Show CHAT IS MIT ALGER se secretary detary S say adf so therefore it must be so GIVES AWAY A SECRET it was his dertilis brain that conceived ui th plan ot of Transport lug th a 81 Spann ids taken Pris Prison onci cis ain in cuba baik to spalt spall he says so its cost to the government wai H a is soon to vacate office hence ile HB birrows 1 a I few bouquets at himself july 23 secretary atzer alzer has always felt a pardonable tlde in t ht success with ni till which m bleh tile war ue de met tile the tremendous problem thrust upon it by the necessity I 1 valli ill I 1 alb it was suddenly Bud denly confronted dui du ing ine tile the war spain of suddenly dici disposing osIng of thousands of spanish pals owls onra captured in santiago province tie history of t that hat time has not been illy told and it rem remained alred tor for ere gitry ry alger today to supply the need ty by the following bit bil of oon on the night of 0 july 4 the ries pies ident asked me what in iny judgment me should do with tho the spanish arlbon ere ot of santiago atter after their catul capture ore tho the matter had received very much thought front from the president and my relf pelf but no definite conclusion had been reached I 1 then suggested to the president that galveston tex would be in the best place in the united states in my judgment where we could send bend them that it was away amay biorn the coast coart line it a good gaibor that there would be plenty of room tor for camping them and that its climate would b be as 03 nearly similar to that of santiago as we could probably select this seemed to 10 triet tri et his approval as it was only a question ot of time 0 of course when their capture would mould be effected WAS AN inspiration bation 1 I went 0 to o my homo home as nearly as I 1 can remember about in the morning and being too tired to sleep I 1 lay awake anake tor for amblie but finally dozed off I 1 awoke at dal daybreak break and my first thought mas concerning the spanish pilson ers and tile the new flow idea came into mv head why not bend sell them laick buck to maln this thin thought so ao deeply impressed me that I 1 formulated my plan and on oil the X lie morning 0 of july luth loth instead ot of irking to thi the department direct I 1 vent to tile hie white half house and laid the lie new liew plan before tile the president saying baying that it would bo be an unprecedented procedure and a most moat gracious ac act j that to transport the prison ri to a galveston would neild 11 N bo halt half the distance that we should mould have to clothe cl otlie shelter guard and feed them there and no doubt havo T ro 0 s ship hip them back to in ill the ills end cn I 1 also stated that I 1 believed that thai it bould be a great inducement to LIM spaniards to lo surrender pur render which bleh t gen ell shatter afterward aft ernard erard assured me was waa tho the effect the president readily approved the pian plan and on the same day gen fien shatter shaffer ns as follows war july 10 IS gen gell shatter plain pla AL dot del bate santiago cuba hould tho the spaniards spaniard sur surrender rendor unconditionally ti tio ono nally IV and wah to lo return to ID spain they hey mill bo be font back direct at t ill alic a ex pease of abo states gafos goern government ent n R A ALGER secretary of 0 war upon n rec elvins this on oil the bilth of f july lily gen shatter shaffer sent the ollow lne communication to the abc commander ln in chief ot of tile spanish forces of ct fifth army Cor corps taff ramp near santiago do cuba cobal july 1 11 1 PS ir with lh aed I fare forced which biano COTTO to nuh anet tile tho fact t hat I 1 hale haic your lour line of retreat 0 o in tny my handy hands ill the 6 fetn seems frit ling that I 1 should again guinand of oc i our exec alney th r of OC santiago rian HiiRO ad d of your firm I 1 ant authorized zed to state that your elc excellency 1 1 ncy so fco desire deif lre the government ot of 11 ile united states mill transport taft th entire rodmand of our excellency to smajo I 1 hao bao the benor to li nery mry i bour our obedient neri Int WILLIA 51 n R major commanding SPANISH OFFICER REPLIES Sa Pant milago loo tie d cuba july 11 IM sir fj T hilno iho erie honor to adelo your our escol ancy 1 ic y that on our communication or of lida III alto to la in and lit in iehl it ily desinal to lo onforio last chich I 1 sold raid in roy ray forner communication also alao to advise you oil that hat 7 have commard communicated our to the ho gendral ln in chica itella in 11 mai I 1 am sour our fr ia van JOSE ln in chelf fourth corp cor pi and A d 76 military 1111 tarY governor of 0 santiaga jeo CARRYING OUT PLEDGES immediately upon tile the surrender aur rendor ft epo were taken to lo carry out tile hie nades led go 8 of 0 the united states state L covern orn treat mt nt to ship the spaniards home tile tho quarterma quartermasters department immell illy for bids to fro transport n hort the prisoners t spain aith the r result that eight of 0 the oc ocean an com companies parries bub submitted filed it a combined bid which was wa for till and for rn on idled me men 55 por per capita steamer ste to fco dispatched dIsPatch od bican santiago do de cuha cuba within forty it hours ours 0 I 1 reported ir irrl rival val ordema or demir rAire to ill be paid at ill iff rate of 0 CO con cents to per dupla por duy day line ame d demur raKo to be paid if steamier g I 1 deta detained I 1 lied nt at place of 0 debarkation by or of other cause WHAT IT COST the th t panah trans con com pays bid was 55 per capita c for biff ra slid and 20 for or eldist enlisted d men nith na n demurrage demur raBe the spanish company offer waa mas accepted accept eil the rations for the nl ners wele inspected A by it a united S states late 8 Goern go eminent moat official and tills athla government paid for tie he ia tion at 0 all the prisoners tile iho same number carried by if th other eoin li atiles under their bid would have cost the government here as saved to the united stasea and probably as much more lit in demurrage demur rape complimented IOK I OK PLAN some days after t his contract wo wai a warded the president Pr adent sold ald to in me ni a as I 1 0 ent ercil the lie cabinet loom foam mr detary 1 Y would you like to hear fear ome ir aln n r favorable to you print printed d in the no cw w york times Ti and went ce on it t to read the editorial comment coin complimentary III I 1 to the man mail mho mind originated fillian tack plan of irons arting tile the baek to spain |