Show TINTIC MILLING SHIPMENTS within the next day or two says the reporter of eureka utah a shipment of excellent bullion will leave the plant of thi the tintic gintic milling company at silver city and according to supt bupt theodore P holt the bullion should be worth close to per ton or approximately for the thirty tons which will make up the consignment owing to the fact that the ore which is now being treated at the mill is carrying less copper than heretofore shipments of bullion are not coming along quite as rapidly as usual but the bullion which the mill 13 11 producing is of somewhat higher grade reports which were submitted at the recent meeting of the companas comp anys directors show that the mill is earning considerable money each month and that the treas treasury tirY contains an exceptionally large working capital this being a necessity because it takes from sixty days to three months 9 to turn the ore into cash and the C company 1 I quite often has considerably more than tied up all of the improvement in the t which have been made at the mill past few years have years have been paid pa for out of the earnings and it can readily readi aloda alo 0 be seen that the enterprise is conling coming in a manner most pleasing to the of of the company that an imbor in holt superintendent says tant change is now being made at the plat P as s A sluicing system will be installed deas material which has been bordere ordered is livered and this will make a sub to reduction in operating costs the ta tailing lings the of 0 be sluiced out of the tanks instead present shoveling process |