Show THE reorganized PIONEER special correspondence pioneer nev december 9 at an approximate depth of feet rhyolite containing quartz stringers is appearing in the bottom of the shaft of the reorganized pioneer mines company which is being sent to feet the formation is similar to that found immediately above the famous bonanza in the pioneer which yielded some of the richest gold ore ever mined in nevada drifting on the foot level has exposed milling ore of good grade including quartz assaying 25 in gold operations are being prosecuted with the aid of a five drill compressor com presser and general manager W J tobin has increased the working force and is preparing tor for a more comprehensive com laign of developments As soon as the foot point is gained extensive lateral work is to be vigorously pressed the long crosscut into the starlight mine from the foot level of the mayflower shaft is advancing rapidly and is expected to intersect the starlight vein within feet it has a present length of 1000 feet and is being driven toward the north the starlight ledge yielded at surface some of we toe richest ore ever found at shallow depth in the pioneer district and has shown consistent strength and values wherever tapped the mayflower mill is running steadily and treating 50 tons of ore daily with an excellent gold recovery operations were delayed several days because of an accident to the plant but all machinery is again running smoothly excellent ore is showing on all five levels and indications are declared to be bright for a long period of profitable production |