Show railroad Kail road notes the sugar sug ar house folks were at garfield yesterday and passed a merry holiday on the an excursion will run to I talley hallcy cache teton dear river and soda springs on july pioneer day the union pacific will put in special garfeld rates from north and south an ain additional train will be put on for or garfield Gar Beld corri com sunday it will leave hw here at p tn and returning return lnE leave the beach at 7 0 O p m mr J 11 II bennett who for so long directed thir the operations of tile the alt orande grande westerns We sterns passenger department quietly clied his grip last night lind departed decarte 1 for portland salt lake will ln liwe e a good friend should lie ho consent to locate permanently itt at portland traffic manager A S of the denver atu grande with airs ira sweeney y miss hughes rind anil 1 miss si ingalls the latter it 11 daughter of 0 ex sena tor ingalls passed the day pleasantly in salt lake they vero the guests of lr jr S 11 babcock during durl iiEr the afternoon and a drive over the city was the feature of tile the day tho the party left led on cit the th early evening train atler after a most f anin all 4 1 |