Show DEMOCRATS OF THE FIFTEENTH speeches by mrs richards and mrs horn delegates women anil and men in about equal numbers attended tho the meeting of the democratic society tit or the 1 fifteenth ward last evening after rout routine ihn bu business sirless was vas disposed ot of those these well known political mrs richards and mrs mis ivoin made interesting speeches lies sirs mrs richards RIch aids in the couise ot of her remarks related an ail amusing anecdote conc concerning eining a Ite republican publican lister the latter in referring to the latest accession to the Cleve cleveland family took occasion to express satisfaction over the fact that the latest arrival v was as not a boy for it if it were a male child that would mean another defocy democratic abic voter here mrs richards nic hards said she called tile the lady to book sir mr cleveland was president of the entire united st states ates and as such entitled to tile the respect of 0 all the people be they democrats republicans public ans or populists lists then tile the audience laughed mrs airs horn was earnest in her ber speech and stated that she believed tile the right of suffrage to women was a gift from god if politics was such a filthy pool as represented how then could women with self respect associate with their fathers husbands brothers and sons who participated therein Offic officers erz of the society were elected na as follows president thomas F r howells vice president miss lydia de la mare second vice president ella jeremy treasurer john allen alien sr executive committee john howells Ho 0 IT backman E E 0 holding sirs mrs james TV ure sirs mrs murphy It obenia ariller ail ller 1 alss minnic gray cray elizabeth price james brown membership committee john F I 1 howells john bond lindsay lydia de la ciare illa ella jeremy when the name of sir mrs elizabeth price was first arc presented dented for a place on the executive committee the pies president Ident ot of the lie society stated slated that she was decidedly of republican tendencies and her nomination was withdrawn subsequently she elic was again nominated by a gentleman who stated that lie thought she was open to co and that a place on oil tile committee would by be favorable to her conversion following Iolli wins Is a list of the delegates elected to the convention to be held tin on saturday thomas 1 miss lydia DC la maro mare james W V vie vic G if 11 backman benjamin G 1 I fiu ui iver er colln colin nankin ankin 11 bobenia miller mille john 1 P howells Ko wells mary J holding holdin g minnie lyndsay Lind sav elton ellon john allen alien ST sr matthew willer miller alternates martha I art h a baldwin george ames amas llla efla jeremy and minnie gray the society adjourned to meet on tile the second wednesday evening in august |