Show moving mocrioc pictures r every aery r lits altair free As urual flee stage train from fort douglas to Wag eners groa groe e every sunday front from 12 to 9 p tn in al fal F we V IF show you A trial ot of three crown ralpl baling ig row pow der aa will ill you how exe client an all t rial lacle CIS it in 1 it li Is nido made of 0 purest anaa nio at ar alil put together on a VITY tiati tory lory formula kod find sold gold at al a prie pric ser before mode made for it first nr elahi arlI article elt it cloua kiwis your baking a n lightness and if YOU try it you will be surprised at so BO much excellence belne being contained in a can of this t powder for sale and by all g agn cers cera itt at per ib fal T LETT BROS CO fridays friday saturday july 2829 29 ath S between main estate ats campbell bros creat shows shower circus menagerie museum ai p free grand balloon ascension and terri terrible blo tollo mile jump from rom the clouis nt at I 1 k tj ls plot W billao Wi llao worth leming colln milt to fr tr 0 of 0 rehl obern ELB grand free isreel parde it it 11 a ni in wonderful V ond erful Outi ild vr dally daily on oil thi shaw T a iruin dill dili 11 t unil p to doors doom open I 1 antin erlb i i admission 1 u to J arf a csc at ima TUESDAY MORNING JULY at 8 sharp starts the second week of our 3 REGULAR SUMMER CASH CLEARING SALE every article in our house has been blau slaughtered no reserves go 50 with us every piece of merchandise bier chandise in our mammoth establishment has come under the knife STORE CLOSED MONDAY JULY ishii toilet articles SO 50 per cent oil oft SO per cent off linen department shaving worth clearing price entire stock included in this sale each n dr continuation sale 41 0 1 1000 3 ards check glass class toweling worth 1 ac bottle witch hazel clearing 12 rl 11 continuation sale SAC csc C e a I 1 ing arico 6 price bottle ill ib 6 yard 0 loc bottle vaseline clear cle I 1 stze size bleached dinner napkins worth price bottlo bottle 39 3 just half price gl j I 1 I 1 just half price P dozen Cle axing price d ia Q dap witch hazel toilet soap 3 cakes in bep box clearing price ftc dozen doen bleached turkish eath dath tov to bot bol 80 LADIES READYMADE READY erady MADE MABE SUITS y j 14 M CHILDRENS CLOTH DRESSES clai CIS would clearing bea price bargain each at aff r ca caldera ders tooth powder always sells at LADIES CLOTH SEPARATE CHILDRENS children S HATS KG clearing price ip y DRESS r sixtol best quality muslin ded bed BIH 0 ar CHILDRENS BONNETS GO dozen colored extra heavy th 0 LADIES SILK worth Clearl clearing ng price aff etine Toilet Soap 3 cakes in bo bolt WAISTS CAPES each ar ap BOYS N v orth ak clearing price r LADIES TEA GOWNS box I 1 go ar CHILDRENS WASH DRESSES inath Tutt Cila worth ani LADIES SPRING AND SUMMER jug pricie each 24 49 dal sars salts worth JACKETS no mail orders filled from this advertisement 1 1 H 1 1 in 30 dozen linen fringed and hem verti bottle A tyr LADIES BICYCLE SUITS OR V toed ineil edge towels worth ti biff viff cleo Cle clearing ring oring price each or farial soap all always aye jells fells at SKIRTS 7 40 NA pi lc 4 i ar j no mail orders filled from this nd ad handkerchief dept iia towels dozen north w white orth loc honeycombed clearing cotton 40 f L each ar I 1 11 art qUil qu litY talcum P ponder 0 der jt stock included in this sale Cle clearing arini arlve box 40 fluit of the loom pillow childrens colored border school hank teases L baes worth clearing i j ap dairy made toilet soap 3 cales in hot bov corsets mr kerel ien clearing price price each tcp worth bac Clearl clearing ng price afi 1 eath each 10 ly ton box ly elfre alack included I 1 in this sale n 81 84 8 1 4 oil lolled turkey red table covers colera col era so 1 I worth 11 ll clearing price lit ladles white hemstitcher hemstitched hem hern stitched handkerchiefs dozen ladles ladies white ventilating clearing lift price e each cacti J JT kid gloves summer cornets cognets Cor nets morth ft each 40 ar sale price pair it f full till size dt bedspread new num blocs 0 am chamois gloves both A white bite and natural dozen ladles ladies black and gray sateen shirt waists notions and dinall ll wares ladles embroidered price handkerchiefs clearing pull patterns e ans and price worth each ci cli fi vy 40 i worth clearing AEI the he very best made worth soc corsets woi hi tic clear arcs i sy 0 1 aaring A aring price 1 each I 1 iya ittle jing ing price pair or O r PRICES SMASHED TO ATOMS carpet tacks 1000 yards unbleached pure linen roller holler 40 dal ladles Il Alles still I 1 lits wol woi I 1 it el clearing curing pi lee ice box 10 ladles inc fine quality embroidered hand loll 1011 toweling Towe lini worth lac 70 T 3 desp tampa wid hid gloves nil all tolora colors iau clearing price each j I ottle clearing pi lit ice 19 woith suie 10 clearing price yard 99 and sizes and mild worth price each t testing enter pair az rt 0 stationery baill e Wils ls A iff 13 lack black R u bc e combs s 82 80 DOD COO yards turkey ped table damask dama sk 10 yr lav Cl flou euring ring dilce each VY each ladas linen cambric waule lioni hem borth 2 af clearing price td ipox paper and morth me ac russet shoo polish yard or 2 Allis amazon 2011 1 I IC I C hewn 1 kid G gloves loes lo es 1 teal I 1 ing ng price Vals lii worth m es bah lh 70 stitched worth 40 gap tit sizes slid and thaddis th adeis adeA worth morth tf 1 box ao 20 clearing Charl nn price each yr curling irons best grade cla 1 ing 1 price rice 60 uy at GOO COO yards unbleached german cerman linen 40 RAG clearing Icari tig price pair 1313 each 30 each t v M orth table damask worth amarii 1000 packages white envelo PCs 1 I 1 2 as clearlee Clear lne price cach m black and white e J hooks 10 0 k 9 an and 1 clearing price yard af ly 0 ali 3 teal leal kid nicholas gloves cloves all Uva clearing rig piled pi ice package io and eyes card ig 49 caloric slid and sizes woith cath Ladies Shia I 1 A borth orth 1 40 cuba bibo or of black pins pica 1 12 art department ato clearing price pair plo f f dox box raper paper and envelopes north clenti ing price each cath pil each bac h 3 40 ap cl e aling price Wal tits yorlli C 1 embroidery our mozart real kid cloven th ahr genuine hot box I 1 70 clearing price r each I 1 entire stock included lit in this sile do monarch worth w or ill jj do 00 ci nickel plated safety pins rara sock of laces faces and embroideries 0 ilu I lu lb box and paper LIV ADO all go eo at pa pair ir oc price elopes worth morth card I 1 3 embroidery silks all kinds arf included in ili tills this sale 0 ces box t hosiery C cabinet line wire hair pins 2 dozen oar so each worth front from loc low 1000 yards embroidery 47 ij i sll S ll 11 lirk paper and I 1 hair brushes Bru sheB Corch cell celli KnIt knitting tink silk nil fill iff 1 price ft alp umbrellas envelopes worth anthe stock included in thin sale 99 I 1 to lc clearing 69 0 akk cleal dealing ing price eael each 9 shades sale price spool yr sard r box jig lad ladles list fast black fine quality cotton wood back naji brushes 40 JODI steel rod black gloria silk umbrellas I 1 worth orth each 40 ap log N ac sale pi lee ice r crochet cotton ii AD natural wood sterling trim frimmet met 1000 penell tablets pair lly sewing ewing silk 1003 3 aard urd spool lit in spool Y 0 ION yards embroidery worth ag ft T handles handle worth 1 I 1 GO 2 9 idt cicerini price C cew cear ew bucl facet black black aft each only spool me ing price each La ladler ciles alno aa quality city fact black cotton ay hose worth bic salo pi lee ice i A good hair chrush 80 8 S stamped a m e it and ed doylres Doyl Doy lefi lles 1000 yards yarda embroidery worth ift 1010 ink tablets pair little alyf lu lunch in ci i C claths cloths and center pi alices les at a yard r csc Clear clearing log price steel rod black 30 twilled umbrellas Umbrella each 3 genf anlis pocket fockel LIl combs fl asri tenille terill lc slaughter elaugh ler do natural wood handles n at 01 ill ih Q L ladles ft dies fine quality tancy y C cotton 0 t ton head each iff 10 clearing price each ir cedar lead pencils worth and aco salo i at dlack diack rubber Drep dressing sIng combs worth 1000 yards SlIk oline clear f 1000 yards embroidery worth f dozen doen 20 price pair TT 9 0 iso ago clearing price yard T I 1 aae oc clearing Clear liiK price I 1 lib n pr price I 1 C ly yard ard ay aal entire stock of 0 ladles parasols Paras anti boys extra heavy block hanck ribbed bicycle each api umbrellas are arc in this sale pell holders n ig ito lloyc borth sale price nt jo japanned panned penned darning eggs marchalls marshalls Mar linen thread 70 1000 2000 yards embroidery worth j f e bac it lair r each az 30 clearing price spool 7 nbc clearing yard if H caa IV THE LACE HOUSE 1 fastest profits growing cost i or and values most not up to considered 5 daic store eief iii ia the y west article we in our bave store no reserves MUS SS A i SOUTH MAIN STREET ea |