Show CURRENT in the arena for july anson anon J webb liim has the outline of a new philosophy 0 it t money one Y filch appears to 0 be new only in tho sense of 0 new formulas and ixil for tile essence of 0 this view new PhY aPPears to be ba the issue of 0 practically unlimited paper by the government to be a free money supply which involves involve the mechanism of a nationalized system ot of exe exchange hango and theres nothing at all now low about unit that thero there la 11 also in if this number a portrait and keich thy by It Illch lebard nril J 1 hinton of wend phillips slid and a number ot of plain discussions of matters relating to the sexes aiena Publish publishing inc company boston li oston mass ilass carbona 8 darge salt lalle tile the way ou out t Is n study by times samuelson Samue lioti ot of the problems of the day copeci ally with a view to a better belter adjusted method of oc taxation the author believes that thai many of oc the public grievances can call b ha lifted by an improved system ot of taxat n and he coico pretty near prolong it lie he would hivo have grAI taxes tile the ralo ate to in crouse arca io na its the grow until the vist vas net reve of a single person or corporation po ration would KO go chiefly to tile government thus vict net profits of 0 1000 would pay 10 in taxes net tiofil would pay ja ia tax 1000 lO OOOO not net would PAY 31 net profit would pay to 10 tile the government and KO ho on mn the idea Is to taxation on ability to pay rather than llian on oil a fixed valuation of property without regard to its productiveness n ess the idea opens up great arc it possibilities thai work out very nicely in theory tho the irving iraln company new york ork are arc the publishers hands to ll 11 latac aelic Is a spirited double page daxe illustration in harpers weekly Nrc eklY for july ath the weekly Is full of uno fine text anti and beautiful |