Show set his il kind ind et a rest A dilapidated specimen of manhood who was waa leaning against a telegraph pole in the neighborhood or of tho the stock yards yesterday morning with ills his ey eyes tightly shut called out to the man mail whose footsteps lie he heard a api caching say well paid aid the other have you got a itil minute nute or two to spare pare fc 1 I 1 reckon would you mind just looking inside ill tho e fence right where that hoards boards broken oft off and telling nio me it if you see hoc anything on oil the ground no ob objection lection at all sir I 1 see two dead rats anything peculiar about thom them nothing Koth lna except that they are who whoppers P they are two of 0 the ilia biggest rats I 1 ever taw eav anything else near ilear them no yes theres a queer lucer looking snake Is it alive its all dead but its tall That still wiggles bif I Is it a green snake that looks as it if it had swallowed a baseball yes got a queer looking stripe down its bael back 1 ay yes 11 then its all right rejoined the dilapidated citizen straightening straight ening himself up opening his eyes and walking on you have done me a great kindness mister iwas afraid id got lom cm again chicago chlcagno tribune |