Show A short course in mining of eight weeks Au duration ration will be given by the university of idaho beginning january 5 1920 the course is open to practically any interested person who can read and write and who is capable of doing simple arithmetic 0 mining conditions in mexico are steadily improving according to R R wagner a director of the american smelting smelling Sm elting and refining company recently returned from the companas comp anys properties in the southern republic 0 utah copper the big bingham Bing bam utah porphyry property has declared its usual quarterly dividend of per share payable december 31 to stock of record december 12 this payment calls for a total disbursement of bringing the total payments for 1919 to and a grand total of since the company began dividend payments in 1908 george W danley secretary treasurer of the wyon wyoming ling labarge dry piney oil company operating in lincoln county wyoming has recently returned from the field where he has closed a deal for a lease on acres of patented land securing it from the mcginnis land cattle company the holdings of the cattle company are most advantageously placed witti with respect to the work that is nonbeing now being done and the deal is considered one of the largest consummated in that section since the country was opened to the oil men A substantial bonus payment was made by mr danleys darleys Dan leys company for the holdings which will pay aone a one eighth royalty as well |