Show TITHING TALK AT PROVO PRO VO president snow makes an appeal to saints id MAY AY LOSE LORDS FAVOR I 1 the president of tile the church tells those in attendance at the utah stake conference that if members s of the church longer neg neglect elect lect to ray pay they will suffer divine displeasure he refers to penalties visited on mormons cormons in the rest other officials talk in same sam vein correspondence Correspond enco tribune provo july 23 there was a large attendance at the stake conference today jhc thc ali special theme was tithing president snow sold mild that he and his brethren had come on oat a special mission glon to ulah stake to talk on that subject it would be the last time that he would come c om e he be promised the people to talk solely on the law of tithing the latter day saints were established by the lord as EL a colony in jackson mo and were given the special I 1 law 1 atil of at all that they pos sealed should be a dedicated to the lord I 1 it if they observed this law the promise was made that they should be protected against their enemies tile the law of was not observed and the latter day saints suffered tile the penalty of mob dobbings bings and per losing their homes holnes still and pos se islona tit in that promised land instead at 0 the law of consecration tile hie latter day saints were given the lesser law of tithing it meant that upon entering enier lne the church they should give all their surplus property to the organization and a tenth ever after it if the saints observe chii law jaw they aro are certain blessings of ty which can come in no other way now I 1 tell you in the name of the lold loid god of israel paid tile the venerable president in conclusion that tho the time has come when hen you can no longer neglect that law and continue conil nuo in tho the favor of the lord other speak Epe alfis pis followed on the law lair of tithing dishop preston rave gave instances of gods blan sIngs attending the 1 lithe filhe payers president joseph F I 1 smith talked on the importance of knowing the law and then living it ft that the judgments of god may be avoided W V IS dougall testified stifled le that nit all fald aali was by y revelation apostle Teas dHe ciale said that god gave enve its his children everth ever thins lug anil and jt it should he be an vas rasy ra sy y thing to give him back a tenth 3 ide le it kil 4 1 know now son of r r e s ident snow added added ills its testimony t that h i t the word of god had been riven given lit in regard it to tithing president george Q cannon n 0 n impressed it ic upon tile the people 1 to pay tithing and avoid the penalty of winn non observance of of this principle and athalle Apo ATo alle sll F r st at Ls ll mart man related practical illustrations of the blessings following tile the observance of 0 tithing tho the meeting in fit th the I 1 afternoon f r an was began at I 1 ocl tk bad and C continued until unlit 3 45 A nothing was talked of but tithing RETURNED missionaries they tell of f their work for the mormon church ve he recently returned return rd from holds fields of labor lu ili tile the united states and europe related their experiences at al days tabernacle services those who spoke at yesterdays ber alces ilces were francis wh who 0 big hdm filled a mission in germany ge george orge 11 crow tit in pennsylvania john S edword edward lit in LA cutland lester A stevenson in florida and byron JL A went weal in california sir mr edward among other things ti lings said gold that in 1852 in tile the city of glasgow there were WW 1600 members of the mormon hurch church while now there are but 20 counselor joseph 11 taylor feared that visitors might gain an erroneous enone ous jux pies Ples Blon from this statement so assured them that many who were mem bole beis of the glasgow branch had come to this thia valley where their descendants now reside while many hail had died in scotland strone gin in tho the faith there are now stormon missionaries in the eastern states mission and forty in florida bishop george it tailor offered prayer at the opening of the services yesterday and joseph 11 tailor pronounced the benediction |