Show production OF MERCURY IN 1927 the production of mercury in 1927 amounted to flasks flacks of 75 pounds each compared with a production of flasks flacks in 1926 according to government figures the production was distributed as follows california flasks flacks nevada flasks flacks oregon 2082 flasks flacks washington flasks flacks and alaska arizona and texas 2455 flasks flacks comparative figures for 1926 are california flasks flacks idaho 6 flasks flacks nevada flasks flacks washington flasks flacks and alaska arizona and texas 1224 flasks flacks A large part of the production from nevada in 1926 was from secondary sources this production has been excluded from the 1927 figures so that the increase in nevadas production is actually larger than is indicated the figures given for texas and washington were collected in cooperation with the state geological surveys of these states the average price of mercury at new york for 1927 is quoted as per flask of 76 pounds equivalent to per flask of 75 pounds the average quotation for 75 pound flasks flacks for 1926 was in 1927 flasks flacks of mercury valued at were imported compared with flasks flacks valued at in 1926 of the flasks flacks imported in 1927 flasks flacks were derived from spain flasks flacks from italy 1843 flasks flacks from mexico 51 flasks flacks from netherlands and 4 flasks flacks from chile in 1926 flasks flacks came from spain flasks flacks from italy and 2719 2729 flasks flacks from other countries on december 31 1927 there were flasks flacks of mercury in bonded warehouse compared with 2277 flasks flacks at the end of 1926 |