air a I 1 upon which were w ere bere ted a kt t colfax cocita de by efio police couet tuis this morning it was vw a mth real morrell at union hearing lioznoff that a war bad ln out lim for condal buil nesi on oa him solf olf this abu morning 11 clr to cue case and that of ilia i prop proprietor rictor of the record and agent of WON 1 cargol L co act it a 0 taken |