Show CiT YAND neighborhood aramli Lar I anito republican ati mrs s john hill is in tile city doni iSalt lake she will kaend the summer here A marriage license wi was issued yesterday to lo benjamin F handley llin dley aged A and fanny allen alien aged IS 19 ot of salt lake provo enquirer Cha chairmen irmin letcher ills braced himself by out ol of the commission rooms a 1 tribune reporter when tile lie vole stood 3 2 to 2 in favor of a public tiles these star chambor acs are arc not pleasing to tho the public filter tho last laal issue of thelian the xian ti 11 IN lessenger devotes two and one halt half columns on its editorial pico page p ico to an ail autobiography of charles crino and incidentally boosting boost liiK ills I 1 candit candidacy lacy for governor at regular rates brother Bh Hh omaker will boort have a bill against crano crane which will cover tho the llast years calary of tile Go goleanor lernor millard progress tho the democrats are opening lip their hearts and their purses for tho the establishment aliment of a brass band of their own in fillmore fellmore they seem to lo bo be receiving a great deal dc nl of encouragement on an every hum tho the republican city council has appropriated a small amount for them thein and thoy they are arc el aerl en permitted to lo lure tho the county courtroom to practice in ill the temperature at S yesterday morning was as follows SAL aill lake 70 ries deg balcer city 50 dep cheyenne ba 62 tie det helena 52 les deg miles allies city C 61 1 dog de d e winnemucca za dos idaho 11 falls alls let it dag at M 10 the temperature MIS as as follows lol lowi salt lake li 72 den dea bingham 19 iwa ogden 73 ies fleg S logan 1 ogan 0 deg park city 73 deg 72 7 dog cleber city 75 do deg stockton Stock toa to 70 deg dec orden ogden press it Is reported tint that probate fudge audgo perrin penin declares that rtuh will not become a stac for man many cars it Is tile o ill fatlich fath nr 10 lo til ohp thought vu ave loon look at tile matter this way petrin Is 1 a federal hi Is like ull all the ther Peri eral boffl cell olde Is lit in sentiment zone nono 0 of thom th m deser to lose loic their itoe 1 I alons but judko is ins dic dl than tile the otila oti lp ani and bivs avs v ht pa lift awl what they all think ani an i desire nil gill there here I 1 is IE about ll 11 I 1 pro provo it seems to laic been I 1 iho evident intention or of ever since utah went republican lat last year to lay u I 1 J vt cases the like republic republicans ayls P L chood with which to defeat the final admission mission of tho the Terri territory it 11 be republican unfortunately thore Is ro EO much national Import inico attached to the coming tall fall 1 I in utah that abst being in hoijer P will ill leave no untried in endeavor H to eap cap turo tho the stale 1 should they get gel utah llah ahoy would hato haio control or ol tho the united states beales senate so ao the gamo am la is worth taking jn chances in and ana all know what chances democrats will talce lako I 1 in election frauds the boldfaced bold faced attempt to steal aleal the constitutional convention Is b belll 1 I fresh in the Inen lory ot of the public aall isyou K you talk to a typical democrat about that attempted sn al today loday to lo day lie nill ft still alm ply laiq and SAY any wo came caine nearly ne nc 1 ashing it wi ITs regret if ho he has silly nuy I 1 Is s not that such bitell frauds frauda should ill state stain fair record tor for lionett elections I 1 lut but simply that denlock democrats ats dil did not ae ac com what they het out to tie do I 1 |