Show TIGHT mw FOB 09 CRUSH I 1 had to undress to escape from jail I 1 SALLIE DAVIS HELPED HIM pulled hun him through the grub tunnel of the city laitila when the cook was va out of the tha kitchen left his shoes in his hia hurry to got get away liday has groshell arrested for assault ilomin to recapture Si Smoot li crosby on oil thursday tile the police dopart department part ment kept very cry quiet about the escape escale 5 from jail oc oc twit ri tint individual during darlne tile day of oc the glorious Klor fourth the prisoners prison cra were allowed to indulge a much needed bath there being no hot lot water in the jail bathroom the prisoners were allowed to come down into the dining room arid and carry hot bot water from there when it came Cros bya bys turn to battle bathe he found that there was a square hole loading leading through the adobe wall that hint divides the kitchen from the din ing room through which tile the tood food Is passed duling meal time the cook was absent from the kitchen whon when chosby ci osby entered the dining room tor for hot water ile he peered through the aperture and saw no one lit in the kitchen but old sallie davis who helps around abound the kitchen while serving sentences for drunkenness crosby who had been sentenced to ninety days for or trespass on the 0 of june linew knew sallie davis and informed her that with tier help he could escape through the hole ln in the wall sallie who was in her cups arid and was teady ready ifor any kind of excitement readily acquiesced lit in crosby Cros bys suggestion crosby disrobed dis robed and exhaled all the air possible po elble from within ills his body and started ills his head and arms through the aperture it was a mighty tight squeeze but sallly halll grabbed his arms and pulled as only such a giantess could after working and wriggling for some time 11 as mrs davis said crosby was illi ally pinched through ile he then hurriedly dresek sed all but bul ills shoes and escaped to an outhouse before the cook returned who was not informed however of the escape when she came back by mis ilis davis yesterday afternoon sallie confessed to jailer kimball that she ahe helped crosby escape nothing has been heard of crosby since ills his escape |