Show NEVADA according to advices advises from lovelock the machinery plant and equipment of the coalition mine at seven troughs has been dismantled and shipped to mina C W wilcox will atchison and john crow of pioche having a lease on the property of the stella mining company in comet district recently received in settlement for a carload shipment of rich ore the free press of elko states that a large ore body has been discovered in the silver king mine near bullion owned by the flynn farms company of des moines iowa but being worked under lease by roberts and rupp the ore assays essays per cent lead and IS 18 ounces in silver to the ton the buckingham mining company of nevada has been organized for the operation of the buckingham group in the basin section near battle mountain A T spencer is president C F ayer is secretary and treasurer and C W burge is superintendent A new hoisting plant has been ordered and the property is to be extensively developed the beowawe silver mining company has been organized for the purpose of developing ve and operating a group of eleven claims near beowawe the company was capitalized at shares of a par value of 1 each C T hickey of new york and R L colburn of san francisco are the principal owners the company has been shipping and now has two carloads of ore to the salt lake smelters shelters sm elters the company is to be listed on the san francisco stock exchange the sunset mining company of union ville operating the old arizona mine in that famous old camp is employing three teams in hauling concentrates to the railroad at mill city the company is working a large number of men and the mine and mill are in active operation it is stated that the discovery has been made that the ores from the mine carry tungsten of commercial value and that the concentrates being shipped run about 60 per cent dungs ic sulphide besides having high gold and silver values the lode leasers leaders of the round mountain mining company produced during the month of july the production tor for august will be considerably larger as during the month of july several lots of low grade gra de ore were milled in order to provide the leasers leaders with funds for carrying on their work development work on company account has resulted in opening a new vein in the crosscut which is being driven south from the foot level of the main working shaft shaf t this vein is well in the of anything previously opened and while no drifting has been done on the vein it shows values of 45 across two feet where encountered in the crosscut |