Show OGDEN department T want the maps it vias as latcu yesterday on oil rood authority thai during the past week it chete three ee parties part log representatives of 0 one or 0 moro more r nii 1 stern lern ra railway likay corporation in ogden endeavoring to arrange for allo a purchase a of oc tile the maps plans swivels snivels sni vels S etc to made some pomo years age on behalf of bonald mclean for a ramsay route into benen it waa as stated tant lot these were nere being negotiated for or I ly y portico who he represented that they desired to tile the loute already reily nl marveled lor foe the pur purpose robit ot of connecting with it t vest ot of fort camper using that route us as tho the westward atward ae portion of 0 it IL line from fort campor into ogden no at ar rin gement has been made set it this ihli SLat statement ernnt la Is correct then it would seem to Indle indicate itin that there ll ii more than talk behind tho the reported extension westward I 1 irom ram rort 10 ogden unit and plant scene to be els a seeming such shape as to make it reasonably abir certain that within the next yeav to t v a ork of 0 trad track lacing on a new road into aill bo be in progress A close baseball base ball game there was waa a sooil good crowd at tile the ball ir bamia am yesterday afternoon tito park city el aggregation lie in thele new lineup line up prove d to a much stronger titan tho the team irani that was aas such oil an easy mark for tile ogden meet a tow rely ecka ago affo ibe same game oam nai an exhibition ot or hard biting errors ami poor head work with cicora birom and very row few brilliant plays Bd bsmith mIth ahn new from cult for correla rela went into the V ax for tit thi tied and for or telex innings Inn lm johiner in fit life haidt mt kind of nr luck lie ila lilt tho the first man that emed him aavo tile a L baso base 1 un I civils find arid then L tan ano tells alti not alnar in pill balk CRY ity four lures luni for tl the first kunfe lun fe ile rood good bull ball after that tint but through poor judgment ind net N mild I 1 id ne iho poor e lit at ano caid of tilt ilia foul rodith ill inaina phoeb cluin timm runs tor for 1113 11 to three for iho hn home team tunit 7 tit alio title ald turi wel went out nt fit bled and ind arid reed alov out to right slid and center A lilt hit by br casey lm im 1 leiis three ali ati bagger tuo bamo bit a base ott on bulan for si unit and Il unit and a lilt hit br by mcgregor brought in he tour four allies in ito alii sixth it sooren for paek city but arit after that thai noun oa if f the ill tiel tor tors enere able ablo to ibach home 1 was put it in to p poldi I 1 ell but lio ila lurd failed 1 lo 10 0 provo U ee klith aas aa lie star beetter five omen ilan at hit bat with four our rata s 6 lilt like two cue of u three ivas hla his record thi ali 3 gaint was vas plow and tile team weak on oil bum both tide idea was poor r 1 iho l b 0 lemon play piny today 8 vr blui vava vaV Ua 9 natora jor it la in tile be box foe or adeil fean tile the scare by innings wis as follows ol lows i 2 3 4 r 6 7 S 3 9 park cuy city 4 a 3 8 3 0 I 1 0 P 0 0 12 13 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 4 3 2 C G 0 I 1 11 I 1 TF T F t park earlc city 6 ogden 32 1 lilt hn 1 dk v 13 ogdon 31 1 bases ou on balls balli itly kin kr ough 4 ott oil Ilu gheY 4 olt 4 struck out by Rim kimbrough brough 4 by 7 based balls aban lieu on Z I 1 Z henry 1 brevities Brevi ties J T t lehoul up ill to pocatello catollo po yel ernay 1 Y on at fishing trip tito T tied nd cross crosa society will nill meet will I 1 mrs mra driler toni toiuo now orlow ove tiling J U G rt of new abalon Sli aion ta ia 13 if in ogden lo up till business a kllc a t anent lust lu I alst st ii a farroll farot toll ea waa q 1 liall I eld it in aimy burr bur aks s in honor wa of capt kerkwood that thai so BO many people fire ro camping in t tho 0 hills tho the attendance ot at tho the ball yesterday wj as large tho the teachers rn of this th city rort meet t till alila morn ing at tile tho high school building to tatia take IV Prop action on the iho death of 0 ivor ITO 1 ja D honji tit alio legains of prof lali bowl will kiil urilio train honlon tills thin afternoon over lien iho unto pacific A rate 0 of 1 1611 l B tor for the 1 no round trip has haa hwn beere made to theme ahorio le string to tho to sit salt letko lako city tuesday lor for the interment there will be ba ho be lock link of amusements today in weber county nearly every pre elace liet or lit in conjunction with nomo home other ia team 11 for fm a celebration willie i in n ondon ogden there to IH the iho celebration tn in I cestar park the ihn ball game bamo and races lit ILL tho the Dri parl park the iho ball in the lh pu nelion at tho the in ogden canyon an Ox ettIen to tile iho ilat hot springs ana ind numerous dances lit in tho the old familiar hurt bun wrappers and landscape upon each bottlo bottle ot of ponds extract lii tract are almost ua as glood for sorce bore eyes or rather the sight of 0 them is 18 as tile healing qualities at 0 the contents contenta |