Show SALARIES ARE IN SUSPENSE county court fixes only two THE collectors PAY RAISED I 1 gets a thousand moro than he did last year tho the assessors ne lie mains unchanged order infirmary horses sold whittemore gets sin nn allowance of property sold for taxes I 1 thi county court tackled the salary problem yesterday afternoon but after fixing the co compensation ot of the collector and assessor for the present year left the other county ollIc erst in pilo pense until a later late date which as yet lies has not been agreed upon the salary of the collector was fixed nt fit an all advance of 1000 over the valary calary of and 1891 1894 and the hie babary of bf tile alie assessor was wa allowed to remain ut at tile the fornier former ligure figure 1 1300 per annum selectman C g gave aye as t the lie courts reason jor for allowing the collector an all of per year that tile the legislature 1 had bad cut cul down the iv revenues venues formerly derived from tax sales and that the iho Collect ormas mas now required to give metes and bounds of all property when out tile the tax notices which requires extra work the dis discount corint on oil warrants is also t ilien into consideration sell infirmary horses hereafter when the superintendent of the county infirmary desires to visit the city he will either drop droll 10 cents in ili I 1 the till ol of the rapid transit company catch a passing fat fai in m wagon walk or stay at home at least lie he will not drive up in ill a L county I 1 alg ig in view of the fact that the county court yesterday ordered the infirmary horses homes sold with ili the horses were included two farm wagons one cart two sets of double harness and one set of single harness and tile sale was ordered pursuant purs puru ant to a resolution introduced by selectman roberts roberta and adopted by a unanimous vote I 1 mr roberts says that t there Is but a small email amount of ploughing sloughing hing and hauling to be done at the infirmary and that it can be hired done tor for one fourth of I 1 the he sum required to keep the horses per year Whit temores claim goes the following communication was received from county attorney whitte more inore to the honorable county court of 0 salt lake county gentlemen 1 havo have this day presented present a clula against salt la jako J ako k 0 o county for on account of 0 compensation pensa tion as county attorney and lit in explanation thereof ther cor will say ray that I 1 have been incurring considerable emble expense in comie cllon with walh certain maters for and on behalf of 0 this county which expense for obvious reasons I 1 deslie to pay personally until sueh such time as a detailed F tnt ement of 0 abe aliese e expends can call be made this allowance allowan c e therefore IhMe fore a bompensa tion llon which Is already due will enable mo me to 10 carry out my plans very r C county attorney on motion of 0 is the communication was filed and the claim allowed sold for taxes county Stan toll reported that lip he had old bolet i to J IM scott on july 2nd and the ibe following follow liiK or of real estate for 1 each halt interest in ill alic west halt half of the east halt half ot 0 the th northwest northie st quarter of section ag boxt township iship S south lanse iange 3 west undivided one anc fourth of tile the west avest half of the east halt half or ol the northwest quarter of the th settle same section one fourth interest in the west halt ot or the east cast half of tile the northwest IlI Uit aLter cr ot of the same section the report dr Wilf fht county asician appeared before the court und and reported that bis big cottonwood can canyon on was avas in a I 1 deplorable condition from a bani sanitary tary point of 0 view especially at the ill mouth stanton was directed to communicate with the responsible parties with reference to the matter mary mars W roberts petitioned for relief relict from a tax sale eale to county attorney the following claims were referred to the county attorney for the reason that they accrued after the debt limit had been reached utah stove hardware company ir dinwoodey furniture company compan Y sliver silver Dr brothers others mccornick company assignor assign od clatin claim of 0 the salt lako city i onyx n company pany johnson electric service company 1 I za heine safety boller boiler company 1 L C trent 1210 the application vf of james richards of 0 bingham for a liquor license was granted and bond approved county attorney whittemore called the attention of the ilia court to tile the sale of nf lot 34 block 3 1 II eatha subdivision I 1 of mock block 3 plat ilat C to rachacl acl reed for taxes mr whittemore said that the property was owned by K L S J reeves who claimed to have paid thi the tax for which the property was sold to tho the county and on th clerk cleric was i directed to withhold tile the deed to mrs lira reed pending an all investigation of 0 tha I 1 BI alter claims werl were allowed as follows compensation I 1 7 w expense 3 40 criminal expense prison ww 1021 1 joint join building roads 1 I ll altot tOT total 21 adjourned until monday |