Show 8 4 DAILY HINIS FOR housekeepers HOUSEKEEP RS S sunday july ath i g life Is but a means unto an end that co I 1 S end ap S beginning mean anti end to nil all ad g things bod ad ft Brow browned lINI graham harn S mush A LUIl jutter butter toast baked eggs Q i berri graham wafers wafer coffee 2 1 DINNER Bee sLeak pudding po Q J athea summer squash string i beans lettuce and salad sala 1 go gooseberry jelly white dread Straw bony tee ice cream 6 0 LUNCH I 1 bread 1 eat and butter cake stewed berries 8 cocoi cocoa 9 I 1 rome homo in one form and another Is iq 9 0 tho the great object of life it stands it fit I 1 the end ot of every even days libor and beckons i us its to its bosom and life v would be cheerless awl and meaningless ad 2 did wo we pol biot discern alro across the river 0 that ht divides livid it t from the life bayoud lie yond 2 X gips e of e the hc pleasant it roa mansion prepared f for r us J G Il olland IIo llanil 7 T tt ach children that it Is useless us eles to expect immediate ame mme d I 1 ate results that they must do right whether it pays or not lp f that honesty la Is the correct principle f monday july esth whatever things be encee ecat or fall fair love lov makes them so a I 1 f alive alice carey g 1 BREAKFAST pearl hominy 0 T breakfast B real a bacon graham muffins ills lettuce ts fruit it crackers Ba bananas nanasI x i co coffee DINNER tomato soup crackers 6 0 f corned beet beef currant jell jella 1 had in d 0 g ashes peas white and yara graham h a m ato w 0 O bread chocolate pudding 1 homine Fril frijters Pr lers COM col 1 a mt M meat ea t raspberry asp berry jam broad bread and 0 butter roll jolly cake tea 1 I 1 CHOCOLATE PUDDING v 9 ro S heat one quart ot of mii mi grato crato one S a a and one half ounces chocolate mi mix 0 S 6 with a little cold milk stir boiled S A milk M ilk and chocolate together cool 3 5 V stir in the beaten yolks 0 of six e ga A flavor with vanilla to tat taste 5 g cingue halce bake until like custard cu ilard take slake mera ingao of egg whites with six tea S A spoonfuls sugar bron n a ft 0 1 mon manint int serab bold 0 i copyright I 1 1833 40 0 A reliable practical cookbook cook book boyk Is a boon to how L 4 send for a fileo copy cop to pi ice baking powder company Cum pany chicago I 1 yellow tellow arid and white corn meal may differ but either makes delicious gems when combined with dr prices baking powder I 1 utah title till insurance trust co I 1 main street pays 5 per cent inter ent c bt J E dooly president W S sic nic comick vice president aleid nt A L thomas secretary abstracts or of title furnished money to loan genter center AN attractor tractor maln si an oldest records in utah joness bank abstracts from original records IV bbott crisman calamon Cr lamon county recorder to joan C 0 per cent on business 7 per cent on residence property no delay conway y donnellan ag commercial block BEACH TRAINS TIt AINS from jan jail 31 lelesch trains train will run ze 11 yolly leave aarle leave arrive salt bait lake garfield Garfit ld salt lake 0 75 a ro ra a hi 1220 p in p ro rn 1000 2000 am 1040 1041 a in p m pm 1 pm p m jl aw p V m n 4 41 40 p m I 1 y p m a p a 1130 p rn p rn VM p ill 71 p m bau 1 in p ari I 1 i dally daily except sunday by Ol orchestra chetra or every af a ter neton and evening depot corner carrier ai south bouth and ath west rare fare SO cents city ticket pl slain main street D IS BURLEY 1 I cell AKI pass dept the worlds byoir test i I 1 showed no bacini so EO pure or crt cr t in ir rower as the did I 1 ion ou liin in I 1 going back stion vandalla pennsyl vanla linen linea run through inh forty counties in that state slate and bost route from 1 kt at loula frequent Fr dally daily trains first class service all tile the biln capal cities and towns in indiana are reached hy by there jhc thc se lines all perE persons ons who wish to travel comfortably and elpe should take lake this loute brunner chestnut street st louki louis will furnish time of trains and other other I 1 informal formation lo 10 almit able in effect july 0 18 iros leave salt lake arrive salt sali lako laki 1015 a in 1180 p in oas p rn ia 4 0 p m 34 W p in fit gul it in n S p iti in sa 8 il p m p m 1043 1045 p ni rare fare tor for the round trip till 60 cents trains leave fram rio alu diando Giai itlo west sni railway deput depot very much in tile tayo abor tile bub bubbers lers our stock of it childrens suits 11 wo jtb r 50 5 5 40 and t ati all so go at ka antl and cherries nic are pl plentiful eritt anti ami c choice send your out orders early and we can call fill them C 13 1 durst gioi raised by the royal baking powder may be eaten caten hot evi jovn il liy by dyspeptics with impunity hot bread biff biscuits ilits hot caked mut mullins lins crusta etc are made by its use perfectly hol 4 A pure ariam crimm ot of bartar taking powder brought by infinite ibor abor to lo the highest hislip st degree or of perfect perfection lon ur dr pi ices I 1 cc ibcal etoal 1 I bint men 0 of salt irue I rue everyone nver elyone yone ot of you are ar respectfully invited I 1 it va alj 0 to ineer tile tho at the Ci pitamber tamber Cli aniber ol bc Corn merce at 10 1 I morning july ath it mill be to your advantage to attend alten 1 W 1 K HUBBARD HUn BARD E U W SENIOR always kivits kIvi ys beyond com comparison parson the purity arid and strength ot OC dr glicos baking powder keep a careful eye upon the ba king powder sent you grocer to see sec that an eilor brand Is not substituted for the royal Amet leans appreciate merit prices price I 1 1 baking Powder has been prized in millions ot of homes for almost half a century t u ry it if your grocer ki ocer asks you vou to buy some other baking bakin powder in place ot of the royal it I 1 Is because the other powder yields liim him a greater profit this is very good evidence ot of the higher quality of tile the royal koyal I 1 WANTED LADY AMATEUR GOOD adu A tion volee appearance edid opportunity understudy lending actress first class company also studious oung play mall parts part N 1 lana bager grer i 1 0 box 11 city KW g TO BUY GOOD secondhand SECOND HAND TOP buggy also pole and double harness be cheap 47 vi NV I st youth south TON yellow beeswax highest t cali price paid call or address franken liuz pits southeast cor main and id south salt lake city 01 N X FO on ta v IF I F atit P nishon room ss 11 ath south kiu sanam aci T CLEANING WHITE k 11 morris orri 1 iv ninth south telephone 11 T 0 box ma A FIRST finst CLASS COW jersey 48 tribune WATCH Z C M 1 I WINDOWS 0 ON X saturday for M 1 I A prizes gal 6 11 al HOUSE iToU Sr NICELY furnished nicely located on east cast little bide apply wes restaurant F t do 70 wa 5 M PRIZES GIVEN AWAY BY Y st r find and Y L M W I 1 A at saltair on july BUYERS buyens FOR A FEW CJ fOlCE it HL u blurb prients on oil united states lands 4 hours wagon ride irom from this city ties liest lands in utah free from alkali an fn ng na worth 2 5 W can be bd secured for aioo 1 00 if C ak aien under homestead ael act c G brown 77 T S land I 1 locator 11 43 culmer block SA liko lake l iko f 3 7 OR E 8 alos hoi si WITH MOD rn conveniences corid to location cation addi address amt 21 M 32 tribune f essl TO FOR so DD DAYS A ur up Is with aloit of cart address SHI tat ing best terms M 4 tri iu no fsr PARTIES ion FOR I naoia and board 47 S lt west A ONLY voit FOR irl II M AND AIND EGGS at coneo Jott joon ll 16 ma south state street LADIES GENTS al CHILDRENS castoff cast off clothing and aad all kinds of 0 second necona liand band rood goods bought and sold by mrs B 1 S page so state st at PAID FOR GENTS cast oft clothes fiend end poll I 1 ca caret alt and will call I 1 incer r t Z ca 1 K n so rooms PAPERED ai 5 PAINTING and and 13 W tern TO RENT nent IX IN THIS CITY OR OK suburbs about july 2nd and a nicely furnished 4 or li 6 room houe ith or garden plot tor for fa ally of 0 three ini urt be in good loca location ion good levant kd dreos with elih full part I 1 I 1 colars J I 1 L to boy c 14 idaho falls fain ldla ida ODORLESS SANITARY CO ha V MAIN st TO podia grease treace trapa aps and n vaults cleaned and r illy dul disinfected dis infected IP IF YOU WANT n TO TRADE OR KENT farms 0 or city property pro pirty come coma to me morlan moran an block A G bast HOUS 4 MODS AT ONCE viry high pi ice amid this week 1 I X L 1 secondhand second hand store ai S li 11 and 2nd south street P A telephone I 1 CZ ALL THE difant GOODS IN salt lake city wo havethe largest cs a in our line ot of chlea chicago 11 webber oa 07 M ar ZIL til state stale acl n i pobe TO KNOW THAT kecy 2 1 mein 11 sha sells s ha tile at ice cream 1 I 1 ft nr 1 7 f kwa iwanter HELP PETTY EMPLOY me amt n I 1 agency e n 0 N X ki ran east t ard 3rd rd bouth out 1 l r between main st and holce knutsford Knut aford eford cc hours 7 a n m to W p m our telephone no a lj la CA IR iroles lles department would you like to have ave awood u food situation why dont you como come to us look at this list and cook in rood good family faintly IS I 1 20 vr per month rood good short order cook white or cOlO colored redl in nice little restaurant 34 per week dora does your daughter work out send h her er to our office for tile alco D family c buto in ro no r o wash sno per week dos doe II 11 3 our sister work out dont have her going from pillar to pot post but come to our nice offices and pet get a situation N vi 0 omun oman to 0 o do washing and ironing ironine two days out of 0 each week st U per day tell your lady s out 0 work ork about our of nee lice A pool good girl to work in bakery must know something of cooking room at home wo sent mt out a goodly number ot of yesterday second girl in g cool oo 00 1 country faintly dishwasher for hotel do you live in tho the country arid want work rk lit in tile ali city avate us Wal trem tor no ipa laurant 4 per week chambermaid if you live in the country and want work write orllo to tie u can got get you housework any dar mens tallor tailor dishwasher tor for country ts etc man hotel baker abl man inan to chore dishwasher per week would like for good I 1 hotel help wherever they are to read I 1 wa hb a and ld correspond with us women in country who vile want work lit in city arl writs aft can give you housework or cooking any day bet ty experienced GIRLS ON COLLAR and in d cult cuff machine body ironer ajai I 1 neckband ironer empire steam lau laundry nd ry MAN COOK WANTED XZ AT 67 7 WEST first south GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE HOUSEWORK 2nd and south GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK last east brigham GOOD GIRL FOR I OR GENERAL ia work brigham street isa 47 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK apply za 23 south eleventh east GIRL WANTED AT 40 FIRST street references mornings f 1303 W WANT WANTED ED N BY AN experienced HOTEL MAN german ns as manager blerk or barkeeper references given address addres SI 43 une FOR RENT 7 roola ROO M BRICK WITH BATH CLOSE in conway donnellan 26 6 commercial black block MODERN ROOM S HOUSE CLOSE IN KI 20 harris allson IS 15 W 2nd and so R LARGE STORE ON MAIN ST ft and basement feet NY J halloran 10 1 main g X ROOMS WITH BOARD S SOUTH W temple tc mple tourists entertained fal ta 15 3 ROOM GROOM G C HOUSE BATH HOT AND cold cola water 61 so Is west fim NEW SIX sax ROOM HOUSE AND TEN acres four mile from cita rent K per month M E B callahan dooly block ONE AND QUARTER BLOCKS FROM coop co op house seven rooms kitchen pantry closet cool shady net neighborhood libo in home fire office 7 ROOM MODERN DEPUT HOUSE W J halloran main maill fleet f ITO jes S ELECTRIC LIGHT h hot t and cold water ater bath and closet gool ool location location apply metropolitan hotel hi SO eth R E PARK TERRACE see janitor MO E B ezrd south UNE 8 roost HOUSE completely modern west ard 3rd south 7 ROOM MODERN 14 HOUSE SO fifth fal east f 1 16 7 ROOM eirick HATH I ITC ETC TC DR DIL Bl mckenna eKenna holnes holmes block state street 1 4 ROOM BRICK CLOS IN CAR line 37 7 W waterman I 1 terman room b C central c block ROOM GROOM G MODERN iq HOUSE GOOD location Mc mccurtin Gurtin co ID 10 W 2nd and so 7 ROOM BRICK AND 10 PF n month W E B hubbard 4 13 NV 2nd and south 5 ROOM KOO M CRICK BRICK HOT hol ND S COLD water bath and closet range ranee apply 5 vest south fiz rine FINE HOUSE CLOSE IN 6 ROOMS closets baab and v windows curtained no 37 3rd ard east sa 0 per month inquire inquire next door north fa i TWO HANDSOME storerooms STORE ROOMS ONIS plate glass class fronts realty block dle glen miller lul main Maln st elong FOR RENT FURNISHED INICE nickla li FURNISHED FURN ROOMS FOR housekeeping ll 31 I south weft glou AND BOARD idt NORTH Sla lain nr goa LARUN COOL FRONT ROOMS AND board east south gt 3 NICELY NICE PLY FURNISHED D ii ROOMS oos pantry closet cheap 2 23 east esth so A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM B it south i sa COTTAGE or OF 3 ROOMS PANTRY PANT Y closet bath lawn to IV n shade ill ade 18 center st ROOMS BATH NN WITH 1711 OR OP WITHOUT haird anti and light US wet west brigham 13 LARGE FRONT ROOM CLOTHES C loset closet bath 1 tiva and shade cheap 37 S west rl flira IQ NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for 2 2 lawn and shade KG S W FURNISHED COTTAGE 2 3 3 OR rooms lit ill NY ath th south NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND kitchen for light helu housekeeping E r nd ml south tw MRS DR WILT WILL RENT lier ter house furnished to 0 o right ri artles for the summer months kelsey gillespie fi ba W south street FURNISHER ROOMS WITH DOARD BOARD south main street faig ROOMS AND BOARD NORTH main lain THE TEL ALBERT ar M 1 n S SO centrally L N loc located atod P per month and 1 upwards up warda i ds F I 1 BY br DAY icek neck or so ao main daft hilt bile IEA af suited AN AND D S SINGLE I 1 N G LE all outside rooms room karle eagle block FINE ROOMS CHEAP GROUND floor bath anth 1 R and 2nd nl south OUR FOUR 1 ROOMS NEWLY PAPERED for light housekeeping 9 willard court 3 FURNISHED ka E C 2 ard 3rd P D so st A f LA LARGE R G N PLEASANT FUR lit rooms last east 2nd and youth south easi PERSONALS k AHANS zi bast ard so room 3 telluride WILL BE ficia at A 0 O 17 11 7 hall bid bide 9 wain main st sunday b p m le cc clure tire and ind platform test by mrs airs julia M steward Stew arLl the well known tritt ico medium ot of denver r colo pleadings in lilly ily at her pal giai lors noa 6 0 7 mid and S 17 main street gaj A k condzal conDI COnD lAl AILL invitation TO lady and gentleman pent leman t ta yi it our antab at no 46 last east B ind south st bit HAIR GOODS stade MADE TO ORDER AND for or sale zu so W temple fag SHOU emoi IN THI THE city chiy Ws so west temple streit street diza SURGEON L oni o NI rooms ai jn mccornick CHAPMAN TRIPP DENTISTS koima 10 anti and IN opera house block 83 W lr rd d south street A general stock of ct dentists supplies oil 0 liand hand cs as HAVE YOL YOUR K WATCH REP IRL at Sur baughs U block educational EDUCATION A TRAGEDIA V roote can an ile bo cri during summer months for public or parlor hoin tile alto icib I 1 P anro and authors milho iii amateur productions re hearsel A fp trw tv It hillra lles and gentlemen can call receive private oratorical orcal and dramatic instruction studio W rust east and 2nd youth south st afis FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TK SIX ROOM hasse il I 1 1 11 ta acoca 41 your four crea hiis from rn city C 1 ay iy cheap C h C nw easy terms M I 1 K callahan bli deca dealy april lui g enist choicest bol 7 LOTS LOT CIOS SOLD clone in residence r es dence eu subhi dal drolson io in the ally off y now on only I 1 esoto per lot oiin 10 y to rash ash 4 alii P per er month no in enters inters st W E Z hubbard 3 NY 2nd and 2 so 0 OAKLEY A K LEY AVENUE A the finest WILL BE ti irad 3 A DIX daiv delvo 0 in the city loj feet eliji 1 I d one m mile tie long lone august aug ift M LOLs s on this avenue until n J I 1 per month ni nth W no 0 O to interest 1173 each 10 cadi cas I 1 1 1 I 1 paid aid for no taxes antt jaw c U rooer FRANK HOUSE etc 0 no O el 01 anist ath F h south nata a great nal nfl 1 if sold dt at once R E I 1 P sears 15 main it 4 fin fruit leet ON R T K 1 non |