Show NEED TWO legislatures republican executive committees mit tees plan FOR STATE OR TERRITORY favors nomination of 0 dual tickets for the legislature so the commonwealth will bo be provided with lawmakers in any contingency mrs wells and mrs C E allen alien made mada members of tho committee committe C I 1 the territorial republican executive committee hold held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the commit committed teo r rooms oom tito the members in attendance velo ve l chairman crane crame secretary sowers and J E dooly C E allen alien george M cannon M U SI M SIa Al aughan and ana reed need smoot A discussion of plans tor for tho the campaign was engaged gnp in and considerable work mapped out in this connect connection tion an important conclusion was reached recognizing tho the possibility that some obstacle may prevent ent the admission of 0 the state the committed commit tep decided to recommend tile election of 0 a territorial le Lesis a lalure as well as a state stale legislature legisa this fall so that it if statehood from any cause Is delayed the territory will not be without the means of enacting needed 1 gisl atlon the executive committee authorized chairman crano crane to call the full territorial committee to in this city on ju july 1 y for tile the purpose of 0 calling a state convention and transact other timely business it is the plan of 0 the committee with the approval of he Terr lorial committee to later issue calls tor for conventions for the nomination of district judges state senators ond and members of the council and 4 house bouse of the territorial legislature the county committees will lie be asked to call tile the conventions tor for ill the nomination of house mem members berli of oc the state legislature the committee voted unanimously to give tile the republican women of utah representation in its membership anil and mrs li meline 13 wells and mrs C I 1 IS allen alien were therefore added to the committee the next meeting of the committee will be held on oil tuesday july |