Show I 1 mining rote eotis S david keith and thomas kearns of 0 the th grat erat kins king at park city came in last night and report a steady output front from the property the bouillon beck concentrator is still waiting on water there are as ae many men breaking down ore however according to the pay roll as were there last month manager manader herrick an and sir mr wickersham of the leo will leave for tile the property tomorrow to morrow to make prepare preparations for a shipment of ore that its actual value may be determined by mill run advices advises from the comstock yesterday assured manager dusseldorf that the ore in which they have been drifting showed art an improvement with every blast the quartz shows more lead and samples received are arc quite heavily copper stained manager C E of the honorine carao came over from stockton yesterday and reports the new developments on an that famous old producer progressing very nicely the new discovery le ported in the tribune at the time ot of its occurrence Is proving up quite sat |