Show capi IS 0 tj I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 look in clay nit county ticky now a Alarm ioV one BIG BAT BATTLE EXPECTED one almost certain to occur at manchester today BOTH FACTIONS ARE READY philpot crowd have fifty two armed horsemen and A large number of footmen morris orif an faction also have a largo large force both will march into the Xen kentucky tucky town we this morning to attend court it is hard to understand how conflict can be ba avoided many non combatants save have left their homes and abandoned their crops in london too tho the insecurity is felt to such an extent that some romilien ro Fa milies milles tire are leaving Lond london can ky ICY july 23 tile gravity ot of abe situation at manchester ky and generally throughout clay county cannot be avei estl matel it la Is felt profoundly lou nally here twenty six miles away many non combatants have left their homes abandoning their jhc thc lr crops and as many others as ad can call will leave soon even hero here in london the insecurity Is felt to such an extent that some come families are leaving an ali outbreak Is expected tomorrow the day set bet for the e t trials ot of the philp eta accused of 0 killing aaron morris and ethels both bartles are must eting armed forces for marching into lanchester lank hester tomorrow morning the have fifty two armed horsemen and no one knows liow low many footmen thy the morris and griffin factions also alao have 9 a laige foice the pity the latter in includes ludes the white howard baitlon al on the other hand band the morris faction say that the th bakers have mado made common call cause se walh tit the Phil both sides rides will march fully 0 armed into manchester Manc hebler aril at 9 in t the I 1 ie morning to attend the trial it Is stated that deputy sheriff davis da vis chadwell of the white howard faction lies has openly espoused cepo used the causo cause of the atif fichs it Is hard for the people to conceive how bow under these circumstances it a conflict can call be avoided tomorrow chinese convict dies in ila prison stillwater menn july 23 21 har ham wins ing sins sing a chinese convict at jhc thc state prison died today of typhoid fever lie ile was receded at tile the prison eight years ago affo from froin Mooil lead alinn in company alth hani ham hong another chinaman to serve twenty live pars tor for murder in the hie second degree they killed kil ledL A chinaman and it was generally ene rally understood under tood that they were members of 0 11 Call california High binders association |