Show all jill all all ills III III ills F kak K flotation F machine fla chine 1 L patented COMPLETE FLOTATION UNIT NO BLOWERS NO compressed AIR NO POROUS MEDIUM PULP AERATED IN A NEW AND NOVEL WAY POWER consumption 18 K W HOURS PER TON TREATED correspondence invited manufactured by southwestern engineering co inc 1221 hollingsworth los angeles calif I 1 III gill rill III 1 flawd A general MI mining nl ng supplies es 2 shipments just received enable us to take care of your iron and steel requirements black and galvanized sheets and heavy steel S sheets h e e ts up to va 2 inch also a large stock of mild steel round square and flat T 13 to 33 south main street 2 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH rm II 11 III III gill 4 1 structural sam AL STEEL STEE T STANDARD BEAMS sEAMS It ctr CHANNELS ir A N N E L S IT TEES ANGLES BARS and PLATES T we can furnish them on short notice either in stock T r lengths cut to length or fabricated designs and T estimates furnished write for price list W SALT LAKE IRON AND STEEL COMPANY T salt lake city utah west ath south rill all used machinery for sale 1 32 HP type NB fairbanks morse oil engine 1 1 8 HP olds gas engine 2 3 HP fairbanks morse gas engines 2 fairbanks morse jack of all trades 1 1 HP air cooled gas engine I 1 vezin duplicate sampler I 1 exio link motion hoisting engine with herringbone gears and post brakes 1 40 HP double drum vulcan iron works hoist without motor 1 cu ft steam driven air compressor with enclosed splash oil system steam engines various sizes from 1 to I HP ip steam boilers from 3 HP to HP pumps various sizes and types sheave wheels from 1 in to 60 in diameter pulleys in steel split cast split wood split and cast iron solid gears spur miter and bev bevel el belting shafting and boxes I head and tailing samplers built to specifications bogue supply company pelt felt wasatch 1005 3rd ard south and ath west wasatch 2448 salt lake city utah |